aws / jsii-rosetta

The jsii sample code transliterator

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jsii-rosetta translates code samples contained in jsii libraries from TypeScript to supported jsii target languages. This is what enables the AWS Cloud Development Kit to deliver polyglot documentation from a single codebase!

jsii-rosetta leverages knowledge about jsii language translation conventions in order to produce translations. It only supports a limited set of TypeScript language features (which can be reliably represented in other languages).

❓ Documentation

Head over to our documentation website!

The jsii toolchain spreads out on multiple repositories:

  • aws/jsii-compiler is where the jsii compiler is maintained (except releases in the 1.x line)
  • aws/jsii-rosetta is where the jsii-rosetta sample code transliteration tool is maintained (except releases in the 1.x line)
  • aws/jsii is where the rest of the toolchain is maintained, including:
    • @jsii/spec, the package that defines the .jsii assembly specification
    • jsii-config, an interactive tool to help configure your jsii package
    • jsii-pacmak, the bindings generator for jsii packages
    • jsii-reflect, a higher-level way to process .jsii assemblies
    • The jsii runtime libraries for the supported jsii target languages
    • 1.x release lines of jsii and jsii-rosetta

⚙️ Maintenance & Support

The applicable Maintenance & Support policy can be reviewed in

The current status of jsii-rosetta releases is:

Release Status EOS Comment
5.5.x Current TBD npm
5.4.x Maintenance 2025-02-28 npm
5.3.x Maintenance 2024-10-07 npm
1.x Maintenance 2024-10-31 npm

⚙️ Contributing


🎒 Getting Started

Rosetta for example authors

This section describes what to pay attention to when writing examples that will be converted by Rosetta.

Making examples compile

The translator can translate both code that completely compiles and typechecks, as well as code that doesn't.

In case of non-compiling samples the translations will be based off of grammatical parsing only. This has the downside that we do not have the type information available to the exact thing in all instances. Specifically struct types will not be able to be inferred from object literals. Have a look at the following piece of code:

someObject.someMethod('foo', {
  bar: 3,

In non-TypeScript languages, it is important to know the type of the second argument to the method here. However, without access to the definition of someMethod(), it's impossible for Rosetta to know the type, and hence it cannot translate the example. It is therefore important to include necessary imports, variable declarations, etc, to give Rosetta enough information to figure out what's going on in this code, and the example should read like this:

import * as myLib from 'some-library';

declare const someObject: myLib.SomeClass;

someObject.someMethod('foo', {
  bar: 3,

Enforcing correct examples

By default, Rosetta will accept non-compiling examples. If you set jsiiRosetta.strict to true in your package.json, the Rosetta command will fail if any example contains an error:

/// package.json
  "jsiiRosetta": {
    "strict": true


To avoid having to repeat common setup every time, code samples can use "fixtures": a source template where the example is inserted. A fixture must contain the text /// here and typically looks like this:

const * as module from '@some/dependency';

class MyClass {
  constructor() {
    const obj = new MyObject();

    /// here

The example will be inserted at the location marked as /// here and will have access to module, obj and this. Any import statements found in the example will automatically be hoisted at the top of the fixture, where they are guaranteed to be syntactically valid.

The default file loaded as a fixture is called rosetta/default.ts-fixture in the package directory (if it exists).

Examples can request an alternative fixture by specifying a fixture parameter as part of the code block fence:

```ts fixture=some-fixture

Or opt out of using the default fixture by specifying nofixture:

```ts nofixture

To specify fixtures in an @example block, use an accompanying @exampleMetadata tag:

 * My cool class
 * @exampleMetadata fixture=with-setup
 * @example
 * new MyCoolClass();


When compiling examples, Rosetta will make sure your package itself and all of its dependencies and peerDependencies are available in the dependency closure that your examples will be compiled in.

If there are packages you want to use in an example that should not be part of your package's dependencies, declare them in jsiiRosetta.exampleDependencies in your package.json:

/// package.json
  "jsiiRosetta": {
    "exampleDependencies": {
      "@some-other/package": "^1.2.3",
      "@yet-another/package": "*",

You can also set up a directory with correct dependencies yourself, and pass --directory when running jsii-rosetta extract. We recommend using the automatic closure building mechanism and specifying exampleDependencies though.

Rosetta for package publishers

This section describes how Rosetta integrates into your build process.


Rosetta has a number of subcommands. The most important one is jsii-rosetta extract.

The jsii-rosetta extract command will take one or more jsii assemblies, extract the snippets from them, will try to compile them with respect to a given home directory, and finally store all translations in something called a "tablet".

A couple of things to note here:

  • Snippets are always read from the jsii assembly. That means if you make changes to examples in source files, you must first re-run jsii to regenerate the assembly, before re-running jsii-rosetta extract.
  • The compilation directory will be used to resolve imports. Currently, you are responsible for building a directory with the correct node_modules directories in there so that a TypeScript compilation step will find all libraries referenced in the examples. This is especially revelant if your examples include libraries that depend on the current library: it is not uncommon to write examples in library A showing how to use it in combination with library B, where B depends on A. However, since by definition B cannot be in the set of dependencies of A, you must build a directory with both B and A in it somewhere in your filesystem and run Rosetta in that directory.
  • "Extract" will compile samples in parallel. The more assemblies you give it at the same time, the more efficient of a job it will be able to do.

The extract command will write a file named .jsii.tabl.json next to every assembly, containing translations for all samples found in the assembly. You should include this file in your NPM package when you publish, so that downstream consumers of the package have access to the translations.

An example invocation of jsii-rosetta extract looks like this:

jsii-rosetta extract --directory some/dir $(find . -name .jsii)

Running in parallel

Since TypeScript compilation takes a lot of time, much time can be gained by using the CPUs in your system effectively. jsii-rosetta extract will run the compilations in parallel.

jsii-rosetta will use a number of workers equal to half the number of CPU cores, up to a maximum of 16 workers. This default maximum can be overridden by setting the JSII_ROSETTA_MAX_WORKER_COUNT environment variable.

If you get out of memory errors running too many workers, run a command like this to raise the memory allowed for your workers:

/sbin/sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2251954


Rosetta extract will translate all examples found in .jsii and write the translations to .jsii.tabl.json. From compilation to compilation, many of these examples won't have changed. Since TypeScript compilation is a fairly expensive process, we would like to avoid doing unnecessary work as much as possible.

To that end, rosetta can reuse translations from a cache, and write new translations into the same cache:

jsii-rosetta extract \
  --directory some/dir \
  --cache cache.json \
  [--trim-cache] \
  $(find . -name .jsii)

The --trim-cache flag will remove any old translations from the cache that don't exist anymore in any of the given assemblies. This prevents the cache from growing endlessly over time (an equivalent jsii-rosetta trim-cache command is available if your workflow involves running extract in multiple distinct invocations and want to retain the cache between them).


The jsii-rosetta infuse command increases the coverage of examples for classes in the assembly.

It finds classes in the assembly that don't have an example associated with them yet (as specified via the @example tag in the doc comments), but that are used in another example found elsewhere—in either a README or an example of another class—it will copy the example to all classes involved. This will make sure your handwritten examples go as far as possible.

Note that in order to do this, infuse will modify the assemblies it is given.

rosetta infuse depends on the analysis perfomed by rosetta extract, and must therefore be run after extract. It can also be run as part of extract, by passing the --infuse flag:

jsii-rosetta extract \
  --directory some/dir \
  --infuse \
  $(find . -name .jsii)

Translations and pacmak

jsii-pacmak will read translation from tablets to substitute translated examples into the generated source bindings. pacmak will automatically read individual .jsii.tabl.json files if present, and can additionally also read from a global tablet file.

When a translation for a code sample cannot be found, pacmak can be configured to do one of the following:

  • Leave the sample untranslated (default)
  • Translate the sample in-place (this will slow down generation a lot, and you will not have the fine control over the compilation environment that you would have if you were to use the extract command)
  • Fail


jsii-pacmak \
  [--rosetta-tablet=global.json] \

Data flow

The diagram below shows how data flows through the jsii tools when used together:

│           │
│  Source   ├───┐
│           │   │    ╔══════════╗    ┌────────────┐     ╔═══════════════╗    ┌──────────┐
└───────────┘   │    ║          ║    │            │     ║    rosetta    ║    │          │
                ├───▶║   jsii   ║───▶│  assembly  │────▶║    extract    ║───▶│  tablet  │
┌───────────┐   │    ║          ║    │            │     ║               ║    │          │
│           │   │    ╚══════════╝    └────────────┘     ╚═══════════════╝    └──────────┘
│  README   │───┘                           │                                      │
│           │                               │                                      │
└───────────┘                               │           ╔═══════════════╗          │
                                            │           ║    rosetta    ║          │
                                            └──────────▶║    infuse     ║◀─────────┘
                                                        ║               ║
                                            │                                       │
                                            ▼                                       ▼
                                     ┌────────────┐                           ┌──────────┐
                                     │            │                           │          │
                                     │ assembly'  │                           │ tablet'  │
                                     │            │                           │          │
                                     └────────────┘                           └──────────┘
                                            │                                       │
                                            │                                       │
                                            │                                       ▼              ┌─────────────┐
                                            │                               ╔═══════════════╗     ┌┴────────────┐│
                                            │                               ║               ║     │             ││
                                            └──────────────────────────────▶║    pacmak     ║────▶│  packages   ││
                                                                            ║               ║     │             ├┘
                                                                            ╚═══════════════╝     └─────────────┘

Advanced topics

Hiding code from samples

In order to make examples compile, boilerplate code may need to be added that detracts from the example at hand (such as variable declarations and imports).

This package supports hiding parts of the original source after translation.

To mark special locations in the source tree, we can use one of three mechanisms:

  • Use a void expression statement to mark statement locations in the AST.
  • Use the comma operator combined with a void expression to mark expression locations in the AST.
  • Use special directive comments (/// !hide, /// !show) to mark locations that span AST nodes. This is less reliable (because the source location of translated syntax sometimes will have to be estimated) but the only option if you want to mark non-contiguous nodes (such as hide part of a class declaration but show statements inside the constructor).

The void expression keyword and or the comma operator feature are little-used JavaScript features that are reliably parsed by TypeScript and do not affect the semantics of the application in which they appear (so the program executes the same with or without them).

A handy mnemonic for this feature is that you can use it to "send your code into the void".

Hiding statements

Statement hiding looks like this:

before(); // will be shown

void 0; // start hiding (the argument to 'void' doesn't matter)
middle(); // will not be shown
void 'show'; // stop hiding

after(); // will be shown again

Hiding expressions

For hiding expressions, we use comma expressions to attach a void statement to an expression value without changing the meaning of the code.


foo(1, 2, (void 1, 3));

Will render as

foo(1, 2)

Also supports a visible ellipsis:

const x = (void '...', 3);

Renders to:

x = ...

Hiding across AST nodes

Use special comment directives:

/// !hide
/// !show

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Aaron Costley
Aaron Costley

🐛 💻 🤔 👀
Abdallah Hodieb
Abdallah Hodieb

Adam Ruka
Adam Ruka

🐛 💻 🚧 👀
Adrian Dimech
Adrian Dimech

Adrian Hesketh
Adrian Hesketh

Alex Pulver
Alex Pulver

Amazon GitHub Automation
Amazon GitHub Automation

Andi Pabst
Andi Pabst

Andrew Wason
Andrew Wason

🐛 💻
Andy Slezak
Andy Slezak

Ansgar Mertens
Ansgar Mertens

🚧 💻 🐛
Anshul Guleria
Anshul Guleria

Ari Palo
Ari Palo

Armaan Tobaccowalla
Armaan Tobaccowalla

Bartłomiej Jurek
Bartłomiej Jurek

Ben Bridts
Ben Bridts

Ben Chaimberg
Ben Chaimberg

Ben Farr
Ben Farr

Ben Walters
Ben Walters

Benjamin Macher
Benjamin Macher

Benjamin Maizels
Benjamin Maizels

💻 👀
Bervianto Leo Pratama
Bervianto Leo Pratama

Bill Cauchois
Bill Cauchois

Brecht Verhoeve
Brecht Verhoeve

Breland Miley
Breland Miley


💻 🚧
Calvin Combs
Calvin Combs

💻 👀
Camilo Bermúdez
Camilo Bermúdez

Campion Fellin
Campion Fellin

Carter Van Deuren
Carter Van Deuren

Chris Garvis
Chris Garvis

Christian Moore
Christian Moore

Christophe Vico
Christophe Vico

Christopher Currie
Christopher Currie

💻 🤔
Christopher Rybicki
Christopher Rybicki

📖 🐛 💻

Cory Hall
Cory Hall

Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu
Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu


🐛 🤔
Damian Silbergleith
Damian Silbergleith

💻 🐛
Daniel Dinu
Daniel Dinu

🐛 💻
Daniel Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt

🐛 💻
Daniel Schroeder
Daniel Schroeder

🐛 💻 📖 🤔 🚧
Dave Slotnick
Dave Slotnick

David Bell
David Bell

Donald Stufft
Donald Stufft

🐛 💻 🤔 👀
Dongie Agnir
Dongie Agnir

💻 👀
Eduardo Rabelo
Eduardo Rabelo

Eduardo Sena S. Rosa
Eduardo Sena S. Rosa

Elad Ben-Israel
Elad Ben-Israel

🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀 📢
Eli Polonsky
Eli Polonsky

🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Eric Z. Beard
Eric Z. Beard

Erik Karlsson
Erik Karlsson

Eugene Kozlov
Eugene Kozlov

Fabio Gentile
Fabio Gentile

Florian Eitel
Florian Eitel

Glib Shpychka
Glib Shpychka

Graham Lea
Graham Lea

🤔 👀
Greg Lucas
Greg Lucas

Hamza Assyad
Hamza Assyad

🐛 💻 🤔 👀
Hari Pachuveetil
Hari Pachuveetil

📝 📖
Hsing-Hui Hsu
Hsing-Hui Hsu

💻 📖 🤔 👀
Ikko Ashimine
Ikko Ashimine


🐛 💻
James Kelley
James Kelley

James Mead
James Mead

James Siri
James Siri

💻 🚧
Jason Del Ponte
Jason Del Ponte

🤔 👀
Jason Fulghum
Jason Fulghum

🤔 📆 👀
Jeff Malins
Jeff Malins

Jerry Kindall
Jerry Kindall

📖 🤔
Jimmy Gaussen
Jimmy Gaussen

Johannes Weber
Johannes Weber

John Pantzlaff
John Pantzlaff

Jon Steinich
Jon Steinich

🐛 🤔 💻
Joseph Lawson
Joseph Lawson

Joseph Martin
Joseph Martin


Justin Frahm
Justin Frahm

Justin Taylor
Justin Taylor

Kaizen Conroy
Kaizen Conroy

💻 🐛
Kaizen Conroy
Kaizen Conroy

Kaushik Borra
Kaushik Borra

Kendra Neil
Kendra Neil

Khurram Jalil
Khurram Jalil

Knut O. Hellan
Knut O. Hellan

Kyle Thomson
Kyle Thomson

💻 👀
Leandro Padua
Leandro Padua

Liang Zhou
Liang Zhou

🐛 💻
Madeline Kusters
Madeline Kusters

💻 🐛
Maja S Bratseth
Maja S Bratseth

Marcos Diez
Marcos Diez

Mark Nielsen
Mark Nielsen

Matthew Bonig
Matthew Bonig

🐛 📝
Matthew Pirocchi
Matthew Pirocchi

💻 🤔 👀
Meng Xin Zhu
Meng Xin Zhu

Michael Neil
Michael Neil

Mike Lane
Mike Lane

Mitch Garnaat
Mitch Garnaat

🐛 💻 🤔 👀
Mitchell Valine
Mitchell Valine

🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Mohamad Soufan
Mohamad Soufan

Momo Kornher
Momo Kornher

Mykola Mogylenko
Mykola Mogylenko


Neta Nir
Neta Nir

💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Nick Lynch
Nick Lynch

🐛 💻 🚧 👀
Niranjan Jayakar
Niranjan Jayakar

🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Noah Litov
Noah Litov

💻 🚧 👀
Otavio Macedo
Otavio Macedo

💻 🐛
PIDZ - Bart
PIDZ - Bart

Peter Woodworth
Peter Woodworth

Petr Kacer
Petr Kacer

Petra Barus
Petra Barus

Philip Cali
Philip Cali

Quentin Loos
Quentin Loos


Richard H Boyd
Richard H Boyd

Rico Huijbers
Rico Huijbers

🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Romain Marcadier
Romain Marcadier

🐛 💻 🎨 🤔 🚧 👀 📝


Sam Fink
Sam Fink

💻 👀
Sam Goodwin
Sam Goodwin

Sebastian Korfmann
Sebastian Korfmann

🐛 💻 🤔
Sepehr Laal
Sepehr Laal

Shane Witbeck
Shane Witbeck

Shiv Lakshminarayan
Shiv Lakshminarayan

💻 🚧 👀

💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Stephen Kuenzli
Stephen Kuenzli

Takahiro Sugiura
Takahiro Sugiura

The Gitter Badger
The Gitter Badger

💻 🚧
Thomas Poignant
Thomas Poignant

Thomas Steinbach
Thomas Steinbach

Thorsten Hoeger
Thorsten Hoeger

Tim Wagner
Tim Wagner

🐛 🤔
Tobias Lidskog
Tobias Lidskog

Tom Bonner
Tom Bonner

Ty Coghlan
Ty Coghlan

Tyler van Hensbergen
Tyler van Hensbergen

Vlad Hrybok
Vlad Hrybok

Vladimir Shchur
Vladimir Shchur

Will Bender
Will Bender

Yan Zhulanow
Yan Zhulanow

Yigong Liu
Yigong Liu

🐛 🤔
Zach Bienenfeld
Zach Bienenfeld




🐛 💻



🐛 🚧









🐛 💻 📖




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

⚖️ License

jsii is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See LICENSE and NOTICE for more information.


The jsii sample code transliterator

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 95.6%Language:Java 1.4%Language:Go 1.2%Language:C# 1.1%Language:Python 0.7%Language:JavaScript 0.0%