aws-samples / s3-fast-list

Concurrently list Amazon S3 bucket

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Amazon S3 fast list

Concurrently list Amazon S3 bucket with ListObjectsV2 API.

For more information about Amazon S3 ListObjectsV2 API, please visit:

How to build

Install Rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Build binary

inside of project folder, run:

cargo build --release

you will find binary at target/release

How to use


Usage: s3-fast-list [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  list  fast list and export results
  diff  bi-dir fast list and diff results
  help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -p, --prefix <PREFIX>            prefix to start with [default: /]
  -t, --threads <THREADS>          worker threads for runtime [default: 10]
  -c, --concurrency <CONCURRENCY>  max concurrency tasks for list operation [default: 100]
  -k, --ks-file <KS_FILE>          input key space hints file [default: {region}_{bucket}_ks_hints.input]
  -f, --filter <FILTER>            object filter expresion
  -l, --log                        log to file [default: fastlist_{datetime}.log]
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

Full list of Amazon S3 buket inventory

Normally, to get a full list of objects from Amazon S3 bucket, your will have 2 options:


Amazon S3 Inventory generate the inventory on a daily or weekly basis.


Listing object programmatically with AWS SDKs or AWS CLI will underlying sequentially invoke ListObjectsV2 API until all objects are enumerated.

List "GIANT" bucket

Above methods work for most use cases.

But if you have a million+ objects bucket and you need to get full objects list job done in a very short time span, you should consider invoke ListObjectsV2 API in parallel to shorten end-to-end time cost.

As long as supplied with a pre-segmented prefix (-k ks_hints.input) input file, this tools can concurrently invoke ListObjectsV2 API to shorten overall list time to get a full list of objects inventory.

List mode

s3-fast-list list - fast list and export results

To fast list a single bucket and export all retrieved object metadata to output parquet file.

s3-fast-list diff - bi-dir fast list and diff results

To fast list a pair of buckets in parallel, compare object metadata of same object key based on "Size" and "Etag", export all retrieved object metadata with difference flag.


For some reasons, when you want to apply some conditions to filter out objects found by it's metadata properties, you can apply a filter.

Filter syntax

Filter is a string of expression of condition.

Allowed variable: SOURCE and TARGET (TARGET only for diff mode).

Allowed property: size and last_modified in integer.


# for list mode
# object size great than 1000 bytes and it's last modified time great equal to January 1, 2024 00:00:00 UTC
list --filter "SOURCE.size > 1000 && SOURCE.last_modified >= 1704038400"

# for diff mode
# object size from SOURCE bucket great than 1000 bytes and it's last modified time great equals to January 1, 2024 00:00:00 UTC
# or object size from TARGET bucket equals to 100000 bytes.
diff --filter "(SOURCE.size > 1000 && SOURCE.last_modified >= 1704038400) || TARGET.size == 100000"

Differences between modes

in list mode, filter apples to all objects.

in diff mode, filter apples for objects seen on both SOURCE and TARGET side (DiffFlag in 3).


Object metadata (parquet file)

The metadata of all objects are exported to a parquet file at the end of run with following schema:

Field DataType
Key Utf8
Size UInt64
LastModified UInt64
ETag Utf8
DiffFlag UIint8

in list mode, all DiffFlag marked in 1

in diff mode, enum value description of DiffFlag field:

0 - Object seen on BOTH side, Size and ETag are EQUAL (all EQUAL objects will not be export in diff mode)
1 - Object seen ONLY at SOURCE bucket
2 - Object seen ONLY at TARGET bucket
3 - Object seen on BOTH side, Size or ETag is not EQUAL (use metadata of object from SOURCE side during export)

Prefix distribution (ks file)

A prefix distribution csv file with name convension {region}_{bucket}_{datetime}.ks is exported at the end of each run.

Inside of ks file, each line indicate the number of objects under that prefix with assumed use delimit of "/".

The following shows example contents of a ks file:

"North America/Canada/Quebec/Montreal","1"
"North America/USA/Washington/Bellevue","13"
"North America/USA/Washington/Seattle","65"

There are 2 ways currently to generate ks file:

  1. Every time your execute s3-fast-list list | diff, ks file will be dump by default in the name of {region}_{bucket}_{datetime}.ks.
  2. With ks-tool inventory -r {region} -m s3://{location_of_your_s3_inventory}.manifest.json -c {concurrency}, you can generated ks file from you S3 inventory report in CVS format.

Prepare your ks hints

Based on exported prefix distribution ks file, you could split your prefix into segments for parallel list.

A typical ks hints input file looks like:

North America/Canada/Quebec/Montreal
North America/USA/Washington/Seattle

Above ks hints will split all prefix into 3 segments:

  1. ["" VERY BEGIN to North America/Canada/Quebec/Montreal)
  2. [North America/Canada/Quebec/Montreal to North America/USA/Washington/Seattle]
  3. [North America/USA/Washington/Seattle to "" VERY LAST]

Since the nature of "List results are always returned in UTF-8 binary order", ALL objects will be covered during concurrent listing.

Use ks-tool to split your ks to target count of prefix segments

ks-tool split -k {region}_{bucket}_{datetime}.ks -c {num of splits} -o {region}_{bucket}_ks_hints.input

Performance test

A bucket with 100 million objects used as benchmark baseline

Concurrency Start Time End Time Duration(s)
1 2024-01-01T05:06:38Z 2024-01-01T07:23:32Z 8214
10 2024-01-01T09:23:14Z 2024-01-01T09:38:38Z 924
100 2024-01-01T09:47:50Z 2024-01-01T09:49:32Z 102
1000 2024-01-01T10:17:59Z 2024-01-01T10:18:31Z 32
  • All tests running on a m6i.8xlarge Amazon EC2 instance
  • Duration stands for overall list time only, metadata export time is not included.



  • Provide tools to generate ks hints
  • Generate ks hints from Amazon S3 Inventory
  • Add support for directory buckets (Amazon S3 Express One Zone), see: awslabs/aws-sdk-rust#992
  • Rule based metadata comparasion for diff mode


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


Concurrently list Amazon S3 bucket

License:MIT No Attribution


Language:Rust 100.0%