aws-samples / emr-spark-benchmark

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Steps to run Spark Benchmarking

This repository provides a general tool to benchmark Spark performance on EC2 and EMR. We provide

  1. Setup Open Source Spark benchmarking on EC2.
  2. Perform benchmarking on EMR on EC2 using the EMR Spark Runtime .
  3. Benchmark EMR Serverless using the EMR Spark Runtime.
  1. Benchmark EMR on EKS using the EMR Spark Runtime

Steps to setup OSS Spark Benchmarking

We use an open source tool Flintrock to launch our EC2 based Apache Spark cluster. Flintrock provides a quick way to launch an Apache Spark cluster on EC2 using command line.


1. Python 3.7.x or above

2. pip3 22.2.2 or above

3. Add the Python bin directory to your environment path. Flintrock binary will be installed in this path. For example,

export PATH=$PATH:~/Library/Python/3.8/bin

4. Run aws configure to configure your CLI shell to point to the benchmarking account. Please refer to Quick configuration with aws configure for instructions.

5. A key pair to access the OSS Spark primary node. Provide restrictive file permissions for the key pair pem/ppk file. For example,

chmod 400 <key pair pem file>

6. Create a new s3 bucket in your test account if needed. Replace $YOUR_S3_BUCKET with your S3 bucket name. We suggest you export YOUR_S3_BUCKET as an environment variable.

export YOUR_S3_BUCKET=<Your bucket name>
aws s3 mb s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET

7. Copy the TPCDS source data as input to your S3 Bucket. If not exported as an environment variable, replace $YOUR_S3_BUCKET with your S3 bucket name.

aws s3 sync s3://blogpost-sparkoneks-us-east-1/blog/BLOG_TPCDS-TEST-3T-partitioned/ s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/BLOG_TPCDS-TEST-3T-partitioned/

8. Build the benchmark application following the instructions provided in Steps to build spark-benchmark-assembly application. For your convenience we have also provided a sample application jar file spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar that we have built following the same steps.

Deploy Spark Cluster and run benchmark job

1. First, install the Flinkrock tool via pip

pip3 install flintrock
flintrock --version

2. Run the command flintrock configure, which will pop up a default configuration file. Then modify the default config.yaml file based on your need. In the following example, replace <YOUR_KEY_PAIR_NAME> with your ssh key pair. If you are running your test in a different region, update the region name and replace ami with an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) that is available in your test region.

    version: 3.3.0
    download-source: ""
    version: 3.3.4
    download-source: ""
provider: ec2
    key-name: master2-us-east-1-ec2-key-pair
    identity-file: /Users/srsekar/master2-us-east-1-ec2-key-pair.pem
    instance-type: c5d.9xlarge
    region: us-east-1
    ami: ami-05fa00d4c63e32376
    user: ec2-user
    instance-profile-name: EMR_EC2_DefaultRole
    min-root-ebs-size-gb: 20
    tenancy: default  # default | dedicated
    ebs-optimized: yes  # yes | no
    instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior: terminate  # terminate | stop

  num-slaves: 6
  install-hdfs: True
  install-spark: True
  java-version: 8

debug: false

Alternatively, copy and paste the config.yaml file content to the default configure file. Then save the file to where it was. In the table below we highlight key attributes in the config file for this benchmark test:

Config file attribute name value
spark version 3.3.0 (This is equivalent to the spark version in EMR 6.9)
spark download-source ""
hdfs version 3.3.4
hdfs download-source ""
key-name Provide the name of your EC2 key pair
identity-file Provide the full path of the key pair you downloaded. For example: /home/ec2-user/environment/master2-us-east-1-ec2-key-pair.pem
Instance-type c5d.9xlarge
region Your test region. Make sure the source data has been copied to the test region. For example: us-east-1
ami ami-05fa00d4c63e32376 (The AMI for us-east-1 used for this testing was: ami-05fa00d4c63e32376 (Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type (64-bit x86)). AMIs get updated periodically. Please make sure you use the correct AMI for your region.)
instance-profile-name EMR_EC2_DefaultRole Make sure this role exists in your account. By default EMR creates this role when launched on the Management console. You can manually create this role by running: aws emr create-default-roles Please refer the CLI doc.
ebs-optimized Yes
num-slaves 6
install-hdfs True
install-spark True
java-version 8

3. Finally, launch the 7-node Spark cluster on EC2 via Flintrock

flintrock launch bigdata-cluster

This should create a Spark cluster with one primary node and 6 worker nodes. If you see any error messages doublecheck the config file values, especially the spark and Hadoop versions and the attributes of download-source and AMI.

4. The OSS Spark cluster doesn't come with YARN resource manager. To enable it, we need to configure the cluster.

Download yarn-site.xml and

Or create two files based on the following code snippets. Open the yarn-site.xml file and replace <private ip of primary node> with the IP address of the primary node in your flintrock cluster. You can retrieve the IP address from the EC2 console for the instance named bigdata-cluster-master. (The name may be different if you named your flintrock cluster to have a different name in step 3 above)


        <value>private ip of primary node</value>

export HADOOP_PREFIX=/home/ec2-user/hadoop
echo "export HADOOP_PREFIX=$HADOOP_PREFIX" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HADOOP_HOME=$HADOOP_PREFIX" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HADOOP_COMMON_HOME=$HADOOP_PREFIX" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_PREFIX/conf" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HADOOP_HDFS_HOME=$HADOOP_PREFIX" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=$HADOOP_PREFIX" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HADOOP_YARN_HOME=$HADOOP_PREFIX" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ec2-user/hadoop/lib/native/" >> ~/.bashrc

cp $HADOOP_PREFIX/etc/hadoop/capacity-scheduler.xml $HADOOP_PREFIX/conf/
cp $HADOOP_PREFIX/etc/hadoop/ $HADOOP_PREFIX/conf/

echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64" >> $SPARK_HOME/conf/
echo "export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_PREFIX/conf" >> $SPARK_HOME/conf/
echo "export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_PREFIX/share/hadoop" >> $SPARK_HOME/conf/

Upload the files to all the node of the Spark cluster

flintrock copy-file bigdata-cluster yarn-site.xml ./hadoop/conf/
flintrock copy-file bigdata-cluster ./

5. Now run the enable-yarn script

flintrock run-command bigdata-cluster 'sh ~/'

6. Enable Snappy support in Hadoop: (benchmark job reads snappy compressed data)

flintrock run-command bigdata-cluster 'sudo mount -o remount,exec /media/ephemeral0'
flintrock run-command bigdata-cluster 'sudo yum install -y snappy snappy-devel; ln -s /usr/lib64/ $HADOOP_HOME/lib/native/'

7. Copy the benchmark utility application JAR file spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar that you had built earlier to the Flintrock cluster. Or if you are using Spark 3.3.0 you could download a pre-built jar: spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar

flintrock copy-file bigdata-cluster spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar ./

8. Login to the primary node and start yarn

flintrock login bigdata-cluster

#check worker node status
yarn node --list

#check hdfs is running
hdfs dfs -ls /

If yarn node --list throws error, run script and make sure it completed successfully.

If hdfs dfs -ls / returns errors, restart HDFS.

9. Submit the benchmark job.

Since you are now in the primary node of your Flintrock OSS Spark cluster, set YOUR_S3_BUCKET as an environment variable within this node as well.

export YOUR_S3_BUCKET=<Your bucket name>

Run the following command to submit the benchmark job on the open source Spark cluster.

spark-submit --master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--conf spark.driver.cores=4 \
--conf spark.driver.memory=5g \
--conf spark.executor.cores=4 \
--conf spark.executor.memory=6g \
--conf spark.executor.instances=47 \
--conf spark.executor.memoryOverhead=2G \
--conf spark.driver.memoryOverhead=1000 \
--conf \
--conf spark.executor.heartbeatInterval=300s \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false \
--conf spark.shuffle.service.enabled=false \
--conf \
--conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl=org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem \
--packages org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:3.3.4 \
--class com.amazonaws.eks.tpcds.BenchmarkSQL \
spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar \
s3a://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/BLOG_TPCDS-TEST-3T-partitioned s3a://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/EC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT /opt/tpcds-kit/tools parquet 3000 3 false q1-v2.4,q10-v2.4,q11-v2.4,q12-v2.4,q13-v2.4,q14a-v2.4,q14b-v2.4,q15-v2.4,q16-v2.4,q17-v2.4,q18-v2.4,q19-v2.4,q2-v2.4,q20-v2.4,q21-v2.4,q22-v2.4,q23a-v2.4,q23b-v2.4,q24a-v2.4,q24b-v2.4,q25-v2.4,q26-v2.4,q27-v2.4,q28-v2.4,q29-v2.4,q3-v2.4,q30-v2.4,q31-v2.4,q32-v2.4,q33-v2.4,q34-v2.4,q35-v2.4,q36-v2.4,q37-v2.4,q38-v2.4,q39a-v2.4,q39b-v2.4,q4-v2.4,q40-v2.4,q41-v2.4,q42-v2.4,q43-v2.4,q44-v2.4,q45-v2.4,q46-v2.4,q47-v2.4,q48-v2.4,q49-v2.4,q5-v2.4,q50-v2.4,q51-v2.4,q52-v2.4,q53-v2.4,q54-v2.4,q55-v2.4,q56-v2.4,q57-v2.4,q58-v2.4,q59-v2.4,q6-v2.4,q60-v2.4,q61-v2.4,q62-v2.4,q63-v2.4,q64-v2.4,q65-v2.4,q66-v2.4,q67-v2.4,q68-v2.4,q69-v2.4,q7-v2.4,q70-v2.4,q71-v2.4,q72-v2.4,q73-v2.4,q74-v2.4,q75-v2.4,q76-v2.4,q77-v2.4,q78-v2.4,q79-v2.4,q8-v2.4,q80-v2.4,q81-v2.4,q82-v2.4,q83-v2.4,q84-v2.4,q85-v2.4,q86-v2.4,q87-v2.4,q88-v2.4,q89-v2.4,q9-v2.4,q90-v2.4,q91-v2.4,q92-v2.4,q93-v2.4,q94-v2.4,q95-v2.4,q96-v2.4,q97-v2.4,q98-v2.4,q99-v2.4,ss_max-v2.4 true

Note: OSS Spark test didn't produce the query result for q95-v2.4 as it did not complete for us. So we reran the benchmark for the single q95-v2.4 query and merged the result back to the first test result set. We did not run into this issue when testing it on EMR.

10. Summarize the results

Download the test result file from the output S3 bucket s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/EC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT/timestamp=xxxx/summary.csv/xxx.csv. You could use the S3 console and navigate to the output S3 location or use the CLI. Here is an example. If you have not exported YOUR_S3_BUCKET, remember to provide your S3 bucket name prior to running the commands below.

aws s3 ls s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/EC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT/timestamp=xxxx/summary.csv/

2022-08-16 01:37:22          0 _SUCCESS
2022-08-16 01:37:22       5306 part-00000-10949163-064e-4439-8ea1-80437d629086-c000.csv
aws s3 cp s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/EC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT/timestamp=xxxx/summary.csv/part-00000-10949163-064e-4439-8ea1-80437d629086-c000.csv .

download: s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/EC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT/timestamp=xxxx/summary.csv/part-00000-10949163-064e-4439-8ea1-80437d629086-c000.csv to ./part-00000-10949163-064e-4439-8ea1-80437d629086-c000.csv
cat part-00000-10949163-064e-4439-8ea1-80437d629086-c000.csv


The spark benchmark application creates a timestamp folder and writes a summary file inside a summary.csv prefix in S3. Your timestamp and filename will be different from the one shown above.

The output CSV files have four columns without headername.They are:

  1. query name
  2. median time
  3. minimum time
  4. maximum time

Shown below is a sample output. We have manually added column names. The way we calculate the geomean and the total job runtime is based on arithmetic means. ie. we first take the mean of the med, min, and max values using the formula AVERAGE(B2:D2). Then we take a geometric mean of the Avg column using the formula GEOMEAN(E2:E105).

Sample Output

Steps to setup EMR on EC2 Benchmarking


1. Configure AWS CLI Run aws configure to configure your CLI shell to point to the benchmarking account. Please refer to Quick configuration with aws configure for instructions.

2. Upload benchmark application to S3

aws s3 cp spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/jar/spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar

Deploy EMR on EC2 Cluster and run benchmark job

1. Spin up EMR in CLI Shell using command line. Configure EMR with 1 primary (c5d.9xlarge) and 6 Core (c5d.9xlarge) nodes. Prior to running the command below replace the values for the following from your environment

<YOUR_KEY_PAIR_NAME> - Your key pair for ssh access to EMR.

<YOUR_SUBNET_ID> - Specify the VPC subnet in which to create the EMR cluster.

<YOUR_SLAVE_SG> - This is the security group for your EMR core nodes. You can find this from EMR console.

<YOUR_MASTER_SG> - This is the security group that allows access to your EMR primary node.

$YOUR_S3_BUCKET - If not exported as an environment variable, replace this with your S3 bucket name.

<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> - Provide a cluster name.

Please refer to create-cluster for detailed description for each option.

aws emr create-cluster \
--applications Name=Hadoop Name=Spark \
--ec2-attributes '{"KeyName":"<YOUR_KEY_PAIR_NAME>","InstanceProfile":"EMR_EC2_DefaultRole","SubnetId":"<YOUR_SUBNET_ID>","EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup":"<YOUR_SLAVE_SG>","EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup":"<YOUR_MASTER_SG>"}' \
--release-label emr-6.9.0 \
--log-uri s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/elasticmapreduce/ \
--instance-groups '[{"InstanceCount":6,"EbsConfiguration":{"EbsOptimized":true},"InstanceGroupType":"CORE","InstanceType":"c5d.9xlarge","Name":"Core - 2"},{"InstanceCount":1,"EbsConfiguration":{"EbsOptimized":true},"InstanceGroupType":"MASTER","InstanceType":"c5d.9xlarge","Name":"Master - 1"}]' \
--auto-scaling-role EMR_AutoScaling_DefaultRole \
--ebs-root-volume-size 10 \
--service-role EMR_DefaultRole \
--enable-debugging \
--scale-down-behavior TERMINATE_AT_TASK_COMPLETION \

Store the cluster id from the response. You will need need this in the next step. You can also export the cluster id to an environment variable.

    "ClusterId": "j-3T7T1GLEL5BVB",
    "ClusterArn": "arn:aws:elasticmapreduce:us-east-1:012345678912:cluster/j-3T7T1GLEL5BVB"


2. Run the following command to submit the benchmark job in EMR using add-steps CLI. If you have not exported the environment variables, prior to running the command below replace the values for the following from your environment:


$YOUR_S3_BUCKET - Your bucket name.

aws emr add-steps \
        --cluster-id $YOUR_CLUSTERID  \
        --steps Type=Spark,Name="TPCDS Benchmark Job",Args=[--deploy-mode,cluster,--class,com.amazonaws.eks.tpcds.BenchmarkSQL,--conf,spark.driver.cores=4,--conf,spark.driver.memory=5g,--conf,spark.executor.cores=4,--conf,spark.executor.memory=6g,--conf,spark.executor.instances=47,--conf,,--conf,spark.executor.heartbeatInterval=300s,--conf,spark.executor.memoryOverhead=2G,--conf,spark.driver.memoryOverhead=1000,--conf,spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false,--conf,spark.shuffle.service.enabled=false,s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/jar/spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar,s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/BLOG_TPCDS-TEST-3T-partitioned,s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/EMRONEC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT,/opt/tpcds-kit/tools,parquet,3000,3,false,'q1-v2.4\,q10-v2.4\,q11-v2.4\,q12-v2.4\,q13-v2.4\,q14a-v2.4\,q14b-v2.4\,q15-v2.4\,q16-v2.4\,q17-v2.4\,q18-v2.4\,q19-v2.4\,q2-v2.4\,q20-v2.4\,q21-v2.4\,q22-v2.4\,q23a-v2.4\,q23b-v2.4\,q24a-v2.4\,q24b-v2.4\,q25-v2.4\,q26-v2.4\,q27-v2.4\,q28-v2.4\,q29-v2.4\,q3-v2.4\,q30-v2.4\,q31-v2.4\,q32-v2.4\,q33-v2.4\,q34-v2.4\,q35-v2.4\,q36-v2.4\,q37-v2.4\,q38-v2.4\,q39a-v2.4\,q39b-v2.4\,q4-v2.4\,q40-v2.4\,q41-v2.4\,q42-v2.4\,q43-v2.4\,q44-v2.4\,q45-v2.4\,q46-v2.4\,q47-v2.4\,q48-v2.4\,q49-v2.4\,q5-v2.4\,q50-v2.4\,q51-v2.4\,q52-v2.4\,q53-v2.4\,q54-v2.4\,q55-v2.4\,q56-v2.4\,q57-v2.4\,q58-v2.4\,q59-v2.4\,q6-v2.4\,q60-v2.4\,q61-v2.4\,q62-v2.4\,q63-v2.4\,q64-v2.4\,q65-v2.4\,q66-v2.4\,q67-v2.4\,q68-v2.4\,q69-v2.4\,q7-v2.4\,q70-v2.4\,q71-v2.4\,q72-v2.4\,q73-v2.4\,q74-v2.4\,q75-v2.4\,q76-v2.4\,q77-v2.4\,q78-v2.4\,q79-v2.4\,q8-v2.4\,q80-v2.4\,q81-v2.4\,q82-v2.4\,q83-v2.4\,q84-v2.4\,q85-v2.4\,q86-v2.4\,q87-v2.4\,q88-v2.4\,q89-v2.4\,q9-v2.4\,q90-v2.4\,q91-v2.4\,q92-v2.4\,q93-v2.4\,q94-v2.4\,q95-v2.4\,q96-v2.4\,q97-v2.4\,q98-v2.4\,q99-v2.4\,ss_max-v2.4',true],ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE

3. Summarize the results from the output bucket s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/EMRONEC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT in the same manner as we did for the OSS results and compare.


Download scripts/ to the benchmark environment.

  1. If you have cloned this repository locally, change to the scripts directory in your benchmark environment. Make sure you edit the script and provide your S3 bucket name, your EMR cluster ID and your OSS Spark cluster ID. Run:
  1. If you used Cloud9 as your build environment, outside your Cloud9 environment, from any terminal where you have AWS CLI installed, run:
   export CLOUD9_ENV_ID=<cloud9 environment id>
   aws cloud9 delete-environment --environment-id $CLOUD9_ENV_ID

Steps to setup EMR Serverless Benchmarking


1. Follow pre-requisite steps to setup EMR Serverless (Permissions, Storage, Runtime Roles).

2. Configure AWS CLI: Run aws configure to configure your CLI shell to point to the benchmarking account. Please refer to Quick configuration with aws configure for instructions.

(If you have configured AWS CLI as part of previous steps, you can skip them):

Create an EMR Serverless application with warm pool (Pre-Initial Capacity):

Create EMR application using sample CLI below (replace subnet Ids and Security groups Ids with your environment configuration)

export AWS_REGION=us-east-1  #Change per your requirement
export EMR_RELEASE=emr-6.9.0 #EMR Release Label

aws emr-serverless create-application --name "spark-defaults-v1" --type SPARK --release-label $EMR_RELEASE --architecture "ARM64" --region $AWS_REGION  --initial-capacity '{
                                          "DRIVER": {
                                              "workerCount": 1,
                                              "workerConfiguration": {
                                                  "cpu": "4vCPU",
                                                  "memory": "16GB",
                                                  "disk": "120GB"
                                          "EXECUTOR": {
                                              "workerCount": 100,
                                              "workerConfiguration": {
                                                  "cpu": "4vCPU",
                                                  "memory": "16GB",
                                                "disk": "120GB"
}'  --network-configuration '{"subnetIds": ["subnet-XXXXXX", "subnet-YYYYY"], "securityGroupIds": ["sg-xxxxxyyyyyzzzz"]}'

Submit Jobs with pre-built benchmark utility:

1. Follow the instructions provided in Steps to build spark-benchmark-assembly application. For your convenience we have also provided a sample application jar file spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar that we have built following the same steps.

2. Submit job to the EMR Serverless application created in previous step using sample CLI below. Make sure runtime role has the appropriate s3 access to read and write from your S3 buckets.

export APP_ID=00xxxxp6vmdyyyyy                                  #Your EMR Serverless Application Id from Previous Step 
export RUNTIMEROLE="arn:aws:iam::333333333333:role/runtimerole" #Runtime role setup from pre-req
export YOURBUCKET=aws-emr-xxxxxx-yyyy                           #S3 bucket to write logs and benchmark results
export query='q1-2.4\,q2-2.4'                                   #option query param, can skip if all tpc-ds queries are run
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1                                     #region where app was created
export ITERATION=1                                              #number of iterations to be run

aws emr-serverless start-job-run --application-id $APP_ID \
--execution-role-arn "$RUNTIMEROLE" \
--job-driver '{"sparkSubmit": {"entryPoint": "s3://'$YOURBUCKET'/jars/spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar","entryPointArguments": ["s3://blogpost-sparkoneks-us-east-1/blog/BLOG_TPCDS-TEST-3T-partitioned","s3://'$YOURBUCKET'/spark/EMRSERVERLESS_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT","/opt/tpcds-kit/tools","parquet","3000",'$ITERATION',"false",'q1-v2.4\,q10-v2.4\,q11-v2.4\,q12-v2.4\,q13-v2.4\,q14a-v2.4\,q14b-v2.4\,q15-v2.4\,q16-v2.4\,q17-v2.4\,q18-v2.4\,q19-v2.4\,q2-v2.4\,q20-v2.4\,q21-v2.4\,q22-v2.4\,q23a-v2.4\,q23b-v2.4\,q24a-v2.4\,q24b-v2.4\,q25-v2.4\,q26-v2.4\,q27-v2.4\,q28-v2.4\,q29-v2.4\,q3-v2.4\,q30-v2.4\,q31-v2.4\,q32-v2.4\,q33-v2.4\,q34-v2.4\,q35-v2.4\,q36-v2.4\,q37-v2.4\,q38-v2.4\,q39a-v2.4\,q39b-v2.4\,q4-v2.4\,q40-v2.4\,q41-v2.4\,q42-v2.4\,q43-v2.4\,q44-v2.4\,q45-v2.4\,q46-v2.4\,q47-v2.4\,q48-v2.4\,q49-v2.4\,q5-v2.4\,q50-v2.4\,q51-v2.4\,q52-v2.4\,q53-v2.4\,q54-v2.4\,q55-v2.4\,q56-v2.4\,q57-v2.4\,q58-v2.4\,q59-v2.4\,q6-v2.4\,q60-v2.4\,q61-v2.4\,q62-v2.4\,q63-v2.4\,q64-v2.4\,q65-v2.4\,q66-v2.4\,q67-v2.4\,q68-v2.4\,q69-v2.4\,q7-v2.4\,q70-v2.4\,q71-v2.4\,q72-v2.4\,q73-v2.4\,q74-v2.4\,q75-v2.4\,q76-v2.4\,q77-v2.4\,q78-v2.4\,q79-v2.4\,q8-v2.4\,q80-v2.4\,q81-v2.4\,q82-v2.4\,q83-v2.4\,q84-v2.4\,q85-v2.4\,q86-v2.4\,q87-v2.4\,q88-v2.4\,q89-v2.4\,q9-v2.4\,q90-v2.4\,q91-v2.4\,q92-v2.4\,q93-v2.4\,q94-v2.4\,q95-v2.4\,q96-v2.4\,q97-v2.4\,q98-v2.4\,q99-v2.4\,ss_max-v2.4',"true"],"sparkSubmitParameters": "--class com.amazonaws.eks.tpcds.BenchmarkSQL"}}' \
--configuration-overrides '{"monitoringConfiguration": {"s3MonitoringConfiguration": {"logUri": "s3://'$YOURBUCKET'/spark/logs/"}}}' \
--region "$AWS_REGION"

(Optional) Submit Jobs with custom docker image:

Instead of downloading benchmark utility jar file from s3, you could bake-in the benchmark jar inside your EMR Serverless docker image

3. As an output of the benchmark job you can find the summarized results from the output bucket: s3://'$YOURBUCKET'/spark/EMRSERVERLESS_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT in the same manner as we did for the OSS results and compare.

(Optional) Run an Amazon EMR Serverless job with multiple CPU architectures:

The architecture of your Amazon EMR Serverless application determines the type of processors that the application uses to run the job. Amazon EMR provides two architecture options for your application: x86_64 and arm64. By default, when you create an EMR Serverless without specifying CPU architecture (via CLI/API), application uses x86_64 processors.

If you’re evaluating migrating to Graviton2 architecture on Amazon EMR Serverless workloads, we recommend testing the Spark workloads based on your real-world use cases. If you need to run workloads across multiple processor architectures, for example test the performance for Intel and Arm CPUs, follow the walkthrough in this section to get started with some concrete ideas.

Build two EMR Serverless applications, x86 and Graviton2(ARM64):

1. Create Graviton2 (ARM64) EMR application using sample CLI below (replace subnet Ids and Security groups Ids with your environment configuration)

aws emr-serverless create-application --name "spark-ARM64-defaults-v1" --type SPARK --release-label emr-6.9.0 --architecture "ARM64" --region us-east-1 --initial-capacity '{
                                          "DRIVER": {
                                              "workerCount": 1,
                                              "workerConfiguration": {
                                                  "cpu": "4vCPU",
                                                  "memory": "16GB",
                                                  "disk": "200GB"
                                          "EXECUTOR": {
                                              "workerCount": 100,
                                              "workerConfiguration": {
                                                  "cpu": "4vCPU",
                                                  "memory": "16GB",
                                                  "disk": "200GB"
}'  --network-configuration '{"subnetIds": ["subnet-XXXXX","subnet-YYYYY"], "securityGroupIds": ["sg-YYYY"]}'

2. Create x86 EMR application using sample CLI below (replace subnet Ids and Security groups Ids with your environment configuration)

aws emr-serverless create-application --name "spark-x86-defaults-v1" --type SPARK --release-label emr-6.9.0 --region us-east-1  --initial-capacity '{
                                          "DRIVER": {
                                              "workerCount": 1,
                                              "workerConfiguration": {
                                                  "cpu": "4vCPU",
                                                  "memory": "16GB",
                                                  "disk": "200GB"
                                          "EXECUTOR": {
                                              "workerCount": 100,
                                              "workerConfiguration": {
                                                  "cpu": "4vCPU",
                                                  "memory": "16GB",
                                                "disk": "200GB"
}'  --network-configuration '{"subnetIds": ["subnet-XXXXX","subnet-YYYYY"], "securityGroupIds": ["sg-YYYYYY"]}'

2. Build the benchmark application following the instructions provided in previous section and submit the job to both applications..

(Optional) Isolated TPC-DS queries in loop via bash script:

You can use below sample script to loop through multiple TPC-DS queries. Each query would execute in a new SparkContext each time instead of single SparkContext, this methodology helps in performance tuning, further deep dive analysis on a single query or set of queries.

Take an example of testing q23a & q23b, the script helps you to run the q23a for N iterations, then loop through the next one q23b. This type of benchmark approach eliminates the impact from the pre-cached data generated by the previous queries.

Download below scripts and edit RUNTIMEROLE, YOURBUCKET and other parameters as appropriate: and

Run the bash script downloaded in previous step as below:

export APP_ID=xyyolffnjgkkg            #replace with actual EMR Serverless application id
bash $APP_ID

Benchmark results will be available in your s3 bucket that was specified during the job submission.

4. Summarize the results from the output bucket s3://'$YOURBUCKET'/spark/EMRSERVERLESS_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT in the same manner as we did for the OSS results and compare.

EMR Serverless Cleanup

When you're all done, make sure to call stop-application to decommission your capacity and delete-application if you're all done.

aws emr-serverless stop-application \
    --application-id $APPLICATION_ID
aws emr-serverless delete-application \
    --application-id $APPLICATION_ID

Analyze Spark benchmark results using Amazon Athena


Follow Amazon Athena workshop to setup Athena if you are using for the first time.


1. Create Athena database spark_benchmark_results and create Athena tables on your S3 benchmark bucket path within the new database.

a. Create Graviton2 Spark benchmark table graviton2.sql (point to correct S3 path in the DDL, replace $YOURBUCKET variable).

b. Create x86 Spark benchmark table x86.sql (point to correct S3 path in the DDL, replace $YOURBUCKET variable).

2. Run spark benchmark query benchmark.sql and review benchmark results:

3.Shown below are sample outputs and charts:

Raw Detail Output (query by CPU architecture/iterations):

Sample Output

Formatted Output:

Sample Output

Formatted Chart:

Sample Output


License:MIT No Attribution


Language:Shell 100.0%