aws-samples / ecs-blue-green-global-deployment-with-multiregion-cmk-codepipeline

Global Blue/Green deployments in multiple regions and accounts for ECS Fargate using AWS Codepipeline and Cloudformation

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Global Blue/Green deployments in multiple regions and accounts for ECS Fargate using AWS Codepipeline and Cloudformation


  • Customer is looking for a deployment from a centralised account to multiple accounts and across regions for a Global application. The software development /code development happens only in the centralised account and workload / applications are spread across multiple accounts and across regions. The encryption and decryption must happen only with a single CMK Multi region key (covering Disaster Recovery scenario).
  • As per security guidelines from customer, same CMK should be used across regions for encryption and decryption. CMK is region specific and it has to be maintained or created in 3 different regions for pipeline artifacts. Multi region CMK helps to retain the same key id across regions.
  • Git workflow branching model should be implemented with two branches (development and main) for merging the codes from development to main branch with a PR.

What is covered here ?

  • This pattern covers all the above requirements and provides a sample IaC setup using AWS cloudformation stacks) to demonstrate this.
  • Blue/Green deployment of microservices is implemented using AWS CodeDeploy in AWS Codepipeline.
  • The regions considered here in the steps are as follows:
    • Tools / CodeCommit Account - ap-south-1
    • Workload / Test account 1 - ap-south-1
    • Workload / Test account 2 - eu-central-1
    • Workload / Test account 3 - us-east-1
  • The lamdba function deployed from this stack will create a PR from development to main branch. The PR merge to main branch will trigger the Codepipeline to orchestrate the CI/CD flow and deploy the stacks across accounts.


  • Four AWS accounts to implement this pattern.
  • Tools Account - Codepipeline is managed and Codecommit repository is maintained here.
  • Three workload /test accounts to deploy the microservice workload.
  • S3 bucket created specific to respective deployment region in each workload account. (Referred in below as S3BUCKETNAMETESTACCOUNT1, S3BUCKETNAMETESTACCOUNT2 and S3BUCKETNAMETESTACCOUNT3)
    • Example - To create bucket in specific region with unique available bucket name (replace xxxx with some random numbers in below command):
      • In Test Account 1 aws s3 mb s3://ecs-codepipeline-xxxx-ap-south-1 --region ap-south-1
      • In Test Account 2 aws s3 mb s3://ecs-codepipeline-xxxx-eu-central-1 --region eu-central-1
      • In Test Account 3 aws s3 mb s3://ecs-codepipeline-xxxx-us-east-1 --region us-east-1



Technology stack

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS CodeCommit
  • AWS CodeBuild
  • AWS CodeDeploy
  • AWS CodePipeline

Tools Required

  • Git - command line utility to work with codecommit repository.
  • docker - To build and test docker images locally.
  • cfn-lint and cfn-nag - To review the cloudformation stacks for any errors and security check.

Solution Implementation

The above discussed architecture is implemented in below steps using cloudformation templates.

Infrastructure Deployment Steps

  • Create the infrastructure components in the architecture like VPC, Application Load balancer, ECS, ECR the cloudformation stacks in Infra directory.
  • Package and deploy the cloudformation stacks in all three work load accounts in the respective region.
  • Ensure the values in multiple exports from the respective cloudformation stacks are not modified as they are referred in codepipeline, codedeploy stacks.
  • Push a sample image to ECR and scale ECS Service.
  • Verify if the initial service deployment is accessible using Load balancer.

CodeCommit, Codebuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline Deployment Steps

  • Create codecommit repository in ToolsAccount. The templates are in code directory.
  • Create S3 bucket for managing artifacts generated by codepipeline in all 3 regions.
  • Setup Multi region CMK KMS Key as primary key and replica keys which will be used by Codepipeline.
  • Setup CodeBuild Project in ToolsAccount to build and push images to ECR in all 3 regions.
  • Setup CodeDeploy in Workload accounts in respective regions. Ensure the codedeploy is associated with ALB listener ARN created from Infra setup.
  • Create codepipeline in Tools Account. Provide access for codepipeline, codebuild roles in KMS key policy and S3 bucket policy.

Testing and Verification of Blue/Green CodeDeploy in Codepipeline

  • Create a new index.html or modify the contents in index.html.
  • Modify the input artifacts taskdef.json, appspec.yaml with relevant parameters like accountid
  • Push Dockerfile, buildspec.yaml to codecommit repository.
  • Invoke pipeline and verify if in respective stages:
  • Codecommit - Source code includes the latest commit.
  • Codebuild - Builds and pushes image to ECR.
  • Codedeploy - Deploys the latest image to ECS using latest taskdef.json and appspec.yaml.
  • Access the load balancer using FQDN and verify if the latest changes are visible.




  • Create a new feature branch from main branch.
  • Push changes to feature branch and create a PR to main branch.
  • Verify if lambda function approves the merge and invoke pipeline.


  • Scale down ECS Service to 0. Clean up any images from ECR repository.
  • Delete all objects from S3 artifact buckets.
  • Delete the cloudformation stacks deployed in Tools account and respective workload accounts.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


See SECURITY for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


Global Blue/Green deployments in multiple regions and accounts for ECS Fargate using AWS Codepipeline and Cloudformation

License:MIT No Attribution


Language:HTML 81.6%Language:Dockerfile 18.4%