aws-samples / amazon-timestream-sqs-lambda-sample

This is a CDK stack written in TypeScript that sets up an AWS infrastructure to process data from an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue and write it to Amazon Timestream using AWS Lambda

Repository from Github https://github.comaws-samples/amazon-timestream-sqs-lambda-sampleRepository from Github https://github.comaws-samples/amazon-timestream-sqs-lambda-sample

Amazon Timestream SQS Lambda Sample

This is a CDK stack written in TypeScript that sets up an AWS infrastructure to process data from an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue and write it to Amazon Timestream using AWS Lambda.



The stack creates the following resources:
  • An SQS queue to receive data
  • An Amazon Timestream database and table to store the data
  • A Lambda function to process messages from the queue and write them to Timestream
  • A Lambda function to generate sample data and push it to the queue



  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies by running npm install.
  3. Build the TypeScript code by running npm run build.
  4. Test the TypeScript code by running npm test.
  5. Deploy the stack to AWS by running cdk deploy.


Once the stack is deployed, you can use the sample data generator Lambda function to push sample data to the queue. The processing Lambda function will then read the messages from the queue and write them to Timestream.

The sample data generator Lambda function can be triggered manually by running the following command:

aws lambda invoke --function-name {SampleDataFunctionName} --payload {} output.json


The following environment variables can be set to customize the behavior of the stack:

  • CDK_SAMPLE_ACCOUNT: The account this stack will deploy into. Defaults to CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT.
  • CDK_SAMPLE_REGION: The region this stack will deploy into. Defaults to CDK_DEFAULT_REGION.
  • CDK_SAMPLE_TIMESTREAM_DATA_QUEUE: The name of the SQS queue that will receive the sample data. Defaults to TimestreamDataSQSQueue.
  • CDK_SAMPLE_TIMESTREAM_DATABASE_NAME: The name of the Timestream database to create. Defaults to SampleTimestreamDB.
  • CDK_SAMPLE_TIMESTREAM_TABLE_NAME: The name of the Timestream table to create. Defaults to SampleTimestreamTable.

Clean Up

  1. Remove the stack from AWS by running cdk destroy.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


This is a CDK stack written in TypeScript that sets up an AWS infrastructure to process data from an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue and write it to Amazon Timestream using AWS Lambda

License:MIT No Attribution


Language:JavaScript 50.9%Language:TypeScript 49.1%