awmpietro / bootbox-react

bootbox-react is a React Component based on bootboxjs <> library. This library brings fancy alerts, confirm and prompt dialogs built on top of Bootstrap. Check the website for more information.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bootbox React

bootbox-react is a wrapper of the bootboxjs <> module for React. Fancy alerts, confirm and prompt dialogs built on top of Bootstrap. Check the website for more information.

How To Install

  • Install: npm i --save bootbox-react

How to Use

import  React, {useState} from  'react';
import  Bootbox  from  'bootbox-react';
function  App() {
	const [showConfirm, setShowConfirm] = useState(false);
	const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = useState(false)
	const [showPrompt, setShowPrompt] = useState(false)
	const handleConfirm = () => {
		console.log("You clicked Yes!");
		return setShowConfirm(false);
	const handleCancel = () => {
		console.log("You clicked No!");
		return setShowConfirm(false);

	const handleClose = () => {
		console.log("You closed Alert!");
		return setShowAlert(false);

	const handlePrompt = (result) => {
		console.log(`User input: ${result}`);
		return setShowPrompt(false);

			<button onClick={ () => setShowConfirm(true) } Confirm </button>
			<Bootbox show={showConfirm} 
				message={"Do That?"}  

			<button onClick={ () => setShowAlert(true) } Alert </button>
			<Bootbox show={showAlert} 
				message={"This is a simple alert"}  

			<button onClick={ () => setShowPrompt(true) } Prompt </button>
			<Bootbox show={showPrompt} 
				message={"What's your name"}  

export default App


Name show type message onSuccess onCancel onClose onPrompt cancelClassNames successClassNames cancelLabel successLabel
PropType bool string string function function function function string string string string
Is Required required required required required for 'confirm' required for 'confirm' required for 'alert', optional for others required for 'prompt' optional optional optional optional
Accepted Values true, false "alert", "confirm", "prompt" "Your message" callback function to handle Yes callback function to handle No callback function to call when box is closed callback function to handle user's input classname(s) to apply to "No" button" classname(s) to apply to "Yes" button" Custom label to apply to "No" button Custom label to apply to "Yes" button
Default false null "" null null null null "btn-danger" "btn-primary" "No" "Yes"


bootbox-react is a React Component based on bootboxjs <> library. This library brings fancy alerts, confirm and prompt dialogs built on top of Bootstrap. Check the website for more information.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%