awinder / docker-reveal

Docker container based on Ubuntu for reveal.js, including wetty and yeoman reveal generator

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Docker container based on Ubuntu for reveal.js, including wetty and yeoman reveal generator


reveal.js presentation software.

Yeoman Generator for reveal.js

Wetty terminal in a browser (chrome).


You can use it in two different ways:

  • Run an existing presentation
  • Develop your presentations inside the container leveraging yeoman reveal generator

Run an existing presentation

To run an existing presentation, just mount the directoy where your preso files reside to /home/reveal/presos

docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /path/to/preso:/home/reveal/presos dordoka/reveal

Then just got to http://localhost:9000 on your browser to watch the slides. You can also edit the files outside the container as it's running and they will get updated, as grunt is serve-watching.

Develop your presos using yo reveal

To develop directly your presentations, mount the parent directory where you want to persist your data to /home/reveal/presos and run the container interactively executing /bin/bash

docker run --rm -it -p 9000:9000 -v /path/to/presos/dir:/home/reveal/presos dordoka/reveal /bin/bash

You will drop to a command line inside /home/reveal/presos which will show your volume data. Within there, just create a new directory for your new slide deck and issue

yo reveal

to start the generator. From there, you can create new slides using

yo reveal:slide "Slide Title"

and edit the file generated inside the slides directory.

Check out the reveal generator documentation for all the options.

To start the server, just launch this from your slide deck directory

grunt serve

If you want to keep grunt watching the directory and autogenerating the slides on file creation or changes and leverage the reveal generator, just keep grunt serve running, open another terminal and execute the following

docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash

then cd to your slides deck folder and use the generator from there.


Amouat reveal docker image

James Turnbull's blog post on dockerizing reveal


Docker container based on Ubuntu for reveal.js, including wetty and yeoman reveal generator

License:MIT License