awesome-doge / ton-indexer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TON Indexer

TON Indexer stores blocks, transactions, messages in Postgres database and provides convenient API.

Building and running

Recommended hardware: 2 CPU, 16 GB RAM, 200 GB disk, SSD recommended.

Prerequisites: docker, docker-compose

  • Setup environment variables:
    • TON_INDEXER_LITE_SERVER_CONFIG (required) — path to liteserver config file with your liteserver. If config file contains more than 1 lite server the first one will be used.
    • TON_INDEXER_START_SEQNO (required) — masterchain seqno to start with. The service starts indexing from this value in 2 directions: to the latest blocks and to the earliest blocks.
    • TON_INDEXER_BOTTOM_SEQNO (required) — the earliest masterchain seqno. The service will not index blocks earlier this value. Make sure that this seqno exists in lite server that you are using.
    • TON_INDEXER_HTTP_PORT (default: 80) — port for API webserver.
    • TON_INDEXER_WEBSERVER_WORKERS_COUNT (default: 1) - number of webserver gunicorn workers.
    • TON_INDEXER_BACKWARD_WORKERS_COUNT (default: 5) — number of parallel workers to process backward direction.
    • TON_INDEXER_FORWARD_WORKERS_COUNT (default: 2) — number of parallel workers to process forward direction.
  • Create file private/postgres_password containing password to the Postgres database (without newline).
  • Build services: docker-compose build.
  • Run services: docker-compose up -d.
  • Stop services: docker-compose down. Run this command with-v flag to remove volume with Postgres DB.

DB schema



How to point the service to my own lite server?

To use your own lite server you should set TON_INDEXER_LITE_SERVER_CONFIG to config file with your only lite server.

  • If you use MyTonCtrl on your node you can generate config file with these commands:
    $ mytonctrl
    MyTonCtrl> installer
    MyTonInstaller> clcf
    Config file will be saved at /usr/bin/ton/local.config.json.
  • If you don't use MyTonCtrl: copy config/mainnet.json and overwrite section liteservers with your liteservers ip, port and public key. To get public key from file use the following script:
    python -c 'import codecs; f=open("", "rb+");[4:]; print(str(codecs.encode(pub,"base64")).replace("\n",""))'
  • Once config file is created assign variable TON_INDEXER_LITE_SERVER_CONFIG and restart the services.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 98.5%Language:Dockerfile 1.5%