awerebea / cub3D

The goal of this project is to make a dynamic view inside a maze using ray-casting principles.

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21-School (Ecole42) 'cub3D' project. Score 108/115.


The goal of this project is to make a dynamic view inside a maze using ray-casting principles.


Project tested on macOS Catalina 10.15.5, Linux Manjaro 20.1 with KDE Plasma 5 and Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with KDE Plasma 5 (aka Kubuntu).

On macOS, the project uses the minilibx_mms_20200219_beta.tgz version of library sources from the 42 intra subject page. On Linux - minilibx-linux (from public repository Ecole 42). Also in this project used my own Libft library with functions from my previous projects Libft and get_next_line.

The Makefile automatically detects the current OS and selects compilation options based on that. So, to build libraries and program no matter what your current system is (macOS or Linux), just run:

make or make bonus (to build cub3D with mandatory part conditions only or with with some bonuses, accordingly).

* if you have some troubles while building your project on Linux, look up the troubleshooting section.

to run program use: ./cub3D maps/default.cub or ./cub3D maps/default_bonus.cub (where */*.cub - is path to the scene description file).

or simple make run or make run_bonus to build and automatically run the program with predefined scene description files.

You can use the second (--save) argument to save the first rendered image in bmp format instead of running the program in a window.

./cub3D maps/default.cub --save or ./cub3D maps/default_bonus.cub --save

or simple make screenshot or make screenshot_bonus to build and automatically run the program with predefined scene description files and second --save argument.

Saved "screenshot" will appear in the root directory of the project with name screenshot.bmp (or screenshot_2.bmp, screenshot_3.bmp etc if file with such names already exist).

Troubleshooting on Linux

If you have fail, while building the libmlx.a, first of all make sure that all the necessary dependencies are installed in the system. If you get linker errors like cannot find -lXext or cannot find -lbsd, install required packages. For example, on Ubuntu, you can run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libxext-dev
sudo apt install libbsd-dev

Also, in Linux Manjaro and Linux Ubuntu on my PC, I have to use different compilers to build libmlx.a: the clang on Manjaro, and gcc on Ubuntu. So if you continue to receive a fail while building libmlx.a, try changing the compiler in the minilibx/linux/, line #18 CC = gcc or CC = clang accordingly, or just run make mlx_gcc or make mlx_clang to do this automatically, and then try to build project again.


W A S D LEFT ARROW RIGHT ARROW - to control player moves and rotates.

ESC or "red cross" of window - to quit program.

additional, in bonus part only:

MINUS (-/_) PLUS (+/=) - to change scale of radar minimap.

SHIFT (left) SPACE - to crouch and jump.

M - to toggle mouse hook (to be able to move the mouse pointer outside the window and, for example, press the red cross).

Scene description file

The *.cub file, which passed to the program as the first mandatory argument. In general file must contain:

  • Window size (width height) in pixels. If given resolution is bigger than your current screen is, it will fit to your current screen resolution.

  • Path's to textrure files for notrh, south, west, east walls and sprite in .xpm format.

  • Floor and eiling color in R,G,B format.

  • "Map" strings, where 1 - wall 0 - empty "walkable" space N S W or E - spawn point (with initial direction of player view) 2 - sprite.

Example of simple valid scene description file for mandatory part:

R   1920 1080
NO  ./path_to_textures/north_texture.xpm
SO  ./path_to_textures/south_texture.xpm
WE  ./path_to_textures/west_texture.xpm
EA  ./path_to_textures/east_texture.xpm
S   ./path_to_textures/sprite_texture.xpm
F   220,100,0
C   225,30,0


In the bonus part, the floor and ceiling have textures instead of solid colors, so F 220,100,0 and C 225,30,0 strings from the example file above, in file for bonus part must be represent in following format:

F   ./path_to_textures/floor_texture.xpm
C   ./path_to_textures/ceiling_texture.xpm

(Also in bonus part added a distance related shadow effect, the ability to rotate the viewpoint with the mouse and a radar minimap showing the player's current position, the direction of view, and sprite position markers.)


mandatory part (cub3D) bonus part (cub3D_bonus


The goal of this project is to make a dynamic view inside a maze using ray-casting principles.


Language:C 77.8%Language:Roff 10.5%Language:Swift 8.1%Language:Makefile 3.1%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Perl 0.2%