awconway / eicu_nitro

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Predicting blood pressure changes after nitroglcerin dose titration using the eicu dataset

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This repository holds the source code to conduct an analysis of the eicu dataset. The goal is to predict changes in blood pressure after a nitroglycerin dose titration. The targets R package was used to manage the analysis workflow. Steps in the workflow are in the _targets.R file.

Reproducible analysis with Docker

The statistical anlyses requires various packages to be installed, and may not work properly if package versions have changed. Therefore, a Docker image is provided to run the code reproducibly.

Run Docker locally

If you already have docker installed

  • Run the following in a terminal:
docker run -e PASSWORD=mu -p 8787:8787 awconway/eicu_nitro
  • Open a web browser and go to: localhost:8787
  • Enter rstudio as the username and mu as the password to enter an RStudio session.
  • Create a new project from version control (File > New project > Version Control > Git > )

Run Docker on a Cloud

Instead of installing docker on your system you can run it on a remote server, such as Digital Ocean. This link provides you with $100 free credit to use for a 60-day period. After signing up, follow these steps to run this project on a Digital Ocean droplet:

  • Create a DigitalOcean droplet. Choose a server with Docker installed from the Marketplace menu and choose a size for your server (number of CPUs and amount of RAM). It would be best to choose a server with at least 16GB RAM.

  • Select User data from the Select additional options section and enter the text as displayed below.

  - docker run -e PASSWORD=mu -p 8787:8787 awconway/eicu_nitro
  • Create the droplet.

  • Wait a few minutes for the docker image to load into the server then open a web browser and type in the ip address of the droplet you just created followed by the port 8787 (e.g. ipaddress:8787).

  • Enter rstudio as the username and mu as the password to enter an RStudio session.

  • Create a new project from version control (File > New project > Version Control > Git > )

Destroy the DigitalOcean droplet when finished inspecting the analyses

Connecting to the eicu bigquery database

First, follow the instructions to gain access through physionet. Once you have access to the data on bigquery, run the following code in the RStudio session and follow instructions in a pop-up browser to copy your token to the console:

bigrquery::bq_auth(email = "your gmail address associated with physionet account",
                  use_oob = TRUE)

Make sure to select to allow access to bigquery

Adding new predictors

There are two functions in this package that will assist querying the eicu database. Below are instructions for adding new predictors from the eicu dataset to the modelling workflow.

'Fixed' predictors (i.e. won't change throughout hospitalization, like age, admission diagnoses etc.):

If the variable is in one of the tables where a query already exists, you can just modify the query in _targets.R to insert the column name from the eicu bigquery table into the columns argument in query_cols. Then, include the name of that variable in the very last select function in make_data_format.

If the variable is in a table not already included in a query, then you can add a new query. query_cols will let you select just columns of particular tables in eicu where the patientunitstayid variable matches with any entry in the infusiondrug table where a dose of nitroglycerin was administered.

The result of a new query (i.e. the target), should be passed first to the make_data_format function in the _targets.R workflow. Within the make_data_format function, the target name will need to be added as an argument and steps included for preprocessing it before it can be included as a predictor in the model.

First, convert the variable name with the value you want to include in the model as a predictor to be more descriptive and include a suffix to indicate if it is an infusion (_inf), lab result (_lab) or some type of rating scale score (_score), such as pain (e.g. converted to 'pain_score').

apachepredvar <- apachepredvar %>%
      patientunitstayid, admitdiagnosis, diabetes
    ) %>%
    type.convert() %>%
    mutate(diabetes = factor(diabetes,
      levels = c(0, 1),
      ordered = FALSE

The new result should be joined to the results of other queries by the patientunitstayid variable.

      by = "patientunitstayid"
    ) %>%

Then, include the name of that variable in the very last select function in make_data_format.

As shown for the apachepredvar table above, some additional steps may be required to convert the variable to a proper format for modelling (i.e. factor or numeric). Inspect results and warning carefully when adding new predictors to the modelling workflow.

'Time-varying' predictors (e.g. doses of infusions, lab results etc)

query_rows does the same as query_cols with the added condition of being able to filter rows that meet a specific condition. For example, in the norepinephrine target, the query uses the condition "drugname = 'Norepinephrine (mcg/min)'" to only retrieve instances from the infusiondrug table where a dose of norepinephrine was entered.

The result of a new query (i.e. the target), should be passed first to the make_data_format function in the _targets.R workflow. Within the make_data_format function, the target name will need to be added as an argument and steps included for preprocessing it before it can be included as a predictor in the model.

First, convert the variable name with the value you want to include in the model as a predictor to be more descriptive and include a suffix to indicate if it is an infusion (_inf), lab result (_lab) or some type of rating scale score (_score), such as pain (e.g. converted to 'pain_score').

pain <- pain %>%
    type.convert() %>%
    mutate(pain_score = as.numeric(nursingchartvalue)) %>%
    select(-nursingchartvalue, -nursingchartvalue)

The new result should be joined to the results of other queries by the patientunitstayid variable. Also, to ensure the 'offset' variable gets recoded to a new variable called 'time', we need to first rename it to a consistent term, which is infusionoffset.

      by = c("infusionoffset" = "nursingchartoffset", "patientunitstayid")
    ) %>%

Some additional steps may be required to convert the variable to a proper format for modelling (i.e. factor or numeric). Inspect results and warning carefully when adding new predictors to the modelling workflow.


The init_split target produces an object of type rsplit, which is used to create the training and testing datasets used in subsequent steps in the modelling workflow. This init_split object uses a custom approach to the typical initial_split() function from tidymodels. This custom approach was needed because the data set used in the modelling includes multiple dose titrations from the same patients throughout their hospitalization. The custom function custom_rsplit ensures there are no patients included in both the training and testing sets.


This modelling workflow uses the tidymodels (to run the models) and targets (to store model results) packages to manage all steps of the workflow. All steps are included in Rmarkdown files that end in Targets. We will refer to these as target markdown files (as per the language used in the targets package). As an example, the lassoTargets.Rmd target markdown file contains the model specification and preprocessing steps used to evaluate optimal parameters for a LASSO model. These steps can be modified or new recipes developed instead to pass into the subsequent modelling steps.

If changes are made to the code chunks in a target markdown file, the file should be 'knitted' before the workflow is executed (i.e. before runnding targets::tar_make()).

Running the workflow after adding predictors

If any predictors are added or functions changed, then you will need to run the following code to execute the workflow:

install.packages('.') #installs the functions in the R folder

If no predictors are added or functions changed, targets::tar_make() is all that is needed to run the workflow.

Target structure

πŸ“¦οΈ eicu_nitro
        ┣━━ πŸ“„ globalTargets.Rmd
        ┃   ┗━━ 🎯 globalpackages  - global options/functions common to all targets
        ┣━━ πŸ“„ bigquery.Rmd
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 eicu_conn  - connection to bigquery database
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 patient  - patient table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 nitro  - nitro doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 dobutamine  - dobutamine doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 phenylephrine  - phenylephrine doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 furosemide  - furosemide doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 propofol  - propofol doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 norepinephrine  - norepinephrine doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 fentanyl  - fentanyl doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 midaz  - midazolam doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 dex  - Dexmedetomidine doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 nicardipine  - nicardipine doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 amiodarone  - amiodarone doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 fluids  - fluids doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 milrinone  - milrinone doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 epinephrine  - epinephrine doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 vasopressin  - vasopressin doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 diltiazem  - diltiazem doses from infusiondrug table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 sbpNurseCharting  - systolic blood pressure doses from nursecharting table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 pain  - pain scores from nursecharting table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 vital_aperiodic  - non-invasive systolic blood pressure measurements from vitalaperiodic table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 vital_periodic  - invasive systolic blood pressure measurements from vitalperiodic table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 apacheapsvar  - apache scores from apacheapsvar table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 apachepatientresult  - components of apache scores from apachepatientresult table in eicu
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 apachepredvar  - variables for apache scores from apachepredvar table in eicu
        ┃   ┗━━ 🎯 creat  - creatinine measurements from lab table in eicu
        ┣━━ πŸ“„ preprocessing.Rmd
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 joinedTables  - joins dataframes of targets produced from the bigquery.Rmd file
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 dataFormattedRaw  - Processes data into the format needed for analysis
        ┃   ┗━━ 🎯 dataFormatted  - filter out nitro dose titrations that don't fit the typical approach used for titration by nurses
        ┣━━ πŸ“„ dataModel.Rmd
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 timeBefore  - filter out observations where the bp was measured more than 15 minutes before a dose change
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 timeAfter  - filter out observations where the bp was measured more than 15 minutes before and after a dose change
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 dataModel  - filter data to only the first bp within the 5-15 min timeframe after dose titration
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 splitId  - makes an id for splitting into training/testing that ensures no observations from individual participants are in both samples
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 initSplit  - creates initial split object for use in tidymodels workflow
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 training  - training data comprising 75% of total observations
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 testing  - testing data comprising 25% of total observations
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 foldsIndex  - makes an id for crossfold validation that ensures no observations from individual participants are in both samples
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 foldsFive   - creates folds for 5-fold cross-validation                                                     
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 baselineTraining   - baseline metric for comparison in training - predictions need to be better than just passing in the 'pre' sbp as a prediction
        ┃   ┗━━ 🎯 baselineTesting   - baseline metric for comparison in testing - predictions need to be better than just passing in the 'pre' sbp as a prediction
        ┣━━ πŸ“„ modelSetup.Rmd
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 mset  - use rmse for metrics
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 control  - save predictions when using tune_grid()
        ┃   ┗━━ 🎯 controlResamples  - save predictions when using fit_resamples()
        ┣━━ πŸ“„ lassoTargets.Rmd
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 specLasso  - model specifications
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 gridLasso  - grid for tuning
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 recLasso  - recipe for the model
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 workflowLasso  - workflow for the model
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 tuningLasso  - trained models using 5-fold cross-validation
        ┃   ┗━━ 🎯 lassoFinal  - final fit using best model from parameter tuning
        ┣━━ πŸ“„ lassoEval.Rmd
        ┃   ┗━━ πŸ“Š Evaluation of models
        ┣━━ πŸ“„ boostTargets.Rmd
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 specBoost  - model specifications
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 gridBoost  - grid for tuning
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 recBoost  - recipe for the model
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 workflowBoost  - workflow for the model
        ┃   ┣━━ 🎯 resampleBoost  - trained models using 5-fold cross-validation
        ┃   ┗━━ 🎯 boostFinal  - final fit using best model from parameter tuning
        ┗━━ πŸ“„ boostEval.Rmd
            ┗━━ πŸ“Š Evaluation of models




Language:R 67.8%Language:Shell 29.2%Language:Dockerfile 3.0%