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Project 3: Use Deep Learning to Clone Driving Behavior

Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree

The Project

  • Implementation of behavioural cloning model
  • Details of Augmentation Process
  • Video generation
  • Discussion

Project files:

  • contains class Model with static methods for generation model and trainings:
    • DenseNet based model
    • SimpleNet neural network model
  • contains two classes:
    • Augment is responsible for augmentation:
      • Height Cropping
      • Left-Right flipping
      • Brightness adjusting
      • Appliance of shadow mask on an input image
    • TrackDataset is responsible for:
      • Loading dataset
      • Augmenting images
      • Splitting dataset on testing and validation datasets
      • Batch generation for training and validation
  • contains auxiliary function for loading images and changing color map.
  • video.mp4 video of first track challenge.
  • model.h5 best keras model


DenseNet based model

After reading NVIDIA's paper about driver behaviour cloning, I have decided to use my own neural network based on DenseNet. I came up with this solution:

  • Batch size is 128
  • Input image shape (12, 128, 3)
  • Input image in RGB color map
  • 3 DenseNet blocks
  • 3 layers per each block with growing factor 12
  • Batch normalization before each activation function
  • ELU activation function was used, because as I think standard ReLU function will not work for regression problem. I think that the best activation function for regression challenges is Leaky ReLU, but I did not try it in this work.
  • 3 fully connected layers
  • Adam optimizer with 1E-03 learning rate and 1E-08 epsilon
  • 10 epochs

It happened that this model is hardly trainable and the converge takes too long on my GTX-1080, after 10 epochs (5 hours) I had 0.15 validation error and results of driving were really poor, so that even on first turn the car went into the river.

SimpleNet model

I was really disappointed with gained results, but I didn't want to go with NVIDIA solution. After playing with different configurations I stayed with this one, and let's call it as SimpleNet:

  • Batch size is 128 - Same as in DenseNet
  • Input image shape (12, 128, 3) - Same as in DenseNet
  • Input image in RGB color map - Same as in DenseNet
  • 4 convolution layers with max pooling
  • ELU activation function - Same as in DenseNet
  • 3 fully connected layers with following 1 neuron dense layer
  • Adam optimizer with 1E-03 learning rate
  • 20 epochs

I started with learning rate 1E-1 for Adam and could get only 0.1 validation error, but when I decreased learning rate to 1E-04 I have got 0.01 validation error, such small change improved accuracy significantly.

Finally, I have gotten good result on first track, after several attempts of building neural networks and moreover my car almost finished challenge track.

NOTE: Before submitting images into the model the normalization procedure is applied: the mean of the image is subtracted from it, given result is divided by standard deviation of the original image, for avoiding zero division the standardisation algorithm replaces 0.0f standard deviation with 1/(image_width * image_height * image_depth) value.

NOTE: As you may notice the number of parameter of DenseNet and SimpleNet almost identical: 189,373 and 183,683 respectively, but training time is for SimpleNet is extremely lower. I spent less than 30 minutes on 20 epochs. I think it is a good theme for research to figure out what's going on and why DenseNet is so computationally expensive.


SimpleNet model architecture:

Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to                     
convolution2d_1 (Convolution2D)  (None, 124, 124, 8)   608         convolution2d_input_1[0][0]      
maxpooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D)    (None, 62, 62, 8)     0           convolution2d_1[0][0]            
convolution2d_2 (Convolution2D)  (None, 58, 58, 8)     1608        maxpooling2d_1[0][0]             
activation_1 (Activation)        (None, 58, 58, 8)     0           convolution2d_2[0][0]            
maxpooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2D)    (None, 29, 29, 8)     0           activation_1[0][0]               
convolution2d_3 (Convolution2D)  (None, 26, 26, 16)    2064        maxpooling2d_2[0][0]             
maxpooling2d_3 (MaxPooling2D)    (None, 13, 13, 16)    0           convolution2d_3[0][0]            
convolution2d_4 (Convolution2D)  (None, 9, 9, 16)      6416        maxpooling2d_3[0][0]             
flatten_1 (Flatten)              (None, 1296)          0           convolution2d_4[0][0]            
dense_1 (Dense)                  (None, 128)           166016      flatten_1[0][0]                  
dense_2 (Dense)                  (None, 50)            6450        dense_1[0][0]                    
dense_3 (Dense)                  (None, 10)            510         dense_2[0][0]                    
dense_4 (Dense)                  (None, 1)             11          dense_3[0][0]                    
Total params: 183,683
Trainable params: 183,683
Non-trainable params: 0

DenseNet based architecture:

Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer)             (None, 128, 128, 3)   0                                            
convolution2d_1 (Convolution2D)  (None, 128, 128, 16)  432         input_1[0][0]                    
batchnormalization_1 (BatchNorma (None, 128, 128, 16)  512         convolution2d_1[0][0]            
activation_1 (Activation)        (None, 128, 128, 16)  0           batchnormalization_1[0][0]       
convolution2d_2 (Convolution2D)  (None, 128, 128, 12)  1728        activation_1[0][0]               
merge_1 (Merge)                  (None, 128, 128, 28)  0           convolution2d_1[0][0]            
batchnormalization_2 (BatchNorma (None, 128, 128, 28)  512         merge_1[0][0]                    
activation_2 (Activation)        (None, 128, 128, 28)  0           batchnormalization_2[0][0]       
convolution2d_3 (Convolution2D)  (None, 128, 128, 12)  3024        activation_2[0][0]               
merge_2 (Merge)                  (None, 128, 128, 40)  0           convolution2d_1[0][0]            
batchnormalization_3 (BatchNorma (None, 128, 128, 40)  512         merge_2[0][0]                    
activation_3 (Activation)        (None, 128, 128, 40)  0           batchnormalization_3[0][0]       
convolution2d_4 (Convolution2D)  (None, 128, 128, 12)  4320        activation_3[0][0]               
merge_3 (Merge)                  (None, 128, 128, 52)  0           convolution2d_1[0][0]            
batchnormalization_4 (BatchNorma (None, 128, 128, 52)  512         merge_3[0][0]                    
activation_4 (Activation)        (None, 128, 128, 52)  0           batchnormalization_4[0][0]       
convolution2d_5 (Convolution2D)  (None, 128, 128, 52)  2704        activation_4[0][0]               
averagepooling2d_1 (AveragePooli (None, 64, 64, 52)    0           convolution2d_5[0][0]            
batchnormalization_5 (BatchNorma (None, 64, 64, 52)    256         averagepooling2d_1[0][0]         
activation_5 (Activation)        (None, 64, 64, 52)    0           batchnormalization_5[0][0]       
convolution2d_6 (Convolution2D)  (None, 64, 64, 12)    5616        activation_5[0][0]               
merge_4 (Merge)                  (None, 64, 64, 64)    0           averagepooling2d_1[0][0]         
batchnormalization_6 (BatchNorma (None, 64, 64, 64)    256         merge_4[0][0]                    
activation_6 (Activation)        (None, 64, 64, 64)    0           batchnormalization_6[0][0]       
convolution2d_7 (Convolution2D)  (None, 64, 64, 12)    6912        activation_6[0][0]               
merge_5 (Merge)                  (None, 64, 64, 76)    0           averagepooling2d_1[0][0]         
batchnormalization_7 (BatchNorma (None, 64, 64, 76)    256         merge_5[0][0]                    
activation_7 (Activation)        (None, 64, 64, 76)    0           batchnormalization_7[0][0]       
convolution2d_8 (Convolution2D)  (None, 64, 64, 12)    8208        activation_7[0][0]               
merge_6 (Merge)                  (None, 64, 64, 88)    0           averagepooling2d_1[0][0]         
batchnormalization_8 (BatchNorma (None, 64, 64, 88)    256         merge_6[0][0]                    
activation_8 (Activation)        (None, 64, 64, 88)    0           batchnormalization_8[0][0]       
convolution2d_9 (Convolution2D)  (None, 64, 64, 88)    7744        activation_8[0][0]               
averagepooling2d_2 (AveragePooli (None, 32, 32, 88)    0           convolution2d_9[0][0]            
batchnormalization_9 (BatchNorma (None, 32, 32, 88)    128         averagepooling2d_2[0][0]         
activation_9 (Activation)        (None, 32, 32, 88)    0           batchnormalization_9[0][0]       
convolution2d_10 (Convolution2D) (None, 32, 32, 12)    9504        activation_9[0][0]               
merge_7 (Merge)                  (None, 32, 32, 100)   0           averagepooling2d_2[0][0]         
batchnormalization_10 (BatchNorm (None, 32, 32, 100)   128         merge_7[0][0]                    
activation_10 (Activation)       (None, 32, 32, 100)   0           batchnormalization_10[0][0]      
convolution2d_11 (Convolution2D) (None, 32, 32, 12)    10800       activation_10[0][0]              
merge_8 (Merge)                  (None, 32, 32, 112)   0           averagepooling2d_2[0][0]         
batchnormalization_11 (BatchNorm (None, 32, 32, 112)   128         merge_8[0][0]                    
activation_11 (Activation)       (None, 32, 32, 112)   0           batchnormalization_11[0][0]      
convolution2d_12 (Convolution2D) (None, 32, 32, 12)    12096       activation_11[0][0]              
merge_9 (Merge)                  (None, 32, 32, 124)   0           averagepooling2d_2[0][0]         
batchnormalization_12 (BatchNorm (None, 32, 32, 124)   128         merge_9[0][0]                    
activation_12 (Activation)       (None, 32, 32, 124)   0           batchnormalization_12[0][0]      
globalaveragepooling2d_1 (Global (None, 124)           0           activation_12[0][0]              
dense_1 (Dense)                  (None, 500)           62500       globalaveragepooling2d_1[0][0]   
dense_2 (Dense)                  (None, 100)           50100       dense_1[0][0]                    
dense_3 (Dense)                  (None, 1)             101         dense_2[0][0]                    
Total params: 189,373
Trainable params: 187,581
Non-trainable params: 1,792

Details of Augmentation Process

The trick is that I used only data provided by Udacity. I did not use generated data. It encouraged me to explore technique of augmenting once more time after Traffic Sign Classification problem.

Let's check the distribution of steering angles in given dataset:

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The distribution is very biased towards centre. The prevailing number of 0.0f centre angles does not add more confidence that future model can gain something useful from this bare dataset. The log distribution reveals another pattern that dataset of angles is skewed to -0.5f-0.5f range and this is not good sign also. Whenever the car will have a position on the road when steering angle should be between -1.0f--0.4999f and 0.4999f-1.0f there will be high likelihood that the decision of the model will be faulty and will lead to fatal consequences.

In this project I used random adjustments:

  • Horizontal flips. If flip happens the sign of steering angle changes too.
  • Brightness adjustments by changing the saturation of HSV color map. Actually, this should help to adopt model to brightness changes. E.g. challenge track has shiny parts of the track, but also there are places where car should go in absolute 'darkness'.
  • Add shadow to the frame. The logic behind of it the same as for changing brightness. There are some parts of the road which are covered by shadow and the model can erroneously assume that it is border of the road and try to adjust the steering angle.
  • Using frames from left and right camera. This is very important part of augmenting because using it we triple size of dataset. Once data is loaded, I select frames from right and left camera and change centre steering angle for them according this rule: arctan(tan(center_angle) +(-) 0.25). The logic is simple: the car must always stay on the centre of road, whenever the car not on this centre the driver changes steering angle such that the car projection goes the imaginary point in 4 meters ahead which lies on desired centre. We take the distance between camers as 1 meter and using simple geometry calculations obtain the formula for right and left camera images: arctan(tan(center_angle) +(-) 1/4), for all right's camera images we should use minus.

Code of augmentation:

class Augment():
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kvargs):
        raise ValueError('Not possible to create instance of this class')
    def setseed(seed=None):
        if seed == None:
           a = rnd.uniform(0,1)
           b = np.uint32(rnd.uniform(1, 1000))
           rnd.seed(np.uint32(time.time() * a) + b)
    #def brightness(im, lbl, low=0.25, high=1.15, prob=[0.5, 0.5]):
    def brightness(im, lbl, low=0.25, high=1.2, prob=[0.5, 0.5]):
        if rnd.choice([1,0], p=prob) == 1:
            hsv = np.float32(common.cvt_color(np.uint8(im), color='HSV', src='RGB'))
            adjust = rnd.uniform(low=low, high=high)
            hsv[:,:,2] *= adjust
            hsv = np.clip(hsv, 0, 255)
            return cv.cvtColor(np.uint8(hsv), cv.COLOR_HSV2RGB), lbl
            return im, lbl
    def flip_horizontal(im, lbl, prob=[0.5, 0.5]):
        if rnd.choice([1,0], p=prob) == 1:
            return np.fliplr(im), -lbl
            return im, lbl
    def shadow(im, lbl, low=0.25, high=0.7, prob=[0.5, 0.5]):
        if rnd.choice([1,0], p=prob) == 1:
            im = np.float32(im)
            height, width, _ = im.shape
            adjust = rnd.uniform(low=low, high=high)
            xu, xd = rnd.uniform(low=0, high=width, size=2)
            alpha = height / (xd - xu)
            beta = - (alpha * xu)
            side = rnd.choice([0, 1])
            for row in range(height):
                col = np.int32((row - beta) / alpha)
                if side == 1:
                    im[row,:col] *= adjust
                    im[row,col:] *= adjust
            return np.uint8(im), lbl
            return im, lbl
    def crop_height(im, top=(0.325, 0.475), bottom=(0.075, 0.175)):
        yt = int(rnd.uniform(low=top[0], high=top[1]) * im.shape[0])
        yb = int(rnd.uniform(low=bottom[0], high=bottom[1]) * im.shape[0])
        return im[yt:-yb]

Examples of augmented images:

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In fact the augmentation process dived in two phases:

  1. When data are loaded by an instance of TrackDataset.

    a. It triples dataset by using right and left camera frames
    b. It divides dataset on training and validation sets

For building validation set I reject all spikes from original table. In fact, there was thee spikes: ~-0.25f, 0.0f, ~0.25f values. I created for them special data table - called self._skewed_data. Using it I can balance training and validation datasets.

def __init__(self, data_path='data/', driving_log='driving_log.csv', im_path='IMG/'):
    self._data_path = data_path
    self._images_path = os.path.join(data_path, im_path)
    sv_path = os.path.join(data_path, driving_log)
def _split_valid_train(self, nonskewed_test_size=0.15):
    x, xval, y, yval = train_test_split(
    _, counts  = np.unique(yval, return_counts=True)
    sample_size = np.uint32(self._skewed_count * counts.max() * 0.85)
    skewed_samples = self._sample_from_skewed(sample_size, drop=True)
    xval = xval.append(skewed_samples.image)
    yval = yval.append(skewed_samples.steering)
    self._train = pd.DataFrame({'image':x, 'steering':y})
    self._valid = pd.DataFrame({'image':xval, 'steering':yval})
    self._train.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    self._valid.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    self._skewed_size = np.uint32(
        self._train.steering.value_counts().max() *
        self._skewed_count *

The distribution of dataset received after using right and left images in augmentation:

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The derived distribution of validation dataset:

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You can see that this approached helped expand the range of steering angles up to -0.75-0.75. This is much better, but still not enough and ideally we need to take some samples from custom recorded video. I decided to leave it as is and look how the car will behave after learning on this augmented dataset.

  1. Image samples augmented during generation of batches for training and validation:

I wrote very simple generator which is randomly adjusts batch images using Augment class. It does all job online during training, while GPU is busy with network learning, the CPU can provide next batch of images. I used it also to generate some examples for this report.

def init_batch_generator(self, batch_size=128, image_size=(128,128,3), color='RGB'):
    self._batch_x_shape = (batch_size, *image_size)
    self._batch_y_shape = (batch_size, 1)
    self._color = color

def batch_generator(self, mode='train'):
    if mode != 'train' and mode != 'valid' and mode != 'example':
        raise ValueError('Unknown mode {0}'.format(mode))
    skewed_size = np.uint32(self._train.steering.value_counts().max() *
                            self._skewed_count *
    train_size = skewed_size + self._train.shape[0]
    batch_shape = self._batch_x_shape
    batch_size = self._batch_x_shape[0]
    im_shape = self._batch_x_shape[1:3]
    im_std = 1.0 / np.sqrt(batch_shape[1] * batch_shape[2] * batch_shape[3])
    while True:
        x = np.zeros(self._batch_x_shape)
        y = np.zeros(self._batch_y_shape)
        if mode == 'train' or mode == 'example':
            skewed_samples = self._sample_from_skewed(skewed_size)
            data = self._train.append(skewed_samples)
            data.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
            data = self._valid
        batch = self._sample_batch(data, batch_size)
        for i in batch.index:
            filename = batch.loc[i, 'image']
            steering = batch.loc[i, 'steering']
            im_path = os.path.join(self._data_path, filename.strip())
            if not os.path.exists(im_path):
                raise ValueError('Image not found {0}'.format(im_path))
            im = common.load_image(im_path, color=self._color)
            im, y_ = self._augment(im, steering)
            im = cv.resize(im, im_shape)
            if mode == 'example':
                yield im, y_
                x[i] = self.normalize_image(im.astype(np.float32), im_std=im_std)
                y[i] = y_
        yield x, y

Video generation

I altered a bit script so that it could work with my model. I added pre-process step for input images. It just applies rescaling and normalization step:

def normalize_image(cls, im, im_std=None):
    if im_std == None:
        im_std = 1.0 / np.sqrt(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1] * im.shape[2])
    xmean = np.mean(im)
    xstd = max(np.std(im, ddof=1), im_std)
    return (im - xmean) / xstd
def preprocess_image(cls, im, image_shape=(128,128)):
    im = Augment.crop_height(im, top=(0.45,0.45), bottom=(0.15,0.15))
    im = cv.resize(im, image_shape).astype(np.float32)
    return cls.normalize_image(im)

Link to the project videos. The Google Drive folder has two videos, run1 was was generated with SimpleNet model and run2 was generated with DenseNet model. I also recorded gif video, but the size of it is a bit shocking ~700MB and it is up to you to watch it or not :)


I faced a couple of problems, which I would like to highlight here:

  • The regression problems are significantly different from classification problems. In fact, it is only effect of loss function and what kind of error it generates in backpropagation. I suppose that RMSE loss function is just not the best one for this problem.
  • The data rocks. I still have some troubles with challenge track. If you take a look on challenge video you will notice that model abnormally reacts on contrast changes and very dark shadows. This happens because I did not include such transformations into my Augment class. But even if I include this type of augmentation there is no guarantee that this track will be passed without serious consequences for the car. It is always better to have good and big dataset rather than non-trivial augmentation process.
  • The latest complex models do not make magic. I invested to much time on DenseNet and did get satisfied results, but the process was harder and it took longer. The conclusion is that if your goal is not a research, but real application, it would be better to go from simple model to complex. (Do not work in all cases)



Language:Python 100.0%