aviv-or / vue-component-database

An online code editor for Vue Single File Components

Repository from Github https://github.comaviv-or/vue-component-databaseRepository from Github https://github.comaviv-or/vue-component-database

Vue Component Database

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A web application for sharing and editing vue single-file components.


  • GitHub Authentication
  • Create and edit Vue Single File Components
  • Write ES2015 Code



Copy .env.example to .env and adjust the environment variables. (For an explanation of the environment variables scroll down.)

yarn install
yarn run build
yarn run migrate:db
yarn run start


🐳 n1ru4l/vue-component-database

I recommend to use a .env file for configuration. (Learn more!)

docker pull n1ru4l/vue-component-database
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --env-file ./.env vue-component-database

Environment Variables Explanation


  • APP_URL The full URL of the app (e.g. http://localhost:8080)
  • APP_PORT Port of the app (e.g. 8080)
  • APP_HOST The host of the app (e.g. localhost)


First you will have to register a new OAuth application with GitHub (Click here)!

The Hompage URL must be equal to you APP_HOST variable. The Authorization callback URL must be equal to your APP_HOST variable + /login (e.g. http://localhost:8080/login)

  • GITHUB_CLIENT_ID The Client ID of your OAuth application (some random string)

  • GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET The Client Secret of your OAuth application (some more random string)


  • DB_CONNECTION Engine of the connection (Valid options: sqlite3 or mysql)

MySQL Only

  • DB_HOST Host of the database (e.g.
  • DB_PORT The port of the database (e.g. 3306)
  • DB_DATABASE The name of the database (e.g. vue_component_db)
  • DB_USER The name of the database user (e.g. john)
  • DB_PASSWORD The password of the database user (e.g. cena)
SQLite3 Only
  • DB_FILENAME The filename of the sqlite3 database (e.g. database.sqlite3)

Development Only

  • WEBPACK_DEV_PORT The port you want to run the webpack dev server (e.g. 4201)
  • WEBPACK_DEV_URL The full URL of the webpack dev server (e.g. http://localhost:4201)
  • WEBPACK_DEV_HOST The host of the webpack dev server (e.g. localhost)

Development Stuff

Running the tests

Execute tests with:

yarn test


  1. Fork this repo!

  2. Clone your fork!

  3. Install dependencies

yarn install
  1. Generate the graphql schema graphql.schema.json file.
yarn run generate:schema
  1. Implement feature!

  2. Write Tests! (yarn test)

  3. Lint the code (yarn run lint)

  4. Create a pull request :)


An online code editor for Vue Single File Components


Language:Vue 50.9%Language:JavaScript 48.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%Language:HTML 0.0%