aviv-or / json-resume-editor

Repository from Github https://github.comaviv-or/json-resume-editorRepository from Github https://github.comaviv-or/json-resume-editor

JSON Resume Editor

This project is using the json-resume ecosystem to supply an open-source advanced editor for resumes.

This is , currently, the first version of the app and should be considered an alpha version for all purposes.

enabling features like:

  • JSON-Schema based editor that enables interactive creation of the resume.json file
  • Exporting the resume to multiple formats:
    • resume-json
    • PDF
    • other formats - TBD
  • Support for multiple output themes
  • Integration with github gist - details - TBD
  • Advanced editing features - TBD
    • Ordering of sections -TBD

If this project is of any interest to you and you

  • want to contribute
  • have an idea
  • have an issue

Please open an issue so we can improve on the work!

Hosted APP



currently there's no npm package but you can still use from src!

git clone https://github.com/shaielc/json-resume-editor.git
cd json-resume-editor
npm install --also=dev
npx webpack
node index.mjs

now open your browser at localhost:3000




License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 94.0%Language:CSS 3.4%Language:HTML 1.6%Language:EJS 1.0%