averykhoo / plaintext-file-fragmentation

turns any file (or directory of files) into a bunch of small plaintext files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

plaintext file fragmentation

what and why

  • converts a file or folder into a bunch of ascii plaintext files, and vice versa
  • lets you bypass restrictions on file types
  • note that you may get in trouble for bypassing restrictions and that's entirely on you


  • python 3.6


on the first PC

  • (if input folder does not exist) run encode.bat to create input folder
  • copy files or directories into input folder
  • run encode.bat (about 1 min per 100 MB)
  • your files will be archived to input_archive
  • transfer text files in ascii85_encoded to the other pc

on the second PC

  • (if ascii85_encoded folder does not exist) run decode.bat to create ascii85_encoded folder
  • move text files to ascii85_encoded
  • run decode.bat (about 1.5 min per 100 MB)
  • take files out from output_decoded

how it works


  1. tar and gzip input folder to .tgz file on disk
  2. break file into random-sized chunks
  3. encrypt each chunk separately using the rc4-drop stream cipher (randomized salt and IV per-file)
  4. a85 encode each encrypted chunk
  5. write each encoded chunk to a text file (with metadata as json in header line)
  6. backup original input files to a timestamped folder


  1. the above steps in reverse
  2. allows you to decode multiple sets of chunks in one go
  3. decoded files are in a folder named according to the datetime you encoded it

manual alternative

  1. zip your file (right-click > send to > compressed folder)
  2. certutil -encode -v archive.zip b64.txt
  3. transfer b64.txt to your other PC
  4. certutil -decode -v b64.txt archive.zip


  • better encryption than rc4, but not too slow
    • so i'm currently using rc4 because it's easy to implement in pure python, reasonably fast, and there aren't any stream ciphers in the builtins
    • maybe chacha
    • mitigating factors:
      • we're using rc4-drop
      • the key is effectively random
      • the key is the full 256 bytes long
      • the stream is limited to less than 2**25 bytes
  • setup logging, or provide receipts when zipping/unzipping?
  • unified text fragment class for reading and writing?


turns any file (or directory of files) into a bunch of small plaintext files


Language:Python 98.3%Language:Batchfile 1.7%