averykhoo / json-query-language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


a powerful non-existent query language to match json objects (and maybe someday it can help to extract data from json objects)

query language

basic matching of primitives

  • str
    • exact match: provide a string, which can be empty
    • regex match: provide a re.Pattern object
    • glob match: use fnmatch.translate() to convert to regex
  • int
    • exact match: provide an integer or float (with no fractional part, obviously)
    • range match: provide a range object
  • float
    • exact match: provide an integer or float, which can be inf / -inf / NaN
    • fuzzy match: TODO maybe use a kwarg to define this? or create a approx() class?
  • bool
    • exact match: provide a bool
    • fuzzy (truthy) match: will not be supported
  • complex
    • will not be supported
  • null / None
    • provide None
    • TODO: should None match NaN?
    • TODO: should NaN match None?
  • *
    • use Ellipsis ... as a catch-all to match anything
    • note that Ellipsis behaves differently in a list!
    • Ellipsis MUST NOT exist in the object to be matched

advanced matching

  • to match at least one of a list of objects, provide a tuple of objects
  • a tuple that includes an Ellipsis will match anything
  • an empty tuple matches nothing
  • nesting tuples has no additional effect
  • tuples also work for complex matching with lists and dicts (see below)
  • TODO: should there be a pattern for AND, not just OR? how about XOR or NOT?
    • maybe this can be done with multiple passes of matching, instead of more complex match logic?

array matching

  • exact match: provide a list of values, which can be empty
  • pattern match: use Ellipsis to match zero or more of any elem
    • use Ellipsis in a tuple to match exactly one elem
  • index match: provide a dict with int keys, which can be negative

Example: match at least one True (but not at the start of the list), and end with False or None

pattern = [(...,), ..., True, ..., (False, None)]

Example: match at least one True, and end with a False

pattern = [..., True, ..., False]
# pattern_2 = {...: True, -1: False}

Example: match at least one True and at least one False

pattern = ([..., True, ..., False, ...], [..., False, ..., True, ...])

dict matching

  • exact (subtree) match: provide a dict, which can be empty
  • match just a value: use Ellipsis as a key
  • match non-empty: use Ellipsis as key and value
  • TODO: exact complete match? maybe an exact() class?

(maybe) not() matching

  • limit a dict to the keys {1, 2, 3}:
    • not({not((1, 2, 3)): ...})
    • maybe don't allow matching on keys, because this makes the algorithm O(n*n) as we need to match all pairs of values, and then take the linear assignment sum to see if it's a possible match
  • limit a dict to the values {1, 2, 3}:
    • not(...: not((1, 2, 3)))
  • limit a list to the elems {1, 2, 3} (in any order):
    • not([..., not((1, 2, 3)), ...])


  • do i want special handlers for these?
    • exact()
      • correctly handle NaN, inf, -inf, Ellipsis, tuple, list, dict, and other weird edge cases
    • all() or and()
    • not() or none() (or allow negation of other classes?)
    • maybe or() or xor() or one() or any() (or odd() or even())
    • maybe fuzzy() or approx() or truthy() or falsy()
    • maybe allow lambdas or functions for complex matching? already allowing regex after all



Language:Python 100.0%