averemee-si / oraaud-kafka

Oracle audit files to Apache Kafka/Amazon MKS/Amazon Kinesis transfer

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Oracle Database audit files to Apache Kafka or Amazon Kinesis transfer.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your Oracle Database Server (at moment only Linux/Solaris/AIX OS are supported).


Before using oraaud-kafka please check that required Java8+ is installed with

echo "Checking Java version"
java -version

and following RDBMS parameters are set correctly

sqlplus / as sysdba
select NAME, VALUE from v$parameter where NAME in ('audit_sys_operations', 'audit_file_dest','audit_trail');
REM or use 'show parameter' command

Is it recommended to set audit_file_dest to separate filesystem/LUN/etc from RDBMS datafiles, tempfiles and logfiles.

We recommend to set audit_sys_operations to TRUE.

For working with oraaud-kafka Oracle RDBMS parameter audit_trail must be set to XML, EXTENDED


Build with

mvn install

Then run as root supplied install.sh or run commands below


mkdir -p $ORAAUD_HOME/lib
cp target/lib/*.jar $ORAAUD_HOME/lib

cp target/oraaud-kafka-0.1.0.jar $ORAAUD_HOME
cp oraaud-kafka.sh $ORAAUD_HOME
cp oraaud-kafka.conf $ORAAUD_HOME
cp log4j.properties $ORAAUD_HOME

chmod +x $ORAAUD_HOME/oraaud-kafka.sh

Configuration for Apache Kafka

Create topic using command line interface, for example:

bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic oraaud-test

Don't forget about correct sizing of topic for heavy load. If you using Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka you can use AWS Management Console

Edit oraaud-kafka.conf, this files should looks like

a2.watched.path = /data/oracle/adump
a2.worker.count = 32
a2.locked.file.query.interval = 512
a2.kafka.servers = dwh.a2-solutions.eu:9092
a2.kafka.topic = ora-audit-topic
a2.kafka.client.id = a2.audit.ai.ora112

Mandatory parameters

a2.watched.path - valid directory path, must match Oracle RDBMS parameter audit_file_dest

a2.worker.count - number of threads for transferring audit information to Kafka cluster

a2.locked.file.query.interval - interval in milliseconds between check for "file in use"

a2.kafka.servers - hostname/IP address and port of Kafka installation

a2.kafka.topic - value must match name of Kafka topic created on previous step

a2.kafka.client.id - use any valid string value for identifying this Kafka producer

Optional parameters

a2.kafka.security.protocol - must be set to SSL or SASL_SSL if you like to transmit files using SSL and enable auth. Only PLAIN authentication supported and tested at moment.

a2.kafka.security.truststore.location - set to valid certificate store file if a2.security.protocol set to SSL or SASL_SSL

a2.kafka.security.truststore.password - password for certificate store file if a2.security.protocol set to SSL or SASL_SSL

a2.kafka.security.jaas.config - JAAS login module configuration. Must be set when a2.security.protocol set to SASL_SSL. For example org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="alice" password="alice-secret"; . Do not forget to escape equal sign and double quotes in file.

a2.kafka.acks - number of acknowledgments. Please check Apache Kafka documentation for more information about acks parameter

a2.kafka.batch.size - producer batch size. Please check Apache Kafka documentation for more information about batch.size parameter

a2.kafka.buffer.memory - producer buffer memory. Please check Apache Kafka documentation for more information about buffer.memory parameter

a2.kafka.compression.type - compression type. Please check Apache Kafka documentation for more information about compression.type parameter. By default set to gzip, to disable compression set to uncompressed

a2.kafka.linger.ms - producer linger time. Please check Apache Kafka documentation for more information about linger.ms parameter

a2.kafka.max.request.size - maximum size of producer producer request. Please check Apache Kafka documentation for more information about max.request.size parameter

a2.kafka.retries - producer retries config. Please check Apache Kafka documentation for more information about retries parameter

Configuration for Amazon Kinesis

Create Kinesis stream using AWS Management Console or using AWS CLI, for example:

aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name ora-aud-test --shard-count 1

Check stream's creation progress using AWS Management Console or with AWS CLI, for example:

aws kinesis describe-stream --stream-name ora-aud-test

Don't forget about correct sizing of stream for heavy load.

Edit oraaud-kafka.conf, this files should looks like

a2.target.broker = kinesis
a2.watched.path = /data/oracle/adump
a2.worker.count = 32
a2.locked.file.query.interval = 512
a2.kinesis.region = eu-west-1
a2.kinesis.stream = ora-aud-test
a2.kinesis.access.key = AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBB

Mandatory parameters

a2.target.broker - must set to kinesis for working with Amazon Kinesis

a2.watched.path - valid directory path, must match Oracle RDBMS parameter audit_file_dest

a2.worker.count - number of threads for transferring audit information to Amazon Kinesis

a2.locked.file.query.interval - interval in milliseconds between check for "file in use"

a2.kinesis.region - AWS region

a2.kinesis.stream - name of Kinesis stream

a2.kinesis.access.key - AWS access key

a2.kinesis.access.secret - AWS access key secret

Optional parameters

a2.kinesis.max.connections - can be used to control the degree of parallelism when making HTTP requests. Using a high number will cause a bunch of broken pipe errors to show up in the logs. This is due to idle connections being closed by the server. Setting this value too large may also cause request timeouts if you do not have enough bandwidth. 1 is default value

a2.kinesis.request.timeout - Request timeout milliseconds. 30000 is default value

a2.kinesis.request.record.max.buffered.time - controls how long records are allowed to wait in the Kinesis Producer's buffers before being sent. Larger values increase aggregation and reduces the number of Kinesis records put, which can be helpful if you're getting throttled because of the records per second limit on a shard.. 5000 is default value

a2.kinesis.file.size.threshold - Maximum size of audit file transferred without compression. 512 is default value


Create Oracle Database FGA

	object_schema => 'AP',
	object_name => 'AP_INVOICES_ALL',
	policy_name => 'AP_INV_AUD',
    enable => TRUE,
	statement_types => 'INSERT,UPDATE,SELECT',
	audit_trail => DBMS_FGA.XML + DBMS_FGA.EXTENDED);

or Oracle Database audit command

  ON per.per_all_people_f;

For other examples please consult Oracle Database documentation. If running with Kafka check for audit information at Kafka's side with command line consumer

bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --from-beginning --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic oraaud-test

If running with Amazon Kinesis check for transferred audit files with aws kinesis get-records CLI command.


Do not forget to align Kafka's message.max.bytes and replica.fetch.max.bytes parameters with Oracle Database audit file size. To check current values in Oracle database use

column PARAMETER_NAME format A30
column PARAMETER_VALUE format A20
column AUDIT_TRAIL format A20
where PARAMETER_NAME like '%SIZE%'

To change size of audit xml file

    audit_trail_type           => DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_XML,
    audit_trail_property       => DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.OS_FILE_MAX_SIZE,
    audit_trail_property_value => 1000);

    audit_trail_type           => DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_UNIFIED,
    audit_trail_property       => DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.OS_FILE_MAX_SIZE,
    audit_trail_property_value => 1000);

    audit_trail_type           => DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_OS,
    audit_trail_property       => DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.OS_FILE_MAX_SIZE,
    audit_trail_property_value => 1000);

There is comparision of Apache Kafka performance and throughtput for different message size - Finding Kafka optimal message size and we recommend not to set Oracle Database audit file size higher than 1M.

Built With

  • Maven - Dependency Management


  • Kerberos support
  • Windows



This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details