aveirinha / lborotechsoc.github.io

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Loughborough Technology Society Website


Our website is built using Jekyll and hosted by Github Pages.

How to Edit the Website

  1. Install Ruby (with Devkit):


  1. Install Jekyll. Run the command:

gem install jekyll bundler

  1. Download the source code. Run the command:

git clone https://github.com/LboroTechSoc/lborotechsoc.github.io.git

  1. Run the website locally, at http://localhost:4000.

    Open a terminal in the website folder and run:

bundle exec jekyll serve

  1. Merge changes into the master branch of the lborotechsoc.github.io repository.
    The website will update with your changes after a few moments.


Webpages are located in the /pages directory.

layout: default
title: ... # Title of the page (displayed in the browser tab)
permalink: ... # URL of the page


Page structures of the website can be found in _layouts.

This will contain html files which define what the pages should look like.

Currently there are 3 layouts:

  • default - The default layout which all pages should inherit.
  • code-and-chill - Layout for Code and Chill session pages. Inherits default.
  • workshop - Layout for workshop pages. Inherits default.


Workshop pages inherit the workshop layout, and are found in the /pages/workshops directory.

At the top of each workshop file this front-matter should be defined:

layout: workshop
title: ... # Title of the workshop
image: ... # Filename of the image to use*
categories: [ 'workshop' ] # Category so other pages can list workshops
eventDate: ... # Date of the workshop (look at previous dates for the layout)
permalink: /workshop/... # URL of the workshop
description: >
    ... # Description of the workshop, displayed in the box at the top of the page
        # This is written as HTML

* Images will be looked for within the /resources/technologies folder.

Code and Chill Sessions

Code and Chill session pages inherit the code-and-chill layout, and are found in the /pages/code-and-chill directory.

At the top of each session file this front-matter should be defined:

layout: code-and-chill
title:  ... # Title to be displayed in the webpage's tab
heading: ... # Heading of the page (usually the name and number of the session)
categories: [ 'code-and-chill' ] # Category so other pages can list sessions
eventDate: ... # Date of the session (look at previous dates for the layout)
permalink: /session/... # URL of the session
beginners_title: ... # Title of the beginners session
beginners_image: ... # Filename of the beginners session image*
advanced_title: ... # Title of the advanced session
advanced_image: ... # Filename of the advanced session image*

* Images will be looked for within the /resources/technologies folder.


The content of pages has been split up into individual files to allows them to be included separately. You can find these in the /_includes directory.

When adding one of the files into a page, use:

{% include file_name %}


Styles are written in SASS.

The /styles directory stores the files which are to be compiled into CSS and referenced in webpages.

Partial files can be found in /_sass, which contain individual styles.


Images can be found in the /resources/images directory.

If using any LSU media, make sure to abide by the LSU branch guidelines, which can be found here.



Language:HTML 76.4%Language:CSS 20.2%Language:Ruby 3.4%