avcoder / cyoa-1

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Once upon a time, you lived in a house of a family of pigs. One day momma pig says to you and your 2 siblings, "Now children, it's time to find your own away in the world and move out." As everyone says their goodbyes, your 2 brother pigs each take a different path. You start to walk but come a across a fork in the road. Choose a path:

  • If you choose to take the path of straw, click here
  • If you choose to take the path of wood, click here
  • If you choose to take the path of bricks, click here


You decide to take the path of straw. You soon meet a farmer and ask "Can I have some straw to build a house?" The farmer agrees and gives you the hay. After many hours of work, you finally built a house out of straw and live inside it. But you then hear a knock on the door. What do you do?


You decide to take the path of wood. You soon meet a farmer and ask "Can I have some wood to build a house?" The farmer agrees and gives you the wood. After many hours of work, you finally built a house out of wood and live inside it. But you then hear a knock on the door. What do you do?

Open Door

You open the door. The big bad wolf gobbles you up. The End.


You refuse to open the door. The big bad wolf yells, "Little pig, little pig, let me in!" You reply, "Not by the hair on my chinny-chin chin". The big bad wolf yells, then I'll huff, and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down" The wolf blows your house down, and you escape just in time to try to find your brother's house.


You decide to take the path of bricks. You soon meet a farmer and ask "Can I have some bricks to build a house?" The farmer agrees and gives you the bricks. After many hours of work, you finally built a house out of bricks and live inside it. Then you hear your 2 other brother pigs screaming for help. You usher them in your brick house, but then you hear a knock on the door. What do you do?


With all 3 pigs in the house, the big bad wolf climbs the chimney but falls in a pot of boiling water, yelps, escapes the chimney, never to be seen again. And the 3 little pigs lived happily ever after. The End.
