This repository provides Python scripts to convert transaction CSV files obtained from German online banking portals to a format that's suitable for import into Homebank (
Currently, only two German banks are supported:
Bank | Website | Script |
Consorsbank | | consorsbank2homebank |
ING-DiBa | | ingdiba2homebank |
The repository contains one script per bank. To perform a simple conversion, run
ingdiba2homebank download.csv out.csv
This will convert a CSV file "download.csv" downloaded from the ING-DiBa online banking website to a file "out.csv". Conversion will fail if the output file already exists, i.e. existing data is not overwritten.
The Homebank payment type is set to 0 ("none") by default. To apply a different payment type, e.g. 4 ("transfer") to
all transactions, use the --payment
ingdiba2homebank download.csv out.csv --payment 4
Similarly, it is possible to assign the same category to all transactions using the --category
ingdiba2homebank download.csv out.csv --category Expenses
By default, no category is set. One or more tags can be assigned to all transactions with the --tag
ingdiba2homebank download.csv out.csv --tag tag1 --tag tag2 --tag tag3
To install the x2homebank scripts, run
python install
with root privileges. Pandas ( is required to install and use the scripts. The installation script will install the scripts globally, so they are available to all users.