avbk / x2homebank

Scripts to convert transaction CSV files from German online banking portals to Homebank format.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository provides Python scripts to convert transaction CSV files obtained from German online banking portals to a format that's suitable for import into Homebank (http://homebank.free.fr/help/misc-csvformat.html).

Supported Banks

Currently, only two German banks are supported:

Bank Website Script
Consorsbank https://consorsbank.de consorsbank2homebank
ING-DiBa https://ing-diba.de ingdiba2homebank


The repository contains one script per bank. To perform a simple conversion, run

ingdiba2homebank download.csv out.csv

This will convert a CSV file "download.csv" downloaded from the ING-DiBa online banking website to a file "out.csv". Conversion will fail if the output file already exists, i.e. existing data is not overwritten.

The Homebank payment type is set to 0 ("none") by default. To apply a different payment type, e.g. 4 ("transfer") to all transactions, use the --payment parameter:

ingdiba2homebank download.csv out.csv --payment 4

Similarly, it is possible to assign the same category to all transactions using the --category parameter:

ingdiba2homebank download.csv out.csv --category Expenses

By default, no category is set. One or more tags can be assigned to all transactions with the --tag parameter:

ingdiba2homebank download.csv out.csv --tag tag1 --tag tag2 --tag tag3


To install the x2homebank scripts, run

python setup.py install

with root privileges. Pandas (http://pandas.pydata.org/) is required to install and use the scripts. The installation script will install the scripts globally, so they are available to all users.


Scripts to convert transaction CSV files from German online banking portals to Homebank format.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%