avasconcelos114 / mattermost-hackathon-hackerearth-jan2020

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Mattermost Bot Hackfest Jan 10 - Feb 28, 2020

Mattermost is holding a virtual Bot Hackfest and everyone is invited to participate!

The goal of this hackathon is to create bots that bring ChatOps to the heart of Mattermost. You have the opportunity to create an open source bot that is used by millions of people from small teams to large enterprises, and make a lasting impact on the DevOps community. Together, let’s create something amazing!

Register for the event and find out more at https://www.hackerearth.com/challenges/hackathon/mattermost-bot-hackfest/.

How do I submit my project?

Submit your Hackathon project following these steps:

Part 1:

  1. Create a new file in hackathon-submissions folder. Please use .md as the extension of the file.
  2. Name the file <your-github-username>-<your-submission-name>. For example, jasonblais-build-chatbot.
  3. Include either
  • a link to a repository containing your project (e.g. an integration or plugin), or
  • a short, 1-2 paragraph description of your work.
  1. Submit your changes as a pull request. If other members worked with you on the project, please make sure to include that in your pull request description.

Part 2:

  1. Submit a link to the pull request (from step 4) on HackerEarth to count as a hackathon participant.

For more submission guidelines, see the HackerEarth portal: https://www.hackerearth.com/challenges/hackathon/mattermost-bot-hackfest/custom-tab/submission-guideline/#Submission%20Guideline

Things to know

To learn more about the event, form your teams and ask questions, see the HackerEarth portal: https://www.hackerearth.com/challenges/hackathon/mattermost-bot-hackfest/
