avan06 / CollapsibleSplitcontainer

CollapsibleSplitcontainer is a UserControl written in .Net Framework 4.8, expandable/collapsable split container which extends SplitContainer.

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CollapsibleSplitcontainer is a UserControl written in .Net Framework 4.8, expandable/collapsable split container which extends SplitContainer.

This repository mirrors source code of Collapsible-Split-Container project created by Ed Gadziemski.

forked from https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/820888/Collapsible-Split-Container
Collapsible Split Container
(c) 2014 Ed Gadziemski, v.
Last updated 9/18/2014
Licensed under Code Project Open License

Changes in this version:

  1. Change the Collapse button to the Forms button type, which originally used the OnPaint event to draw a simulated button.
  2. Change the position of the Collapse button from Splitter to panel1, panel2




  • Determine the background image of the splitter button, or use the default background image


  • Determines whether to place collapse buttons on both sides of the splitter or on one side of Panel1 and Panel2
  • Panel: The location of the splitter button is on both sides of the panel
  • Panel1: The location of the splitter button is in Panel1
  • Panel2: The location of the splitter button is in Panel2


  • TopLeft: splitter button on the top left
  • Center: splitter button is in the middle
  • BottomRight: splitter button at bottom right


  • Determines the style of splitter buttons
  • None: don't show the splitter button
  • Image: Display the double splitter button (the button function is to determine the collapse direction of the panel, upper left or lower right)
  • SingleImage: Displays a single splitter button (according to the collapsed state of the panel, the button automatically determines whether it is upper left or lower right)


  • Determines the size of the splitter button, the default is 16


  • Determines the style of the splitter after collapsing: MinSize - maintains minimum width; Collapsed - fully collapses
  • MinSize: the panel collapses to the specified MinSize
  • Collapsed: One-sided panel completely collapsed


  • Determines whether to collapse Panel2; if not, Panel1 will collapse. This setting only takes effect when SplitterButtonStyle is SingleImage and the location of the splitter button is on either Panel1 or Panel2.


CollapsibleSplitcontainer is a UserControl written in .Net Framework 4.8, expandable/collapsable split container which extends SplitContainer.


Language:C# 100.0%