auxoncorp / modality-ros2

Observability (Modality) and Mutation (Deviant) support for ROS 2

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Observability (Modality) and Mutation (Deviant) support for ROS 2.

Supports the following ROS versions:

  • humble


An LD_PRELOAD integration for the rmw (ROS middleware abstraction) interface layer that provides

  • Precise topic publisher and subscriber tracing, including exact receive points.
  • Precise service (RPC) tracing, on the client and server

Getting Started

  1. Get the plugin shared library
  • Build from source
cargo build --release
  • Download the latest artifact from github releases
wget ros_deps
  1. Set LD_PRELOAD environment variable prior to running ROS nodes.
export LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/

NB: You must be 100% sure that the .so library you're using was built against exactly the same version of ROS that you're running. This instrumentation relies on the layout of some internal structs, which may change between versions. We build against the ros:humble docker image, but even that is a moving target; check the versions in the ros_deps file against your system to make sure everything lines up.

Note that we've also appended '' to LD_PRELOAD as well. This is because, ROS uses a middleware-dispatch library that dlopens the appropriate middlware library on the fly, depending on configuration. Unfortunately, this mechanism is not compatible with LD_PRELOAD. By including the specific middleware implementation in LD_PRELOAD here, the dispatch library isn't loaded at all, which allows our LD_PRELOAD hooks to work.


These environment variables configure the behavior of the ROS LD_PRELOAD library:

  • MODALITY_ROS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: How long to wait, in seconds, for a connection to modalityd, before giving up. During this time, messages are queued in memory. Defaults to 20 seconds.

  • MODALITY_ROS_IGNORED_TOPICS: A comma-separated list of ROS topics which should be completely ignored when relaying data to Modality. Be sure to include the '/' at the beginning of the topic. Defaults to "/parameter_events". If you want to explicitly include ALL topics (with no default ignores), set this to the empty string "".

  • MODALITY_ROS_MAX_ARRAY_LEN: When transcribing ROS messages into Modality format, what is the largest array that should be allowed? Any array longer than this will be ignored. This is meant to allow things like vectors and coordinates to be passed into Modality, while excluding things like camera frames and LIDAR point clouds. Defaults to 12.

  • MODALITY_ROS_BUFFER_SIZE: How many messages to buffer internally, before sending to the Modality backend. If this is too small, some message may be dropped (an error message will be printed). Defaults to 1024.

  • MODALITY_RUN_ID: The run id to value to use in timeline metadata (timeline.run_id). This is used as the basis for the segmentation method used in the default Modality workspace. Defaults to a randomly generated uuid.

  • MODALITY_AUTH_TOKEN: The content of the auth token to use when connecting to Modality. If this is not set, the auth token used by the Modality CLI is read from ~/.config/modality_cli/.user_auth_token.

  • MODALITY_HOST: The hostname where the modality server is running.

This library uses the same connection and configuration infrastructure as reflector plugins; see the modality-reflector Configuration File documentation for more information.

Adapter Concept Mapping

The following describes the default mapping between ROS concepts and Modality's concepts.

  • A timeline is created for each ROS node. The timeline's name is created by combining the node's namespace and name with a / character. Any preceiding / in the node's namespace is removed. For example, a node with the namespace /nav and the name gps will create a timeline named nav/gps.

  • When a message is published by a ROS node, an event is created on that node's timeline.

    • The event name is the name of the topic on which the message was published, with any preceding '/' character removed. For example, a message published on the '/orientation' topic will be logged in modality as an event named 'orientation'.

    • The payload data on the message is converted to event attributes.

      • The attribute name is the name of the payload field. For example, the depth payload field would be converted to the depth attribute.

      • Nested structures are flattened, with their names connected by the . character. For example, if a payload contains a velocity structure, which in turn contain x and y field, the event will contain the attributes velocity.x and velocity.y.

      • Arrays are flattened as well; the array index is used as a numeric value, again separated by . charcters. For example, if a playload contains an array named position with three elements, the event will contain the attributes position.0, position.1, and position.2.

        • The probe intentionally limits the size of arrays which are converted. By default, arrays up to length 12 will be converted; anything longer will be ignored. This threshold may be customized using the MODALITY_ROS_MAX_ARRAY_LEN environment variable.
      • Payload values are converted to attribute values directly:

        • String, WString, Char, and WChar are converted to Modality strings

        • Floats and Doubles are converted to Modality floats (64 bit)

        • Booleans are converted to Modality booleans

        • All integer numeric types are converted to Modality integers (stored as signed 64 bit). Large UInt64 values may be promoted to a Modality BigInt (128 bit).

    • The '/rosout' topic is special cased: the textual content of the message is used as the event name.

  • When a service interaction is made by a ROS node, an event is created on that node's timeline.

    • One event is created for each step in the service RPC lifecycle: send request, take (receive) request, send response, and take (receive) response. The request events are logged on the client node's timeline, while the response events are logged on the servce node's timeline.

    • These events are named using the name of the service. Any preceding slashes are removed, and any intermediate slashes are replaced with . characters. For example, calls to the service /waypoint/create would be logge as events named waypoint.create. The exact service name is also available as the attribute.

    • The different events in the service lifecycle may be distinguished using the event.ros.service.event attribute.

  • The following timeline attributes are added:

    • timeline.ros.node.namespace: (string) The exact namespace of the ROS node.

    • (string) The exact name of the ROS node.

    • timeline.ros.node: (string) The exact namespace and name of the ROS node, combined with a / character.

    • timeline.ros.publisher_gid.<gid>: (boolean) This attribute is set to true for a node that publishes messages using the graph id <gid>. It is used for connecting pubsub-related interactions.

    • timeline.ros.service.client_guid.<guid>: (boolean) This attribute is set to true for a node which a service client that is identified by <guid>. It is used for connecting service-related interactions.

  • The following attributes are added to pubsub-related events:

    • event.ros.topic: (string) The exact name of the topic on which message was published (or received).

    • event.ros.publish: (bool) This is present, and set to true, for events logged when a message is published on a topic.

    • event.ros.received: (bool) This is present, and set to true, for events logged when a message received on a node that subscribed to a topic.

    • event.ros.schema.namespace: (string) The exact namespace of the schema for the pubsub message's payload.

    • (string) The exact namespace of the schema for the pubsub message's payload.

  • The following event attributes are added to service-related events:

    • (string) For service-related events, this is set to the exact name of the service involved.

    • event.ros.service.event: (string) For service-related events, this indicates what part of the service transaction is being represented. The value is one of send_request, recv_request, send_response, or recv_response.

  • The following additional special events are logged, representing operations that occur at the RMW (ROS Middlware) layer:

    • rmw.create_node / rmw.destroy_node
    • rmw.create_publisher / rmw.destroy_publisher
    • rmw.create_subscription / rmw.destroy_subscription
    • rmw.create_service / rmw.destroy_service
    • rmw.create_client / rmw.destroy_client


Observability (Modality) and Mutation (Deviant) support for ROS 2

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 80.8%Language:C 13.1%Language:Shell 5.0%Language:Ruby 0.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%Language:C++ 0.1%