automadcms / tree-sitter-automad

Automad grammar for Tree-Sitter

Repository from Github https://github.comautomadcms/tree-sitter-automadRepository from Github https://github.comautomadcms/tree-sitter-automad

Tree-Sitter Automad

Tree-Sitter grammar for Automad templates.

Installation (Neovim)

In order to enable syntax highlighting in Automad templates when using Neovim, the following two steps are required:

Updating Tree-Sitter Config

First, the automad parser config has to be defined and then added to the ensure_installed table inside the nvim-treesitter setup function.

local parser_config = require('nvim-treesitter.parsers').get_parser_configs()

parser_config.automad = {
  install_info = {
    url = '',
    files = { 'src/parser.c' },

  ensure_installed = {
  auto_install = true,

Copying Queries

After updating the Tree-Sitter config, the queries directory in this repository has to be copied to the Neovim config after directory:

git clone
cp -r ./tree-sitter-automad/queries ~/.config/nvim/after/queries

Note that this assumes that you don't have already a queries directory in your Neovim config.


Automad grammar for Tree-Sitter

License:MIT License


Language:C 95.6%Language:Rust 1.6%Language:JavaScript 1.5%Language:C++ 0.4%Language:Hack 0.4%Language:Scheme 0.2%Language:Python 0.2%