austinwo / ng-flow

Flow.js html5 file upload extension on angular.js framework

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What is ng-flow?

Flow.js extensions for angular.js framework, no 3rd party JS dependencies required!

ng-flow extension is based on Flow.js library.


How can I install it?

  1. Get the library:

Direct Download Download a latest build from it contains development and minified production files in dist/ directory, they are also concatenated with core flow.js library.

Using Bower

    bower install ng-flow#~2

Git Clone

    git clone

Using Yeoman

    bower install "ng-flow#~2" --save
    grunt bower-install
  1. Add the module to your app as a dependency:

     angular.module('app', ['flow'])
  2. Include the files in your project

<!-- concatenated flow.js + ng-flow libraries -->
<script src="ng-flow/dist/ng-flow-standalone.min.js"></script>
<!-- or include the files separately -->
<script src="flow.js/dist/flow.min.js"></script>
<script src="ng-flow/dist/ng-flow.min.js"></script>

How can I use it?

First of all wrap places there you are going to use Flow.js

<div flow-init>
    ... other flow directives goes here ...

This directive is going to add $flow variable to current scope. Also directive can be nested, because $flow variable is going to be overridden. $flow is instance of Flow.

Secondly you need to assign some upload buttons:

<input type="file" flow-btn />
<input type="file" flow-btn flow-directory />
  Input OR Other element as upload button
<span flow-btn>Upload File</span>

First button is for normal uploads and second is for directory uploads. Note: avoid using <a> and <button> tags as file upload buttons, use <span> instead.

Now you need to display uploaded files, all you need to do is to loop files array. Files array is attached to flow object named $flow.

<tr ng-repeat="file in $flow.files">

file is instance of FlowFile.

Quick setup

<div flow-init="{target: '/upload'}"
     flow-file-success="$file.msg = $message">

  <input type="file" flow-btn/>
  Input OR Other element as upload button
  <span class="btn" flow-btn>Upload File</span>

    <tr ng-repeat="file in $flow.files">

Need more examples?
Clone this repository and go to "ng-flow/samples/basic/index.html".
Single image upload "ng-flow/samples/image/index.html".

How can I drop files?

Use `flow-drop` directive:
<div class="alert" flow-drop>
    Drag And Drop your file here

Note: in most cases flow-drop must be used together with flow-prevent-drop directive on body element, because it prevents file from being loaded in the browser.

Prevent dropping files on a document

Use flow-prevent-drop directive on body element:

<body flow-prevent-drop>


How to add some styles while dropping a file?

Use flow-drag-enter directive:

<div flow-drag-enter="style={border:'4px solid green'}" flow-drag-leave="style={}"

Note: flow-drag-leave attribute can't be used alone, it is a part of flow-drag-enter directive.

How to dynamically disable drop area?

<div class="alert" flow-drop flow-drop-enabled="config.enabled">
    Drag And Drop your file here

See example at samples/dataurl/.

How can I preview uploaded image?

Use flow-img directive:

<img flow-img="$flow.files[0]" />

Image will be automatically updated once file is added. No need to start upload.

How can I set options for flow.js?

Use config:

var app = angular.module('app', ['flow'])
.config(['flowFactoryProvider', function (flowFactoryProvider) {
    flowFactoryProvider.defaults = {
        target: '/upload',
        permanentErrors:[404, 500, 501]
    // You can also set default events:
    flowFactoryProvider.on('catchAll', function (event) {
    // Can be used with different implementations of Flow.js
    // flowFactoryProvider.factory = fustyFlowFactory;

also can be configured on "flow-init" directive:

<div flow-init="{target:'/uploader'}">


How can I catch events?

Events are listed inside flow-init directive:

<div flow-init
        flow-file-success="someHandlerMethod( $file, $message, $flow )"
        flow-file-progress="someHandlerMethod( $file, $flow )"
        flow-file-added="someHandlerMethod( $file, $event, $flow )"
        flow-files-added="someHandlerMethod( $files, $event, $flow )"
        flow-files-submitted="someHandlerMethod( $files, $event, $flow )"
        flow-file-retry="someHandlerMethod( $file, $flow )"
        flow-file-error="someHandlerMethod( $file, $message, $flow )"
        flow-error="someHandlerMethod( $file, $message, $flow )"
        flow-complete=" ... "
        flow-upload-started=" ... "
        flow-progress=" ... "
      <div flow-file-progress=" ... events can be also assigned inside flow-init ... "></div>


How can I catch an event in a controller?

If controller is on the same scope as flow-init directive or in a child scope, then we can catch events with $on. Events are prefixed with flow::.

$scope.$on('flow::fileAdded', function (event, $flow, flowFile) {
  event.preventDefault();//prevent file from uploading

second argument is always a flow instance and then follows event specific arguments.

How can I assign flow to a parent scope?

Use flow-name attribute and set it to any variable in the scope.

<div flow-init flow-name="obj.flow">
    ... Flow is set to obj.flow  ...
    I have uploaded files: #{{obj.flow.files.length}}

How can I initialize flow with an existing flow object ?

Use flow-object attribute and set it with the existing flow object on scope.

<div flow-init flow-object="existingFlowObject">
    ... Flow is initialized with existingFlowObject, no new Flow object  is created ...
    There are already {{ existingFLowObject.files.length }} files uploaded,
    which is equal to {{ $flow.files.length }}.

How can I support older browsers?

Go to and add to your config:

var app = angular.module('app', ['flow'])
.config(['flowFactoryProvider', function (flowFactoryProvider) {
    flowFactoryProvider.factory = fustyFlowFactory;


To ensure consistency throughout the source code, keep these rules in mind as you are working:

  • All features or bug fixes must be tested by one or more specs.

  • With the exceptions listed below, we follow the rules contained in Google's JavaScript Style Guide:

    • Wrap all code at 100 characters.

    • Instead of complex inheritance hierarchies, we prefer simple objects. We use prototypical inheritance only when absolutely necessary.


Flow.js html5 file upload extension on angular.js framework

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%