Sunlight <> Version 1.18 (see CHANGELOG for details) by Tommy Montgomery <> Licensed under WTFPL: Installation ------------ - Reference sunlight-all-min.js OR sunlight-min.js and language files of your choice. - Reference a theme stylesheet (in themes/) or provide your own stylesheet. - Place code inside an element with the class "sunlight-highlight-{language}" where language is the id of the language. e.g. "sunlight-highlight-csharp" for C#. To use Sunlight as a jQuery plugin, reference the desired sunlight files, and then reference jquery.sunlight.js. Refer to for other options. Included language files ----------------------- - C# - PHP - JavaScript - MySQL - XML - CSS - bash - T-SQL - Java - Ruby - Python - Brainfuck - nginx - C/C++ - 6502 assembler - Perl - VB.NET - httpd - Lisp - Visual Studio solution files (*.sln) - DOS batch - Haskell - Erlang - Diff (unified and context) - Scala - ActionScript - PowerShell - Objective-C - Lua Included themes --------------- - sunlight.default.css - sunlight.dark.css Included plugins ---------------- - sunlight-plugin.linenumbers.js (bundled) - - sunlight-plugin.doclinks.js Authors ------- Tommy Montgomery Contributors ------------ Bob Montgomery