austince / kuma-sd-playground

A small example of using Promethues's Kuma SD to securely monitor services.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

kuma_sd Playground

A small example of using Promethues's Kuma SD to securely monitor services.


  • Three namespaces, kuma-system, monitoring, and kuma-demo (in ./namespaces)
    • kuma-system is the Kuma Control Plane's "system" namespace
    • monitoring and kuma-demo are for workloads, and configured to let Kuma inject a Dataplane Proxy Sidecar (Envoy) to all pods
  • Kuma 1.2.3 Control Plane (in ./kuma-control-plane)
  • Kuma Policies for secure scraping (in ./kuma-policies)
    • One Mesh with mTLS enabled
    • A TrafficPermission to allow all services to talk to all services
  • Prometheus (in ./prometheus), configured to discover targets from Kuma
  • The Kuma Demo App (in ./demo-app), source found at:

Prometheus Configuration

See ./prometheus/config.yaml and take note of the kuma-dataplane job's relabel_config, which attaches discovered labels to each metric via relabelling.

Full Reference:


kubectl apply -f namespaces/

kubectl apply -f kuma-control-plane/

# Must wait for the control-plane to come up so it can inject the Kuma Dataplane Sidecar
kubectl wait --for=condition=ContainersReady --namespace kuma-system pods --all
kubectl apply -f prometheus/

kubectl apply -f kuma-policies/

kubectl apply -f demo-app/


# In different shells:

# Access Prometheus UI at localhost:9090

# Access Kuma UI at localhost:5681/gui

# Access Demo App UI at localhost:8080

# Create some traffic on the network to generate both HTTP 2xx and 4xx responses 

Prometheus should start actively scraping the services and ingesting the exported Envoy (the Dataplane Proxy) metrics.

In the Prometheus UI, check out:

  • Status > Service Discovery
    • Expand the kuma-dataplanes job to see all the services and discovered labels. These discovered labels are all available for the relabel_config stanza of the Prometheus config.
  • Status > Targets
    • Expand the kuma-dataplanes job to see the scraped endpoints and the exposed labels.
  • Graph


kubectl delete -f demo-app/

kubectl delete -f prometheus/

kubectl delete -f kuma-policies/

kubectl delete -f kuma-control-plane/

kubectl delete -f namespaces/


A small example of using Promethues's Kuma SD to securely monitor services.

License:The Unlicense


Language:Shell 100.0%