austin-karren / redux

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React Redux Review


This project is intended to provide another example of an implementation of React Redux. The master branch contains a project ready to implement React Redux. For a working version of the project, checkout to the finished branch.

This project is a simple app to make a list of movies while showing their posters and our own rating from 0 - 10. The first step is to input the information about the movie, then confirm the information, and then view our list of movies.


Many people struggle to implement the redux pattern their first few times. The best way to become comfortable with it will be to repeat it several times. This repo will provide instructions walking through the process. For your information we have installed the following libraries from npm:

  • redux
  • react-redux
  • redux-devtools-extension
  • react-router-dom (already implemented)

Step 1

Our first step will be to set up our reducer.

  1. Inside of your src folder, create a ducks folder. Inside of this folder create a file called moviesReducer.js.
  2. Let's set up our reducer, it will contain 4 parts
    1. Our initial state which will need the following properties and default values: title: '', poster: '', rating: null, movies: [].
    2. An action constant called "SET_MOVIE_INFO"
    3. An action creator, a function called setMovieInfo that does the following:
      • Takes in title, poster, and rating as parameters
      • Returns an object containing two properties: type and payload
      • type will be our SET_MOVIE_INFO constant
      • payload will be an object containing our title, poster, and rating
      • Make sure to export this function
    4. Our reducer function which will take in state (this should default to initialState)and action. It will contain:
      • A switch statement that will switch on our action.type.
      • In that switch statement, set up a case for SET_MOVIE_INFO which will return an updated redux state with our title, poster, and rating properties updated (HINT: Use the spread operator to do this easily)
      • Don't forget to include a default case that will just return our state object
      • This function needs to be our default export from this file.
moviesReducer.js solution
const initialState = {
  title: '',
  poster: '',
  rating: null,
  movies: [],


export const setMovieInfo = (title, poster, rating) => {
  return {
    type: SET_MOVIE_INFO,
    payload: { title, poster, rating },

function moviesReducer(state = initialState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case SET_MOVIE_INFO:
      return { ...state, ...action.payload }
      return state

export default moviesReducer

Step 2

Our next step will be to set up our store and connect provide it to our application

  1. Create a file inside your src folder called store.js this will hold our redux store. This will also make it possible for us to use the redux devtools. If you do not have them installed you can find them here. They will make your life infinitely easier when dealing with redux because you will be able to dynamically check your redux state values.
  2. Import createStore from redux, moviesReducer from our moviesReducer.js file, and devToolsEnhancer from redux-devtools-extension. Only our moviesReducer is the default export so don't forget to put curly braces around the other two imports.
  3. Create a variable called store and set it equal to createStore invoked. Pass it our movies reducer as its first argument, its second argument should be devToolsEnhancer invoked. This will connect our app to the redux devtools.
  4. Inside of your index.js file, import Provider from react-redux and store from our store.js file. Wrap your app component in our Provider and pass it store as a prop called store. This will make our store available to our app.
store.js solution
import { createStore } from 'redux'
import moviesReducer from './ducks/moviesReducer'
import { devToolsEnhancer } from 'redux-devtools-extension'

export default createStore(moviesReducer, devToolsEnhancer())
index.js solution
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import './index.css'
import App from './App'
import { HashRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom'
import {Provider} from 'react-redux
import store from './store'

    <Provider store={store}>
      <App />

Step 3

Our next step will be to connect our MovieForm component to our reducer and make it update the values on our redux state.

  1. In our MovieForm component, import connect from react-redux and setMovieInfo from our moviesReducer.js file.
  2. Wrap your export of MovieForm in the second invocation of connect (HINT: connect will be invoked twice, once to recieve mapStateToProps and a second time to recieve any action creators that we want to pass in).
  3. Because we don't need to display any redux state values in this component, just set them, instead of passing mapStateToProps to the first invocation of connect, we will pass null and an object containing our setMovieInfo function as the second argument.
  4. Finally, we want to modify our handleSubmit method to set those values on our redux state. Inside of this method, invoke the props version of setMovieInfo, passing it title, poster, and rating from our local state.

We can use our redux devtools to check that these values are setting properly. Open up your developer tools and find the redux devtools. They will show the current value of your redux state as well as any changes that happen.

MovieForm.js solution
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { setMovieInfo } from '../ducks/moviesReducer'
import styles from './styles'

class MovieForm extends Component {
  //Constructor and handle change methods.  These do not need to be changed.

  handleSubmit = e => {
    const { title, poster, rating } = this.state

    this.props.setMovieInfo(title, poster, rating)


  //Render method this does not need to be changed.

export default connect(
  { setMovieInfo }

Step 4

Once we can get our form to properly update the values in our redux state, we need to edit MovieConfirm to display them.

  1. Import connect into your MovieConfirm component from 'react-redux'.
  2. Wrap your export of MovieConfirm in the second invocation of connect.
  3. Outside of your component create a function called mapStateToProps which accepts a single argument, our redux state. You can call this whatever you want.
  4. Destructure title, poster, and rating from our redux state and return an object containing those three values from our mapStateToProps function. When provided to the first invocation of connect this will take those values from our redux state and put them on the props of our MovieConfirm component.
  5. Pass mapStateToProps to the first invocation of connect and console log props in our MovieConfirm component to test that these props are being applied properly.
  6. The MovieConfirm component currently has placeholder strings of TITLE, RATING, and URL. Change those strings to references to our values on props to make them display correctly.
MovieConfirm.js solution
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { updateMovieList } from '../ducks/moviesReducer'
import styles from './styles'

const MovieConfirm = props => {
  const { title, poster, rating } = props
  const confirmMovie = () => {


  return (
    <div style={styles.container}>
      <p style={styles.containerHeading}>CONFIRM YOUR DETAILS</p>
      <p style={styles.confirmText}>{`${title} - ${rating}`}</p>
      <img src={poster} alt="Movie Poster" />
          onClick={() => props.history.push('/')}
        <button onClick={confirmMovie} style={styles.formButton}>

const mapStateToProps = state => {
  const { title, poster, rating } = state

  return { title, poster, rating }

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(MovieConfirm)

Step 5

In this step we will finish the functionality of the app. We will allow our MovieConfirm component to update the movies array on our redux state, and setup our MovieList component to display this list. This will require us to add another action constant, action handler, and case to our reducer.

  1. First we will edit our moviesReducer file.
    1. We need to add another action constant, UPDATE_MOVIE_LIST
    2. We need to create another action creator called updateMovieList. This will take in a new movie object (which will contain title, poster, and rating properties). It should return an object with a type property which should be equal to our UPDATE_MOVIE_LIST constant, and an payload property which should be equal to our new movie object. Make sure to export this function.
    3. Add a case to your reducer function of UPDATE_MOVIE_LIST. This case should return our current state object with the movies property being updated to a new array to include our new movie object which comes in on the action.payload.
  2. Once that is done we can update our MovieConfirm component to be able to take this action.
    1. Import updateMovieList into MovieConfirm. Add an object containing this function as the second argument of the first invocation of connect
    2. Modify the confirmMovie function to run this function, passing in an object containing title, poster, and rating properties based on the current values in our redux state.
  3. Finally, we need to connect our MovieList component to have access to our redux state and map over the movies array.
    1. Import connect into this component. Use the same syntax as above to connect the component to our redux state
    2. Outside of the component, create a function called mapStateToProps which takes in a single parameter, our redux state. Destructure the movies property from our redux state and return an object containing this property from our mapStateToProps function. This will apply the movies array to the props of MovieList 3.Modify the .map at the top of this component. Instead of mapping over an empty array, it should map over props.movies. Once you fix this, the list should display properly.
MovieConfirm.js solution
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { updateMovieList } from '../ducks/moviesReducer'
import styles from './styles'

const MovieConfirm = props => {
  const { title, poster, rating } = props
  const confirmMovie = () => {
    props.updateMovieList({ title, poster, rating })

  //return should remain unchanged

const mapStateToProps = state => {
  const { title, poster, rating } = state

  return { title, poster, rating }

export default connect(
  { updateMovieList }
moviesReducer.js solution
const initialState = {
  title: '',
  poster: '',
  rating: null,
  movies: [],


export const setMovieInfo = (title, poster, rating) => {
  return {
    type: SET_MOVIE_INFO,
    payload: { title, poster, rating },

export const updateMovieList = newMovie => {
  return {
    payload: newMovie,

function moviesReducer(state = initialState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case SET_MOVIE_INFO:
      return { ...state, ...action.payload }
      return {
        title: '',
        poster: '',
        rating: null,
        movies: [...state.movies, action.payload],
      return state

export default moviesReducer
MovieList.js solution
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import styles from './styles'

const MovieList = props => {
  const movieList = => {
    return (
      <div style={styles.movieListItem}>
        <img style={styles.poster} src={element.poster} alt={element.title} />
        <div style={styles.listItemInfo}>
          <p style={styles.listItemText}>{element.title}</p>
          <p style={styles.listItemText}>{element.rating}/10</p>

  return (
    <div style={styles.container}>
      <p style={styles.containerHeading}>A LIST OF MOVIES</p>

const mapStateToProps = state => {
  const { movies } = state
  return { movies }
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(MovieList)



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