aumi364 / Ant_Design_Like_Reusable_Material_table

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ant design inspired reusabale Material Table

Created a reusable Table component inspired from ant design which is fully Customizable and accepts all Props from material ui Table

Preview of table created by this component


Basic Table


First step - Create a column exacly like we create in ant design.

      title: "id",
      key: "id",
      dataIndex: "id",
      title: "name",
      key: "name",
      dataIndex: "name",
      render: (name) => {
        return <Typography>{name}</Typography>;
      title: "employyed id",
      key: "employyed_id",
      dataIndex: "",
      render: ({ id, name }) => {
        return <Typography>{`${name}-${id}`}</Typography>;
  • title represents Header
  • key represent unique key for each Row
  • dataIndex represents the data key we get from response (n.b. dataIndex empty means we have access of the full response object)

Final step - Pass columns and Data to our component.

        { name: "asif ahmed", id: "1" },
        { name: "badiuzzaman pranto", id: "2" },
        { name: "saqibur rahman", id: "3" },
        { name: "hasnat abdullah", id: "4" },
        { name: "toufiqur rahman", id: "5" },
        { name: "debashish ray", id: "6" },
        { name: "binayak ray", id: "7" },


Done - Your basic table has been created!! 😄

Image of the table


Material Table Props

We can also pass any Props provided by Material UI to this component.


      title: "id",
      key: "id",
      dataIndex: "id",
      title: "name",
      key: "name",
      dataIndex: "name",
      configColumn: {
        sx: {
          color: "red",
        align: "center",
      render: (name) => {
        return <Typography>{name}</Typography>;
      title: "employyed id",
      key: "employyed_id",
      dataIndex: "",
      render: ({ id, name }) => {
        return <Typography>{`${name}-${id}`}</Typography>;

By configColumn we can pass any Props from material ui to our TableCell.

Table Component

        { name: "asif ahmed", id: "1" },
        { name: "badiuzzaman pranto", id: "2" },
        { name: "saqibur rahman", id: "3" },
        { name: "hasnat abdullah", id: "4" },
        { name: "toufiqur rahman", id: "5" },
        { name: "debashish ray", id: "6" },
        { name: "binayak ray", id: "7" },
        count: 10,
        tableRow: {},
        tableHead: {},
        tableContainer: { sx: { maxHeight: "400px" }, component: Paper },
        table: {
          size: "medium",
          stickyHeader: true,
        tableBody: {},

By config we can pass any Props from material ui to our Table.

Image of the table


List of props


Props Type Description Return
title string TableCell content in TableHead -
key string Unique key for each TableCell -
dataIndex string Targeted data key from response or data source -
render fn Render function for customizing content Custom component
filterComponent object Custom component to perform any action to specifiq column -
configColumn object Passes down any props from Material Ui Table Cell -


Properties Type Description Return
component fn Pass any customize component to perform action Custom component


Props Type Description Return
Columns arr Columns for table -
datSource arr Data source of table -
pagination object Pagiantion object for paginating table -
config object Render function for customizing content -


Properties Type Description Return
pageLimit number Page Limit of the Table -
count number Total data of the Table -
page number Current page number -
handlePageChange fn Render function for navigating page Navigated page number


Properties Type Description Return
tableContainer object Passing any props from Materai Ui's TableContainer -
table object Passing any props from Materai Ui's Table -
tableBody object Passing any props from Materai Ui's TableBody -
tableHead object Passing any props from Materai Ui's TableHead -
tableRow object Passing any props from Materai Ui's TableRow -



Language:JavaScript 73.3%Language:HTML 17.1%Language:CSS 9.6%