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Yusuke Wada

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Hi! I'm Yusuke Wada. My account name is "yusukebe" in almost any place. Remember it. I'm a developer, creator, or supervisor. I don't believe that you call me full-stack, but it seems to be full-stack.

I love "web".

Do you like web? I have grown up with the growth of "web". I've created many mush-up services, user-generated contents systems, web APIs for mobile applications, useful CLI tools, and so on. Most are like junk, junk, junk... But a few have been used by some people. I'll keep contributing to web.

Just for fun.

Didn't you hear those words somewhere? I want to be a developer like a teenager who is a beginner of guitar, want to have his own guitar, save money, get a new acoustic guitar, play Led Zeppelin's "Tangerine" in a park on the top of a mountain until his hands are broken. Just for fun.

What I'm creating

You say, "What are you creating now?". The answer is:

I'm making a framework everyday.

I'm a creator of Hono. Then you can look up others on my GitHub repositories.

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yusukebe's Profile Page

License:MIT License