augustindelecluse / choco-solver

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This repository contains the source code of the paper "Black-Box Value Heuristics for Solving Optimization Problems with Constraint Programming".

The repository itself is a fork of Choco-solver, that has been modified. More information on the project setup can be found there.

Classes of interest

  • The Reverse Look-Ahead implementation can be found at org/chocosolver/solver/search/strategy/selectors/values/
  • The Restricted Fixpoint (RF) is handled by the following classes:
    • The CompactConstraintNetwork class that computes the shortest paths to the objective
    • The SubSetToObjective class (org/chocosolver/solver/search/strategy/selectors/values/ that deactivates constraints outside of the shortest paths in order to run a restricted fixpoint
    • BIVS+RF is implemented in the IntDomainBestSubset class (org/chocosolver/solver/search/strategy/selectors/values/
    • RLA+RF is implemented in the IntDomainReverseBestSubset class (org/chocosolver/solver/search/strategy/selectors/values/
  • The models for the problems used are located within the examples project
    • The TSP model can be found at org/chocosolver/examples/integer/
    • The QAP model can be found at org/chocosolver/examples/integer/
    • The JobShop model can be found at org/chocosolver/examples/integer/

For an example of usage, see for instance the search defined in the TSP org/chocosolver/examples/integer/

        new DomOverWDeg<>(succ, 42), // succ are the decision variables
        //new IntDomainLast(lastSol, new IntDomainReverseBest(model), null), // RLA
        //new IntDomainReverseBest(model), // RLA
        //new IntDomainReverseBestSubset(model), // RLA+RF
        //new IntDomainBest((k, v) -> false), // BIVS
        new IntDomainBestSubset(), // BIVS+RF
        //new IntDomainMin(), // MIN
        succ) // succ are the decision variables

Executables for the benchmark

The executables used for compiling the project and running the experiments are located within the scripts folder. The results of running the executables are added into the results folder.

All scripts are meant to be run at the root of the project.

The scripts of interest are:

  • scripts/
    • This script requires the TSP instances to be downloaded, which can be achieved by running the scripts/ script
  • scripts/
  • scripts/
  • scripts/

The requirements for running those scripts are:

  • maven
  • java
  • GNU parallel
  • git

Those scripts run experiments in parallel, assuming that the machine has 128GB and 40 threads at disposal. If you want to run the whole suite but have a different configuration, you can modify the entries

my_tuples=(3000 40 6000 20 12800 10 16000 8 32000 4)

that are defined within the script. my_tuples[i] with i=0, 2, 4, etc corresponds to the memory usage of the instances, in MB. my_tuples[i+1] with i=0, 2, 4 is the corresponding number of threads allowed. Thus with the first two entries, 3000 40, this means that 40 threads can be used to run the 3000MB instances (thus consuming 128GB). If you have less than 40 threads or less than 128GB available, you should reduce the number of threads (do not change the memory entries). For instance, if you have 64GB on your machine, you should replace 3000 40 by 3000 20, so that the consumption will be 3000MB * 20 <= 64GB (and also adapt the remaining entries), to prevent memory overflow. If you are interested in running only one of two instances instead of the whole suite, the corresponding scripts are found below.

The pseudonyms of the methods are the following:


Running one instance

First, be sure to compile the project and build the relevant executable:

mvn clean package -DskipTests -q

Then, for running the experiments, the commands are the following:


java -cp .:examples/target/examples-4.10.15-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.chocosolver.examples.integer.TSPBench


java -cp .:examples/target/examples-4.10.15-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.chocosolver.examples.integer.QAPBench


java -cp .:examples/target/examples-4.10.15-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.chocosolver.examples.integer.JobShopBench


java -cp .:parsers/target/choco-parsers-4.10.15-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.chocosolver.parser.xcsp.ChocoXCSP

All those command give take as input the following parameters:

-f -varh DOMWDEG -lc 1 -valsel VALSEL -restarts NONE,0,1.0,0,false -limit $TIMEOUT $INSTANCE

Where TIMEOUT is a timeout to use (for instance "00h30m00s"), INSTANCE is the path to an instance to solve and VALSEL is the value selection to use. The relevant ones are:

  • MIN: "MIN,None,1,false"
  • BIVS: "MIN,Best,1,false"
  • BIVS+RF: "MIN,BestSubset,1,false"
  • RLA: "MIN,ReverseBest,1,false"
  • RLA+RF: "MIN,ReverseBestSubset,1,false"

Their output is a comma-separated line containing the following information, in order:

  • instance: filename of the instance
  • maxRuntime: maximum runtime considered, in seconds
  • variableSelection: variable selection considered
  • valueSelection: value selection considered
  • restarts: restart strategy considered
  • solutionsOverTime: list of solutions over time. Each solution is a tuple in the form of (obj:826;t:0.589;nodes:227;fails:0;restarts:0) showing the objective value, the time (in seconds) at which the solution was found, the number of search nodes, the number of failures and the number of restarts
  • isOptimal: boolean telling if the solution found has been proven to be optimal
  • runtime: runtime in seconds at which the search ended
  • nodes: number of nodes considered in the search tree
  • fails: number of failures encountered in the search tree
  • restarts: number of restarts performed in the search tree
  • memory: memory consumption by the end of the solving, in MB
  • vars: number of variables created
  • varsWithoutView: number of variables that are not view created
  • constraints: number of constraints generated
  • args: arguments used when calling the executable

Full fledge example

The command

java -cp .:examples/target/examples-4.10.15-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.chocosolver.examples.integer.QAPBench -f -varh DOMWDEG -lc 1 -valsel MIN,ReverseBestSubset,1,false -restarts NONE,0,1.0,0,false -limit 00h30m00s data/qap/qapdata/chr12b.dat

Gives an output similar to

data/qap/qapdata/chr12b.dat,1800,(varsel=DOMWDEG;flushRate=2147483647),(valsel=MIN;best=REVERSEBESTSUBSET;bestFreq=1;last=false),(pol=NONE;cutoff=0;offset=0;geo=1.0;resetOnSolution=false),(obj:51766;t:0.080;nodes:12;fails:0;restarts:0)(obj:39046;t:0.081;nodes:13;fails:0;restarts:0)(obj:38854;t:0.084;nodes:16;fails:1;restarts:0)(obj:37622;t:0.090;nodes:22;fails:5;restarts:0)(obj:34278;t:0.096;nodes:28;fails:9;restarts:0)(obj:34114;t:0.097;nodes:29;fails:10;restarts:0)(obj:32732;t:0.106;nodes:37;fails:13;restarts:0)(obj:30828;t:0.107;nodes:40;fails:14;restarts:0)(obj:30402;t:0.116;nodes:49;fails:22;restarts:0)(obj:30056;t:0.119;nodes:55;fails:25;restarts:0)(obj:29804;t:0.119;nodes:56;fails:25;restarts:0)(obj:28124;t:0.121;nodes:60;fails:27;restarts:0)(obj:27824;t:0.133;nodes:71;fails:38;restarts:0)(obj:27232;t:0.145;nodes:83;fails:45;restarts:0)(obj:25524;t:0.145;nodes:84;fails:45;restarts:0)(obj:23296;t:0.208;nodes:127;fails:85;restarts:0)(obj:23072;t:0.209;nodes:128;fails:87;restarts:0)(obj:23004;t:0.210;nodes:129;fails:88;restarts:0)(obj:21034;t:0.339;nodes:283;fails:235;restarts:0)(obj:20966;t:0.346;nodes:292;fails:245;restarts:0)(obj:20710;t:0.366;nodes:307;fails:258;restarts:0)(obj:20664;t:0.392;nodes:334;fails:281;restarts:0)(obj:20492;t:0.393;nodes:340;fails:287;restarts:0)(obj:20284;t:0.394;nodes:345;fails:289;restarts:0)(obj:20244;t:0.396;nodes:353;fails:296;restarts:0)(obj:18322;t:0.405;nodes:377;fails:315;restarts:0)(obj:18114;t:0.405;nodes:379;fails:319;restarts:0)(obj:18078;t:0.407;nodes:385;fails:323;restarts:0)(obj:17240;t:0.411;nodes:394;fails:328;restarts:0)(obj:16912;t:0.446;nodes:448;fails:380;restarts:0)(obj:16832;t:0.447;nodes:452;fails:383;restarts:0)(obj:16796;t:0.449;nodes:460;fails:388;restarts:0)(obj:16386;t:0.522;nodes:596;fails:520;restarts:0)(obj:16162;t:0.524;nodes:602;fails:525;restarts:0)(obj:16130;t:0.526;nodes:613;fails:536;restarts:0)(obj:14808;t:0.588;nodes:763;fails:681;restarts:0)(obj:14488;t:0.588;nodes:764;fails:683;restarts:0)(obj:14328;t:0.589;nodes:770;fails:686;restarts:0)(obj:14296;t:0.592;nodes:783;fails:697;restarts:0)(obj:13150;t:0.694;nodes:953;fails:863;restarts:0)(obj:13126;t:0.697;nodes:965;fails:875;restarts:0)(obj:13062;t:0.727;nodes:1065;fails:972;restarts:0)(obj:12982;t:0.727;nodes:1069;fails:975;restarts:0)(obj:12532;t:0.728;nodes:1078;fails:980;restarts:0)(obj:12228;t:0.728;nodes:1081;fails:982;restarts:0)(obj:12092;t:0.729;nodes:1084;fails:984;restarts:0)(obj:11788;t:0.729;nodes:1086;fails:984;restarts:0)(obj:11768;t:0.732;nodes:1097;fails:995;restarts:0)(obj:11662;t:0.753;nodes:1154;fails:1047;restarts:0)(obj:11638;t:0.756;nodes:1168;fails:1062;restarts:0)(obj:11306;t:0.775;nodes:1218;fails:1107;restarts:0)(obj:10786;t:0.780;nodes:1241;fails:1129;restarts:0)(obj:10766;t:0.782;nodes:1249;fails:1136;restarts:0)(obj:9742;t:0.805;nodes:1320;fails:1202;restarts:0),true,0.964,1588,1481,0,250.00,202,169,158,-f -varh DOMWDEG -lc 1 -valsel MIN;ReverseBestSubset;1;false -restarts NONE;0;1.0;0;false -limit 00h30m00s data/qap/qapdata/chr12b.dat


License:BSD 4-Clause "Original" or "Old" License


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