atzcl / vite-plugin-style-import

A plug-in that imports component library styles on demand

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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npm node

A plug-in that imports component library styles on demand

Why only import styles

Because vite itself has imported the component library on demand, only the style is not on demand, so just import the style on demand.

Install (yarn or npm)

node version: >=12.0.0

vite version: >=2.0.0

yarn add vite-plugin-style-import -D


npm i vite-plugin-style-import -D


import { Button } from 'ant-design-vue';


import { Button } from 'ant-design-vue';
import 'ant-design-vue/es/button/style/index.js';
import { ElButton } from 'element-plus';


// dev
import { Button } from 'element-plus';
import 'element-plus/lib/theme-chalk/el-button.css`;

// prod
import Button from 'element-plus/lib/el-button';
import 'element-plus/lib/theme-chalk/el-button.css';


  • Config plugin in vite.config.ts
import { UserConfigExport } from 'vite';
import styleImport from 'vite-plugin-style-import';

export default (): UserConfigExport => {
  return {
    // 1. If you are using the ant-design series, you need to configure this
    // 2. Make sure less is installed in the dependency `yarn add less -D`
    css: {
      preprocessorOptions: {
        less: {
          javascriptEnabled: true,
    plugins: [
        libs: [
            libraryName: 'ant-design-vue',
            esModule: true,
            resolveStyle: (name) => {
              return `ant-design-vue/es/${name}/style/index`;
            libraryName: 'antd',
            esModule: true,
            resolveStyle: (name) => {
              return `antd/es/${name}/style/index`;
            libraryName: 'vant',
            esModule: true,
            resolveStyle: (name) => {
              return `vant/es/${name}/style`;
            libraryName: 'element-plus',
            resolveStyle: (name) => {
              return `element-plus/lib/theme-chalk/${name}.css`;
            resolveComponent: (name) => {
              return `element-plus/lib/${name}`;


param type default description
include string、RegExp、(string、RegExp)[]、null、undefined ['**/*.js', '**/*.ts', '**/*.tsx', '**/*.jsx'] Code directory and file format to be converted
exclude string、RegExp、(string、RegExp)[]、null、undefined 'node_modules/**' Excluded files/folders
libs Lib[] List of libraries to be imported
root string process.cwd() Depends on the root directory, if it is a monorepo project, you need to set it manually


  // Need to imported  library name
  libraryName: string;

  // Custom style file conversion
  resolveStyle: (name: string) => string;

  // Name conversion for library export
  // default: paramCase
  libraryNameChangeCase?: LibraryNameChangeCase;

  // If the style file is not .css suffix. Need to turn on this option
  // default: false
  esModule?: boolean;

   * There may be some component libraries that are not very standardized.
   * You can turn on this to ignore to determine whether the file exists. Prevent errors when importing non-existent css files.
   * Performance may be slightly reduced after it is turned on, but the impact is not significant
   * default: false
  ensureStyleFile?: boolean;

  // Used in some situations where components may need to be introduced on demand, not just to introduce styles.(Libraries that don't support Esm well)
  // Only work in production
  resolveComponent?: (name: string) => string;

  // `import ${libName} from 'xxxx';`
  // Used for custom import name
  // Only work in production
  transformComponentImportName?: (name: string) => string;

// LibraryNameChangeCase

export type LibraryNameChangeCase = ChangeCaseType | ((name: string) => string);

export type ChangeCaseType =
  | 'camelCase'
  | 'capitalCase'
  | 'constantCase'
  | 'dotCase'
  | 'headerCase'
  | 'noCase'
  | 'paramCase'
  | 'pascalCase'
  | 'pathCase'
  | 'sentenceCase'
  | 'snakeCase';


Run Example

cd ./example

yarn install

yarn serve

Sample project

Vben Admin




A plug-in that imports component library styles on demand

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 78.0%Language:JavaScript 12.3%Language:Vue 4.7%Language:Shell 3.0%Language:HTML 2.0%