atuttle / atuttle

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hey, I'm Adam.

I built a career on writing CFML, but I've since transitioned to TypeScript, React, and hopefully, Svelte.

I'm the CTO of AlumnIQ.

I have a blog where I write about mostly tech stuff. Lately I've been on a mission to get better at testing.

I am the founder and co-host of the Working Code Podcast, and I wrote a book called REST Assured: A Pramatic Approach to API Design.

In my free time I like to skydive (700+ jumps to date), make wooden bowls and furniture, go hiking and camping with my family, and sometimes I still find time to work on open source software.

Other places you can find me:


Profile readme