atsidaev / famicom-dumper-client

Client (PC-software) for Famicom Dumper/Programmer

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Client (PC-software) for Famicom Dumper/Programmer

This is client for Famicom Dumper/Programmer:

You need Windows and .NET Framework 3.5 but it works fine on *nix using Mono.


It's command-line application.

Usage: famicom-dumper.exe <command> [options]

Available commands:

  • list-mappers - list built in mappers
  • dump - dump cartridge
  • reset - simulate reset (M2 goes low for a second)
  • read-prg-ram - read PRG RAM (battery backed save if exists)
  • write-prg-ram - write PRG RAM
  • write-coolboy - write COOLBOY cartridge
  • write-coolgirl - write COOLGIRL cartridge
  • console - start interactive Lua console
  • test-prg-ram - run PRG RAM test
  • test-chr-ram - run CHR RAM test
  • test-battery - test battery-backed PRG RAM
  • dump-tiles - dump CHR data to PNG file

Available options:

  • --port <com> - serial port of dumper or serial number of FTDI device, default - auto
  • --mapper <mapper> - number, name or path to LUA script of mapper for dumping, default is 0 (NROM)
  • --file <output.nes> - output filename (.nes, .png or .sav)
  • --psize <size> - size of PRG memory to dump, you can use "K" or "M" suffixes
  • --csize <size> - size of CHR memory to dump, you can use "K" or "M" suffixes
  • --luafile "<lua_code>" - execute Lua code from file first
  • --lua "<lua_code>" - execute this Lua code first
  • --unifname <name> - internal ROM name for UNIF dumps
  • --unifauthor <name> - author of dump for UNIF dumps
  • --reset - do reset first
  • --sound - play sounds


Dump NROM-cartridge using dumper on port "COM14" to file "game.nes". PRG and CHR sizes are default.

  > famicom-dumper.exe dump --port COM14 --mapper nrom --file game.nes
  PRG reader initialization... OK
  CHR reader initialization... OK
  Using mapper: #0 (NROM)
  PRG memory size: 32K
  Dumping PRG... OK
  CHR memory size: 8K
  Dumping CHR... OK
  Mirroring: Horizontal (00 00 01 01)
  Saving to game.nes...
  Done in 3 seconds

Dump MMC1-cartridge (iNES mapper #1) using dumper with serial number "A9Z1A0WD". PRG size is 128 kilobytes, CHR size is 128 kilobytes too.

>famicom-dumper.exe dump --port A9Z1A0WD --mapper 1 --psize 128K --csize 128K --file game.nes
PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Using mapper: #1 (MMC1)
PRG memory size: 128K
Reading PRG bank #0... OK
Reading PRG bank #1... OK
Reading PRG bank #2... OK
Reading PRG bank #3... OK

Autodetect FTDI device (port is not specified) by description, simulate reset and dump cartridge using Lua script:

>famicom-dumper.exe dump --mapper mappers-lua\MMC3.lua --reset --psize 128K --csize 128K --file game.nes
Searhing for dumper (FTDI device with name "Famicom Dumper/Programmer")...
Number of FTDI devices: 1

Device Index: 0
Flags: 0
Type: FT_DEVICE_232R
ID: 4036001
Location ID: 62
Serial Number: A9Z1A0WD
Description: Famicom Dumper/Programmer

PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Reset... OK
Using mapper: #4 (MMC3)
PRG memory size: 128K
Reading PRG banks #0 and #1...
Reading PRG banks #2 and #3...
Reading PRG banks #4 and #5...
Reading PRG banks #6 and #7...
Reading PRG banks #8 and #9...
Reading PRG banks #10 and #11...

Dump 32K of PRG and 8K of CHR as simple NROM cartridge but execute Lua script first:

>famicom-dumper.exe dump --port COM14 --mapper 0 --psize 32K --csize 8K --file game.nes --lua "Reset() ; WriteCpu(0x8000, {0x00})"
PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Executing LUA script...
Reset... OK
CPU write $00 => $8000
Using mapper: #0 (NROM)
PRG memory size: 32K
Dumping PRG... OK
CHR memory size: 8K
Dumping CHR... OK
Mirroring: Horizontal (00 00 01 01)
Saving to game.nes...
Done in 5 seconds

Dump 32MBytes of COOLBOY cartridge using Lua script and save it as UNIF file with some extra info:

>famicom-dumper.exe dump --port COM14 --mapper mappers-lua\coolboy.lua --psize 32M --file coolboy.unf --unifname "COOLBOY 400-IN-1" --unifauthor "John Smith"
PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Using mapper: COOLBOY
PRG memory size: 32768K
Reading PRG banks #0/0 and #0/1...
Reading PRG banks #0/2 and #0/3...
Reading PRG banks #0/4 and #0/5...

Read battery-backed save from MMC1 cartridge:

>famicom-dumper.exe read-prg-ram --port COM14 --mapper mmc1 --file "zelda.sav"
PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Using mapper: #1 (MMC1)
Reading PRG-RAM...
Done in 2 seconds

Write battery-backed save back to MMC1 cartridge:

>famicom-dumper.exe write-prg-ram --port COM14 --mapper mmc1 --file "zelda_hacked.sav"
PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Using mapper: #1 (MMC1)
Writing PRG-RAM... Done in 1 seconds

Rewrite ultracheap chinese COOLBOY cartridge and play sound when it's done:

>famicom-dumper.exe write-coolboy --port COM14 --file "CoolBoy 400-in-1 (Alt Version, 403 games)(Unl)[U][!].nes" --sound
PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Reset... OK
Erasing sector... OK
Writing 1/2048 (0%, 00:00:02/00:40:53)...

But you need to unsolder pins /OE and /WE and connect them to TCK and TDO pins on JTAG connector.

Also you can rewrite COOLGIRL cartridges:

>famicom-dumper.exe  write-coolgirl --file multirom.unf --port COM14
PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Reset... OK
Erasing sector... OK
Writing 1/114 (0%, 00:00:02/00:00:02)... OK
Writing 2/114 (0%, 00:00:02/00:00:02)... OK
Writing 3/114 (1%, 00:00:02/00:00:02)... OK
Writing 4/114 (2%, 00:00:02/00:00:02)... OK
Erasing sector... OK
Writing 5/114 (3%, 00:00:03/00:00:29)... OK

Lua scripting

You can write Lua scripts to add support for more mappers. You must declare those constants:

MapperName = "NROM"

to define mapper name.

DefaultPrgSize = 32 * 1024


DefaultChrSize = 8 * 1024

to define default PRG and CHR size.

You need to define mapper number for iNES file:

MapperNumber = 7

or mapper name for UNIF-mappers:

MapperUnifName = "COOLBOY"

Of course you need to declare dumping functions:

function DumpPrg(size)
	print("Reading PRG...")
	ReadAddPrg(0x8000, size)

function DumpChr(size)	
	print("Reading CHR...")
	ReadAddChr(0x0000, size)

And function to enable PRG-RAM, so we can write and read battery-backed saves:

function EnablePrgRam(size)
	WriteCpu(0x8000, {0x80})
	WriteMMC1(0xE000, 0x00)

Available functions:

  • ReadPrg(address, length) - read PRG data, returns table of data
  • ReadCpu(address, length) - alias for ReadPrg
  • WriteCpu(address, table_of_data) - write data to CPU bus
  • WritePrg(address, table_of_data) - alias for WriteCpu
  • AddPrg(table_of_data) - add data to dumped PRG
  • AddPrgResult(table_of_data) - alias for AddPrg
  • ReadAddPrg(address, length) - it's like AddPrg(ReadPrg(address, length)) but faster
  • ReadChr(address, length) - read CHR data, returns table of data
  • ReadPpu(address, length) - alias for ReadChr
  • WritePpu(address, table_of_data) - write data to PPU bus
  • WriteChr(address, table_of_data) - alias for WriteChr
  • AddChr(table_of_data) - add data to dumped CHR
  • AddChrResult(table_of_data) - alias for AddChr
  • ReadAddChr(address, length) - it's like AddChr(ReadChr(address, length)) but faster
  • WriteFile(filename, data) - write table of data to file
  • WriteNes(filename, prg, chr, mapper, vertical) - create .nes file using this prg table chr table, mapper number and mirroring (vertical - boolean value)
  • Reset() - simulate reset (M2 goes low for a second)
  • Error(message) - generate exception (stop application with a message)

You can find examples in mappers-lua folder.

Also you can use those functions on command line. This simple command:

>famicom-dumper.exe dump --port COM14 --mapper 0 --psize 32K --csize 8K --file game.nes --lua "Reset() ; WriteCpu(0x8000, {0x00})"

writes $00 to $8000 before dumping.

And finally you can use interactive Lua console:

>famicom-dumper.exe console --port COM14
PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Executing Lua script myfunctions.lua...
Starting interactive Lua console, type "exit" to exit.
> Reset()
Reset... OK
> prg = ReadCpu(0x8000, 0x8000)
Reading 32768 bytes from CPU:$8000
> print(prg[1])
> print(prg[2])
> print(prg[3])
> WriteCpu(0x8000, {1})
CPU write $01 => $8000
> chr = ReadChr(0x0000, 0x2000)
Reading 8192 bytes from PPU:$0000
> WriteFile("prg.bin", prg)
Writing data to "prg.bin"... OK
> WriteNes("game1.nes", prg, chr, 0, false)
Writing data to NES file "game1.nes" (mapper=0, mirroring=horizontal)... OK
> WriteCpu(0x8001, {2})
CPU write $02 => $8001
> chr = ReadChr(0x0000, 0x2000)
Reading 8192 bytes from PPU:$0000
> WriteNes("game2.nes", prg, chr, 0, true)
Writing data to NES file "game2.nes" (mapper=0, mirroring=vertical)... OK
> p = ReadCpu
> prg = p(0x8000, 0x8000)
Reading 32768 bytes from CPU:$8000
> allp = function() return p(0x8000, 0x8000) end
> prg = allp()
Reading 32768 bytes from CPU:$8000
> w = function() WriteFile("prg.bin", prg) end
> w()
Writing data to "prg.bin"... OK
> dumpprg = function() prg = allp() ; w() end
> dumpprg()
Reading 32768 bytes from CPU:$8000
Writing data to "prg.bin"... OK

You can create and use Lua file with your own functions:

>famicom-dumper.exe console --port COM14 --luafile myfunctions.lua
PRG reader initialization... OK
CHR reader initialization... OK
Executing Lua script "myfunctions.lua"...
Starting interactive Lua console, type "exit" to exit.
> readprg()
Reading 32768 bytes from CPU:$8000
> readchr()
Reading 8192 bytes from PPU:$0000
> savenes()
Writing data to NES file "game.nes" (mapper=0, mirroring=horizontal)... OK


Client (PC-software) for Famicom Dumper/Programmer


Language:C# 98.0%Language:Lua 2.0%