atomsfat / raml2code

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Raml to code generator

Build Status


The raml2code generator is versioned in the following manner:


in which x.y denotes the version of the RAML specification and z is the version of the raml2code.

So 0.8.38 is the 38nd revision of the ralm2code for the 0.8 version of the RAML specification.

  • This module generate code from a RAML definition
  • It uses Handlebars templates

It's a Gulp-plugin so to try

  1. Install gulp
 npm install -G gulp
  1. install the generators you needed
 npm install --save-dev raml2code-groovy-pojo
  1. configure the gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var raml2code = require('raml2code');
//Install a generators:
var genDTO = require("raml2code-groovy-pojo");

gulp.task("dtos", function(){
    .pipe(raml2code({generator: genDTO, extra: {package:'com.gex'}}))
  1. Run the generator
  gulp dtos

Sample gulpfile.js

var gulp = require('gulp');

var raml2code = require("raml2code");
var genPojos = require("raml2code-groovy-pojo");
var genJaxRS = require("raml2code-jaxrs-interfaces");
var genRetrofitClient = require("raml2code-retrofit");

var raml = require('gulp-raml');

var packagePojo = "gex.catapi.dto";
var packageClient = "gex.catapi.client";
var packageJersey = "gex.catapi.resources";

//this should point to your raml definition
var ramlResource = '../../test/raml/cats.raml'

gulp.task('raml', function() {

gulp.task("genPojos", ['raml'], function(){
    .pipe(raml2code({generator: genPojos, extra: {package: packagePojo}}))

gulp.task("genRetrofitClient" , ['raml'], function(){
    .pipe(raml2code({generator: genRetrofitClient, extra: {package: packageClient, importPojos: packagePojo}}))

gulp.task("genJaxRS" , ['raml'], function(){
    .pipe(raml2code({generator: genJaxRS, extra: {package: packageJersey, importPojos: packagePojo}}))

gulp.task('build', ['raml', 'genPojos',  'genJaxRS', 'genRetrofitClient']);

gulp.task('default', ['build']);

A full example of using using raml2code could be found here:


We use the Gradle with the gulp plugin to build and integrate with Java.



You can make your own generators, DIY

A generator is a simple object with the following properties:

  • Required properties:
    • template -> Handlebars template (you could use your own templates).
    • parser(data) -> Function it receives RAML parsed data, returns model that will be used in the template engine, each model must have a name, this name is the file that will be generated. [{ name: "test.test", model: {title:data.title + " finos"}}]
  • Optional properties:
    • helpers -> Handlebars helpers.
    • partials -> Handlebars partials.

Generators create and in use by GEX.

If you create a generator let us know to add to this list.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%