atomix / atomix-test

Fault injection testing framework for Atomix 3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Atomix test framework

This project is a framework for deploying Docker-based Atomix clusters for systems/fault injection/load testing. The test framework supports:

  • Setup Docker-based test clusters
  • Teardown Docker-based test clusters
  • Add client/server nodes
  • Remove nodes
  • Kill/restart nodes
  • Create network partitions
  • Inject network latency
  • Generate load on nodes (CPU, I/O, memory, etc)


The test framework requires that the Docker engine be running. It uses docker-py to communicate with the Docker engine to create networks and containers for test clusters.

Additionally, the Atomix Python client is required for performing operations on the Atomix cluster.

Table of contents

  1. Setup
  2. Managing test clusters
  3. Writing tests
  4. Entropy testing
  5. API


To build the test Docker container, run docker build -t atomix/atomix-test .

To install the test framework, run python install

Managing test clusters

The atomix-test script can be used to manage Atomix clusters for use in testing. To view a list of cluster management commands, run atomix-test cluster -h

Create a new test cluster

To create a new test cluster, use the setup command, providing a named configuration for the nodes to run:

> atomix-test cluster my-cluster setup -c consensus
my-cluster Setting up cluster
my-cluster Creating network
my-cluster Running container my-cluster-1
my-cluster Running container my-cluster-2
my-cluster Running container my-cluster-3
my-cluster Waiting for cluster bootstrap

To configure the cluster with more than three nodes, pass a --nodes or -n argument:

> atomix-test cluster my-cluster setup -n 5

Running the setup command will set up a new Docker network and a set of containers. The network will have the same name as the cluster and the container names will be prefixed with the cluster name as visible via the Docker engine:

> docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
dd03f9e3a669        my-cluster          bridge              local
> docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                               NAMES
719a14f535a3        atomix              "java -jar atomix-..."   About a minute ago   Up 2 minutes        5679/tcp,>5678/tcp   my-cluster-3
55d6f3188a88        atomix              "java -jar atomix-..."   About a minute ago   Up 2 minutes        5679/tcp,>5678/tcp   my-cluster-2
6b2d6569c503        atomix              "java -jar atomix-..."   About a minute ago   Up 2 minutes        5679/tcp,>5678/tcp   my-cluster-1

List cluster info

To get a list of the currently running test clusters, use the list command:

> atomix-test cluster list

To list the nodes in a cluster, use the nodes command:

> atomix-test cluster my-cluster nodes
ID     NAME             STATUS      IP             LOCAL PORT
1      my-cluster-1     running     61170
2      my-cluster-2     running     61171
3      my-cluster-3     running     61172

The port listed under LOCAL PORT is the localhost port on which the Atomix HTTP server is running.

The Docker engine is treated as the source of truth for test cluster info. The atomix-test script inspects running Docker containers and networks to determine which test clusters are running.

Resize a cluster

To add a node to a cluster, use the add-node command:

> atomix-test cluster my-cluster add-node -c client

To remove a node from a cluster, use the remove-node command, passing the node ID as the last argument:

> atomix-test cluster my-cluster remove-node 4

Shutdown a cluster

To shutdown a cluster, use the teardown command:

> atomix-test cluster my-cluster teardown
my-cluster Tearing down cluster
my-cluster Stopping container my-cluster-1
my-cluster Removing container my-cluster-1
my-cluster Stopping container my-cluster-2
my-cluster Removing container my-cluster-2
my-cluster Stopping container my-cluster-3
my-cluster Removing container my-cluster-3
my-cluster Removing network
my-cluster Cleaning up cluster state

Writing tests

To create a cluster in a test, use the create_cluster function:

from atomixtest import create_cluster

with create_cluster('consensus', nodes=3) as cluster:
    node = cluster.node(1)

By default, a cluster with the same name as the test function - e.g. test_map - will be started prior to running the test method and will be torn down afterwards. The Cluster object provided to tests has APIs for managing and accessing the test network, cluster, and nodes.

Managing clusters

The same test cluster management functions are available via the Cluster object:

def test_resize():
    with create_cluster('consensus', nodes=3) as cluster:
        # Add a node to the cluster

        # Add a client node to the cluster

        # Remove a node from the cluster

Accessing primitives

Nodes can be accessed via the Cluster API:

node = cluster.node(1)

Each node is also an Atomix REST client from which primitive instances can be created:

with create_cluster('consensus', nodes=3) as cluster:
    node = cluster.add_node(type='client')
    map ='test-map')
    assert map.get('foo') is None
    assert map.put('foo', 'Hello world!') is None
    assert map.get('foo')['value'] == 'Hello world!'

Tests are written using simple assert statements like the above.

Fault injection

The Cluster, Network and Node objects have various methods for injecting network and node failures in tests.

with create_cluster('consensus', nodes=3) as cluster:
    # Kill a node

    # Restart the node

    # Partition a node from all other nodes

    # Heal the isolated node

    # Partition one node from another node

    # Inject latency in the network and attempt to write to a map
        cluster.node(2).map('test-map').put('bar', 'baz')

Fault injection methods also support a context manager that can be used to encapsulate blocks of code to be executed during the failure.

with create_cluster('consensus', nodes=3) as cluster:
    node1 = cluster.node(1)
    node2 = cluster.node(2)

    # Test writing to a map with the cluster under load.
    with cluster.stress(cpu=4):'test-map').put('foo', 'bar')
   # Test that a map can be read from node 2 while node 1 is partitioned.
    with node1.isolate():
        assert'test-map').get('foo')['value'] == 'bar'

Entropy testing

The test tool comes with a randomized fault injection/fuzz testing framework to aid in locating problems that are difficult to reproduce. Randomized fault injection tests are referred to as entropy tests. Entropy tests randomly inject select faults into a cluster while simultaneously performing common operations on the cluster nodes. An entropy test runs for a fixed period of time, running entropy functions at semi-random intervals specified in the entropy test command. Functions supported by entropy tests include:

  • Node crash
  • Network partitions
  • Network latency
  • CPU stress
  • I/O stress
  • Memory stress
  • Node addition/removal
  • Cluster restarts

To run entropy tests, use the atomix-test entropy command:

atomix-test entropy --nodes 3 --config consensus restart

The entropy test provides several options for configuring the timing of entropy functions, the number of operations to perform, and the duration of the test:

  • --parallelism - the number of processes with which to submit operations to the test cluster
  • --scale - the total number of keys on which to operate when submitting operations to the test cluster
  • --prime - the number of operations with which to prime the cluster before introducing entropy
  • --ops - the total number of operations per second to perform on the test cluster during the entropy test
  • --run-time - the total number of time for which to run the entropy test. Times are specified in human readable format, e.g. 10m30s

For example, to prime a consensus cluster with 10,000 operations on 1,000 distinct keys, running a test for 10 minutes with randomized crashes and isolating network partitions while submitting 50 operations per second, use the following command:

atomix-test entropy --nodes 3 --config consensus --prime 10000 --scale 1000 --ops 50 --run-time 10m crash --random 30s partition --isolate 30s 1m

The following entropy functions are supported by the entropy command:

  • crash
  • partition
  • stress
  • restart

Each function supports its own distinct set of options specific to the function. Multiple entropy functions can be enabled by specifying them in the same command:

atomix-test entropy --nodes 3 --config consensus crash --random 10s restart 30s partition --random --isolate 30s 1m


The crash function crashes a node in the cluster. The first two positional argument to the crash function are a uniform random delay for crash function invocations:

atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus crash 15s 30s

The --random option configures the amount of time for which to crash a random node, specifying a uniform random interval:

atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus crash --random 30s 1m


The partition function supports various types of network partitions. The first two positional arguments to the partition function are a uniform random delay for partition function invocations:

atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus partition 15s 30s

Additionally, types of partitions are supported by optional arguments:

  • --random - partitions a random pair of nodes from each other
  • --isolate - partitions a random node from all other nodes in the cluster
  • --halves - partitions the cluster into two halves
  • --bridge - partitions the cluster into two halves with a single node visible to each half

Each partition type supports an optional uniform random partition period:

atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus partition --random 30s --isolate 30s 1m --halves


The stress function supports various types of stress on the cluster and the network. The first two positional arguments to the stress function are a uniform random delay for stress function invocations:

atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus stress 15s 30s

Additionally, types of stress are supported by optional arguments:

  • --network - Injects configurable latency into the network
  • --cpu - Creates n processes spinning on sqrt()
  • --io - Creates n processes spinning on sync()
  • --memory - Creates n processes spinning on malloc()/free()
atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus stress --network 500ms --cpu 2

The stress function also supports optional arguments specifying the nodes to which to apply stress functions:

  • --random - applies stress functions to a random node
  • --all - applies stress functions to all nodes simultaneously
atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus stress --random --network 500ms

Note that each stress option creates a separate entropy function that will run independently of all other functions. For example:

atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus stress --random --network 500ms --cpu 2

This command creates the following two functions:

  • Increase latency for a random node by 500ms
  • Increase CPU on a random node


The restart function simply restarts all the nodes in the cluster. The only arguments to the restart function are a uniform random delay for restart function invocations.

The following command restarts the cluster every minute:

atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus restart 1m

The following command restarts the cluster every 10 minutes to 1 hour:

atomix-test entropy -n 3 -c consensus restart 10m 1h



The Cluster object supports the following properties and methods:

  • path - the host path in which Atomix data is persisted
  • network - the Network used to communicate across nodes in the cluster
  • node(id) - returns a Node object by int ID or str name
  • nodes(type=None) - returns a list of all nodes in the cluster of the given type
  • servers() - returns a list of all server type nodes in the cluster
  • clients() - returns a list of all client type nodes in the cluster
  • setup(nodes=3, supernet='', subnet=None, gateway=None, cpu=None, memory=None) - sets up a new cluster
  • add_node(type='server') - adds a new node to the cluster
  • remove_node(id) - removes a node by int ID or str name
  • teardown() - tears down the cluster
  • stress(node=None, timeout=None, cpu=None, io=None, memory=None, hdd=None) - stresses all nodes in the cluster
  • destress() - kills stressors on all nodes in the cluster


The Network object can be accessed via and supports the following properties and methods:

  • setup(supernet='', subnet=None, gateway=None) - sets up the network, creating a new Docker network with a subnet in the given supernet
  • teardown() - tears down the network, removing the Docker network
  • partition(local, remote=None) - partitions the given local node from the given remote node or from all nodes in the network if remote is None. local and remote must be node names or IDs.
  • unipartition(local, remote=None) - creates a uni-directional partition from the given local node to the given remote node or to all nodes in the network if remote is None. local and remote must be node names or IDs.
  • bipartition(local, remote=None) - partitions the given local node from the given remote node or from all nodes in the network if remote is None. local and remote must be node names or IDs.
  • heal(local=None, remote=None) - heals a partition from the given local node to the given remote node. If the remote node is None, all partitions from the given local are removed. If local is None then all partitions in the cluster are healed. local and remote must be node names or IDs.
  • partition_halves() - partitions the cluster into two halves using bi-directional partitions
  • partition_random() - partitions a random node from all other nodes in the cluster
  • partition_bridge(node=None) - partitions the cluster into two halves with a single "bridge" node able to see each side of the partition. If the given node is None then the bridge node will be selected randomly.
  • partition_isolate(node=None) - partitions a node from all other nodes in the cluster. If the given node is None then a random node will be selected.
  • delay(node=None, latency=50, jitter=10, correlation=.75, distribution='normal') - delays packets to the given node or to all nodes if node is None
  • drop(node=None, probability=.02, correlation=.25) - drops packets to the given node or to all nodes if node is None
  • reorder(node=None, probability=.02, correlation=.5) - reorders packets to the given node or to all nodes if node is None
  • duplicate(node=None, probability=.005, correlation=.05) - delays packets to the given node or to all nodes if node is None
  • corrupt(node=None, probability=.02) - delays packets to the given node or to all nodes if node is None
  • restore(node=None) - restores all traffic to the given node or to all nodes if node is None


The Node object can be accessed via Cluster.node(id) and supports the following properties and methods:

  • id - the int ID of the node
  • status - the str status of the node provided by the underlying Docker container
  • local_port - the localhost port on which the Atomix HTTP server is listening
  • logs() - returns the Atomix logs for the node
  • setup(cpu=None, memory=None) - sets up the node, passing the cpu and memory to Docker at setup
  • teardown() - tears down the node, removing the Docker container
  • run(*command) - runs a command in the Docker container
  • execute(*command) - runs a command in the Docker container, detaching from the shell
  • stop() - stops the Docker container using docker stop
  • start() - starts the Docker container using docker start
  • kill() - kills the Docker container using docker kill
  • recover() - restarts a dead Docker container using docker start
  • restart() - restarts the Docker container using docker restart
  • partition(node) - partitions the node from the given node using a bi-directional partition
  • heal(node) - heals a partition from this node to the given node
  • isolate() - isolates this node from all other nodes in the cluster
  • unisolate() - heals an isolation from all other nodes in the cluster
  • delay(latency=50, jitter=10, correlation=.75, distribution='normal') - delays packets to the node with the given latency in millseconds
  • drop(probability=.02, correlation=.25) - drops packets to the node with the given probability
  • reorder(probability=.02, correlation=.5) - reorders packets to the node with the given probability
  • duplicate(probability=.005, correlation=.05) - duplicates packets to the node with the given probability
  • corrupt(probability=.02) - corrupts packets to the node with the given probability
  • restore(self)
  • stress(timeout=None, cpu=None, io=None, memory=None, hdd=None)
  • destress()

Running tests

To run tests, use the run command:

> atomix-test run

The run command can take any arguments supported by pytest


Fault injection testing framework for Atomix 3

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 98.5%Language:Dockerfile 1.5%