athahersirnaik / laravel-zsh-plugin

Laravel 5 artisan commands aliases plugin for zsh

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

laravel-zsh-plugin - artisan commands aliases of Laravel 5 Framework for zsh

laravel-zsh-plugin contains short aliases for all artisan commands included to Laravel 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 versions of framework.


Without typing full artisan command in console, like:

$ php artisan migrate --seed

there is more convenient alias:

$ amgs

Installation on oh-my-zsh

  1. Go to oh-my-zsh plugins directory:

    $ cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins
  2. Clone the repository into a new directory laravel-artisan :

    git clone laravel-artisan
  3. Enable laravel-artisan plugin by adding to your .zshrc configuration file:

  4. Restart your shell.



Alias Command
a php artisan
av php artisan -V
acc php artisan clear-compiled
ad php artisan down
ae php artisan env
ah php artisan help
ai php artisan inspire
al php artisan list
ao php artisan optimize
ap php artisan preset
as php artisan serve
at php artisan tinker
au php artisan up
aanm php artisan app:name
aacr php artisan auth:clear-resets


Alias Command
accl php artisan cache:clear
actb php artisan cache:table


Alias Command
acfcc php artisan config:cache
acfcl php artisan config:clear


Alias Command
adbs php artisan db:seed
aeg php artisan event:generate
akg php artisan key:generate


Alias Command
amkau php artisan make:auth
amkcm php artisan make:command
amkct php artisan make:controller
amkctr php artisan make:controller -r
amkev php artisan make:event
amkfc php artisan make:factory
amkjb php artisan make:job
amkls php artisan make:listener
amkml php artisan make:mail
amkmw php artisan make:middleware
amkmg php artisan make:migration
amkmd php artisan make:model
amkmdm php artisan make:model -m
amknf php artisan make:notification
amkpl php artisan make:policy
amkpv php artisan make:provider
amkrq php artisan make:request
amkres php artisan make:resource
amkrl php artisan make:rule
amksd php artisan make:seeder
amkts php artisan make:test


Alias Command
amg php artisan migrate
amgf php artisan migrate --force
amgs php artisan migrate --seed
amgp php artisan migrate --pretend
amgt php artisan migrate --env=testing
amgfr php artisan migrate:amgfr
amgis php artisan migrate:install
amgrf php artisan migrate:refresh
amgrs php artisan migrate:reset
amgrb php artisan migrate:rollback
amgst php artisan migrate:status


Alias Command
anftb php artisan notifications:table


Alias Command
anpd php artisan package:discover


Alias Command
aqf php artisan queue:failed
aqft php artisan queue:failed-table
aqfl php artisan queue:flush
aqfg php artisan queue:forget
aqls php artisan queue:listen
aqrs php artisan queue:restart
aqrt php artisan queue:retry
aqtb php artisan queue:table
aqwk php artisan queue:work


Alias Command
arcc php artisan route:cache
arcl php artisan route:clear
arls php artisan route:list


Alias Command
asrn php artisan schedule:run
astb php artisan session:table
asln php artisan storage:link
avpb php artisan vendor:publish
avcl php artisan view:clear

Laravel 5.2 artisan command aliases

Alias Command
amkcs php artisan make:console

Laravel 5.1 artisan command aliases

Alias Command
ahcm php artisan handler:command
ahev php artisan handler:event
aqss php artisan queue:subscribe

Laravel 5.0 artisan command aliases

Alias Command
afr php artisan fresh


Laravel 5 artisan commands aliases plugin for zsh


Language:Shell 100.0%