atdt / graph-explorer

A graphite dashboard that's different

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Graph explorer

A highly interactive dashboard to satisfy varying ad-hoc information needs across a multitude of metrics in a very powerful way:

  • The core of graph-explorer is a database containing your metrics extended with tags (key-value pairs that represent server, service, type, unit, ...)
  • You can use expressive queries which leverage this metadata to filter targets, group them into graphs, process and aggregate them on the fly. Something like SQL but metrics for rows and a list of graph definitions as a result set. All graphs are built dynamically.

The graphs themselves support annotated events and are also interactive because it uses timeserieswidget Furthermore, the code is simple and hackable (just a few hundred sLOC) python code and is a breeze to get running


It also has a dashboards feature which are pages that show N queries along with their results (0-N graphs each).


explains most of the concepts and tricks in less than 30minutes.

Structured Metrics

In graphite, a metric has a name and a corresponding time series of values. Graph-explorer's metrics are structured: they contain key-value tags that describe all their attributes, the unit, the metric type, etc. You can generate the tag database by using plugins that parse metrics using regular expressions, or by tagging them as they flow into graphite. See the Structured Metrics page

GEQL, the Graph-Explorer Query Language

the Graph-Explorer Query Language is designed to:

  • be minimal, use a simple syntax and get a lot done with little input.
  • let you compose graphs from metrics in a flexible way: you can use tags and pattern matching to filter, group, process and aggregate targets and manipulate how the graph gets displayed.
  • let you create custom views of the exact information you need, and let you compare and correlate across different aspects.

At the most basic level you start by typing patterns that will filter out the metrics you're looking for. Then, you can extend the query by typing statements that have special meanings.

For more information see the Graph-Explorer Query Language page



Just get a code checkout and initialize all git submodules, like so:

git clone --recursive

This will give you the latest bleeding edge code (master branch), which can be a buggy sometimes. You can use a "release" by checking out one of the tags:

  • 2013.06.13
  • 2013.04.19

or of course, download a release from the release page

Configuration of graph-explorer

Configuration of graphite server

you'll need a small tweak to allow this app to request data from graphite. For apache2 this works:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, OPTIONS, POST"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "origin, authorization, accept"


  • default, with Paste (included): ./ and your page is available at <ip>:8080

  • alternatively, if you use gunicorn, you can run it with multi-workers like so: gunicorn -w 4 app:'default_app()' -b


  • no graphs show up and I don't know why.

first check in the top section if there are target matching and 'total graphs' is > 0.
if not, your query expression might be too restricting. or maybe it didn't find your metrics from metrics.json (see 'targets matching: x/total')
if yes, check for any errors in the javascript console, (in firefox you need firebug, in chrome and such 'tools->javascript console')

also check all network requests in the network tab, and make sure they return http 200 or 304 especially, check that the http requests to graphite/render/?<...> return actual data. (if not, there's something wrong with the request uri/targets. you may be suffering from this graphite bug)

  • i get some error wrt graphite/apache cors access restriction

see section 'Configuration of graphite server' above


wiki page

Getting in touch

  • irc: #graph-explorer on freenode
  • github issues for bugs, feature requests, questions, feedback


A graphite dashboard that's different

License:Apache License 2.0