ataulm /

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mostly followed instructions from the official site.

  • After installing Ruby with brew, I had to update my PATH so that the brew Ruby was listed before the system Ruby.
  • Updated the Gemfile manually with an explicit github-pages version (Gemfile has more info)

Building site locally, and running a server so we can preview at localhost:4000. Changes to the _config will require re-running the serve command but otherwise it'll auto-reload:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Building the site so that it can be pushed is done using build:

bundle exec jekyll build

Then commit and push to master. GitHub will automatically generate the _site so there's no need to commit this (see .gitignore). Though the first build will take about 10 minutes, subsequent pushes seem to update within a minute, then the updated content should be available on

Writing posts

Create new posts in _posts. Posts should be named in the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.markdown.

We can add a front matter block at the top of each post (or any file) where we can override custom attributes or define new ones:

layout: post
title: Blogging Like a Hacker

The date (UTC) in a front matter block can be used to override the date from the file name, and posts dated in the future (at the time the site is generated) won't be shown.



Language:SCSS 67.3%Language:JavaScript 16.5%Language:HTML 15.8%Language:Ruby 0.3%