at-wat / mcl_3dl

A ROS node to perform a probabilistic 3-D/6-DOF localization system for mobile robots with 3-D LIDAR(s). It implements pointcloud based Monte Carlo localization that uses a reference pointcloud as a map.

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without imu can not successly run mcl_3dl

txshang opened this issue · comments

Hello,when I launch the mcl_3dl without imu.It pose will never change, it just stop on a position.
I use test_localization_noodom.yaml
and I publish a static tf from basefootprint to velodyne
I can use the without_imu version.
Do I do something wrong so that cause this mistake.

For systems without IMU nor odometry, using this node is not resonable as it is designed to be lightweight especially on mobile robot system. (6-DoF localization only by using LIDAR requires much amount of computation power.)

At least one of odometry and IMU is mandatory.


Lines 1090 to 1096 in 3b6d40c

pnh_.param("fake_imu", fake_imu_, false);
pnh_.param("fake_odom", fake_odom_, false);
if (fake_imu_ && fake_odom_)
ROS_ERROR("One of IMU and Odometry must be enabled");
return false;

Closing as the issue looks a duplicate of #144.
Feel free to reopen if it is not duplicate.