asyncedd / dots.nvim

My neovim dotfiles.

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🏗️ DotsDotNvim (dots.nvim)

⚠️ This README is really really outdated since I'm too lazy.

My personal Neovim configuration



👋 Introduction

This is my personal Neovim configuration. You can yank/put but you can only yank/put ONLY what you know!

Wow, a really good place to put: ⚠️ DISCLAIMER! ⚠️

Here's some DISCLAIMERS!

  • If want to exit Neovim, just plug out your computer (or for laptop users... :) You don't want to). I meant, that'll never work.

🤨 Crash course: Installing


Programs The why
nvim because, yes.
fd for Telescope.nvim
rg for Telescope.nvim
sqlite3 for sqlite.lua
gcc For Tressitter
git For Tressitter
npm for LSP servers written in Javascript
cargo For LSPs written in Rust.
go For LSPs writte in Go.

Other Dependencies:

  • :checkhealth
  • :checkhealth mason

To install this configuration, you need a Neovim build. You can use your favorite package manager or, Install from source. Then clone this repository.


Install requires Neovim 0.10 (Latest nightly). Always review the code before installing a configuration.

Operation Command
git clone ~/.config/dots.nvim NVIM_APPNAME=dots.nvim/ nvim --headless +"Lazy! sync" +qa
NVIM_APPNAME=dots.nvim/ nvim

Then it should bootstrap lazy.nvim 💤. Then you can get a cup of mocha ☕ while you wait. (Not that long btw) Then once it finished, you're done for! (actually) Just run a nvim in your terminal :D

LSP servers

With newer versions of this dotfiles, I'm removing mason.nvim. Use your package manager to install them.

Expand to see more!
Language Name
C/C++ clang
CSS prettierd
Haskell Haskell-language-server (HLS)
Lua LuaLS, Stylua
Markdown Marksman, prettierd
Rust Rust analyzer, RustFMT
Svelte Svelte language server, prettierd, Emmet-LS, TailwindCSS-language-server
TOML Taplo

⚡ Performance

⚠️ Super outdated!

Expand to see screenshots!
Context Screenshot
No arguments (nvim) blank buffer
With Arguments (nvim some.file) a normal buffer

😰 Quitting Nvim.

You're stuck here forever! Muahahahah! You fell RIGHT into my trap! There's no way out! >:D

Inspirations / Credits

Most parts of this configuration is either mine or it's from some configuration I forgot to credit.
If you fell victim to this "asyncedd"'s barbaric actions and feel that you deserve to be more credited, feel free to open an issue.

Repo Why?
NvChad For some various "systemaitic stuff" lets say, and some plugins configurations, kudos to them!
LazyVim For a big portion of the configuration, lazy-loading, plugins configurations, etc... Kudos to them!
Oli's dotfiles I stole the whole heirline configuration from him

Some of this README was generated by Dotfyle