asyncdeveloper / square1-blog

Square1 blogging platform

Repository from Github https://github.comasyncdeveloper/square1-blogRepository from Github https://github.comasyncdeveloper/square1-blog

Square1 blogging platform.


This project was built with Laravel

Integration testing :

Running the Application

With Docker

To run the Application, you must install:

docker-compose up

Run setup script to migrate tables and seed data

docker-compose exec app sh ./

You should be able to visit your app at http://localhost:8080

Without Docker

Install Dependencies

composer install

Run setup script to migrate tables and seed data

chmod +x ./
php artisan serve

You should be able to visit your app at http://localhost:8000


To run integration tests:

 composer test


Square1 blogging platform


Language:PHP 77.7%Language:Blade 20.9%Language:Shell 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%