asyml / vision-transformer-pytorch

Pytorch version of Vision Transformer (ViT) with pretrained models. This is part of CASL ( and ASYML project.

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Vision Transformer - Pytorch

Pytorch implementation of Vision Transformer. Pretrained pytorch weights are provided which are converted from original jax/flax weights. This is a project of the ASYML family and CASL.


Figure 1 from paper

Pytorch implementation of paper An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale. We provide the pretrained pytorch weights which are converted from pretrained jax/flax models. We also provide fine-tune and evaluation script. Similar results as in original implementation are achieved.


Create environment:

conda create --name vit --file requirements.txt
conda activate vit

Available Models

We provide pytorch model weights, which are converted from original jax/flax wieghts. You can download them and put the files under 'weights/pytorch' to use them.

Otherwise you can download the original jax/flax weights and put the fimes under 'weights/jax' to use them. We'll convert the weights for you online.


Currently three datasets are supported: ImageNet2012, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100. To evaluate or fine-tune on these datasets, download the datasets and put them in 'data/dataset_name'.

More datasets will be supported.


python src/ --exp-name ft --n-gpu 4 --tensorboard  --model-arch b16 --checkpoint-path weights/pytorch/imagenet21k+imagenet2012_ViT-B_16.pth --image-size 384 --batch-size 32 --data-dir data/ --dataset CIFAR10 --num-classes 10 --train-steps 10000 --lr 0.03 --wd 0.0


Make sure you have downloaded the pretrained weights either in '.npy' format or '.pth' format

python src/ --model-arch b16 --checkpoint-path weights/jax/imagenet21k+imagenet2012_ViT-B_16.npy --image-size 384 --batch-size 128 --data-dir data/ImageNet --dataset ImageNet --num-classes 1000

Results and Models

Pretrained Results on ImageNet2012

upstream model dataset orig. jax acc pytorch acc model link
imagenet21k ViT-B_16 imagenet2012 84.62 83.90 checkpoint
imagenet21k ViT-B_32 imagenet2012 81.79 81.14 checkpoint
imagenet21k ViT-L_16 imagenet2012 85.07 84.94 checkpoint
imagenet21k ViT-L_32 imagenet2012 82.01 81.03 checkpoint

Fine-Tune Results on CIFAR10/100

Due to limited GPU resources, the fine-tune results are obtained by using a batch size of 32 which may impact the performance a bit.

upstream model dataset orig. jax acc pytorch acc
imagenet21k ViT-B_16 CIFAR10 98.92 98.90
imagenet21k ViT-B_16 CIFAR100 92.26 91.65


  • Colab
  • Integrated into Texar




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Apache License 2.0

Supporting Companies and Universities



Pytorch version of Vision Transformer (ViT) with pretrained models. This is part of CASL ( and ASYML project.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 82.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 17.6%