aswarren / sra_import

SRA import for PATRIC

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SRA Import

#1 SRA accession SRX, SRP, SRR

#1 Fastq files (2 files for paired samples)
#2 Metadata conversion of SRA data to PATRIC. Conforms to

This program will:
#1 Use the given SRA accession and NCBI fastq dump to download fastq files and associated metadata

For SRR accession only fastq files will be created (no experiment level metadata file)


  1. A project (SRP) has one or more samples. However, projects are in the table called study.

A sample (SRS) has one or more experiments (SRX).

An experiment has one or more runs (SRR).

  1. SRA toolkit Use fastq-dump, set flag for split files.

  2. "Runs" are each 2 paired fastq files.

  3. SRA metadata. From EdwardsLab. From Alan: SRA metadata SQL lite file There is one table, named sra, which flattens out data from other tables into one giant row per 'run_accession' (eg. SRRnnnnn)

    Key fields are:

  • run_accession: the id of the specific fastq file (or 2 paired-end files)
  • experiment_accession: possibly a grouping variable for multiple runs
  • study_accession: definitely a grouping variable for multiple runs
  • library_strategy: kind of data: this is "RNA-Seq" for gene expression studies
  • description: this is sometimes useful to distinguish treatments for gene expression experiments
  • sample_attribute: this has multiple pieces of information about the sample, eg treatment
  1. Sample study DRP003075 with helpful views:
  1. Sample SQL grabbing similar metadata fields for all runs for the study:
select run_accession, experiment_accession, study_accession, description, sample_attribute from sra where study_accession = 'DRP003075';
  1. FangFang's method for getting files

  2. Bruce's method for getting files

    Q: Bruce, are you currently pulling any of the seedtk/kernel stuff into CVS? I see is already there; if we can add p3-dowload-samples then it’ll be available to the backend services.

    A: The p3 scripts that are in kernel generally won’t work without additional software. In the case of this particular script, it’s the NCBI’s SRA toolkit, a marauding monster that steals copious amounts of disk space under the covers. I can put it in CVS, but the code that hunts for the location of the SRA toolkit is SEEDtk-dependent. We would need to come up with an alternative strategy.

  3. Q: How should we handle fastq-dump binary?
    A: Need to ask Bob to install.

  4. There is now a fasterq-dump. From thier wiki:

With release 2.9.1 of sra-tools we have finally made available the tool fasterq-dump, a replacement for the much older fastq-dump tool. As its name implies, it runs faster, and is better suited for large-scale conversion of SRA objects into FASTQ files that are common on sites with enough disk space for temporary files. fasterq-dump is multi-threaded and performs bulk joins in a way that improves performance as compared to fastq-dump, which performs joins on a per-record basis (and is single-threaded). fastq-dump is still supported as it handles more corner cases than fasterq-dump, but it is likely to be deprecated in the future.

  1. A sample Perl wrapper for a PATRIC service and the Python thing it wraps

  2. Old command:

fastq-dump -outdir tmp --skip-technical --readids --read-filter pass --dumpbase --split-3 --clip
  • split-3 is the default now
  • skip-technical is the default now
  • there is no readids (append read id after spot id as '' on defline)
  • there is no read-filter (Filters Applied to spots when --split-spot is not set, otherwise - to individual reads; Split into files by READ_FILTER value pass|reject|criteria|redacted)
  • there is no dumpbase (formats sequence using base space, which was default for all except SOLiD)
  • there is no clip (Full Spot Filters Applied to the full spot independently - apply left and right clips)

New command:

fasterq-dump --outdir tmp --split-files
  1. fasterq-dump doesn't have an easy "pass" read-filter like fastq-dump does. It does have a "filter by bases" option.

  2. Check in on whether there's caching or temp files that will need to be cleaned up. I know it cleans up the temp files (and we can control where they are), but is there any kind of additional caching?

  3. Maulik:

  • Find all the samples and read runs using SRA Study Accession: 1 2
  • Use the run table available from the links above to pull sample names and other basic metadata (i.e. organism name, taxonomy, etc) and present it to user in a way that can be used to prepare labels for job input.
  • Use the run list to retrieve all the run accessions and corresponding read files from SRA:
fastq-dump -I --skip-technical --split-files --gzip SRR5660159
  1. We can get the runs for a study with (works with SRP, SRX, and SRR):
curl '' | grep SRP039561 | cut -f1 -d","

curl '' | grep 'SRX2568064' | cut -f1 -d","

curl '' | grep 'SRR1185914' | cut -f1 -d","

curl ''

Fields returned:

  • Run
  • ReleaseDate
  • LoadDate
  • spots
  • bases
  • spots_with_mates
  • avgLength
  • size_MB
  • AssemblyName
  • download_path
  • Experiment
  • LibraryName
  • LibraryStrategy
  • LibrarySelection
  • LibrarySource
  • LibraryLayout
  • InsertSize
  • InsertDev
  • Platform
  • Model
  • SRAStudy
  • BioProject
  • Study_Pubmed_id
  • ProjectID
  • Sample
  • BioSample
  • SampleType
  • TaxID
  • ScientificName
  • SampleName
  • g1k_pop_code
  • source
  • g1k_analysis_group
  • Subject_ID
  • Sex
  • Disease
  • Tumor
  • Affection_Status
  • Analyte_Type
  • Histological_Type
  • Body_Site
  • CenterName
  • Submission
  • dbgap_study_accession
  • Consent
  • RunHash
  • ReadHash
  1. Want to create a similar JSON file to use as input to RNA-Seq:
    "output_path": "/",
    "output_file": "easter",
    "recipe": "RNA-Rocket",
    "reference_genome_id": "205918.60",
    "contrasts": [
    "paired_end_libs": [
            "condition": 1,
            "read1": "/",
            "read2": "/"
            "condition": 2,
            "read1": "/",
            "read2": "/"
    "experimental_conditions": [
    "single_end_libs": [
            "condition": 2,
            "read": "/"
  1. We can get a lot more metadata from the 'docset' call: curl -s ''


SRA import for PATRIC


Language:Python 80.6%Language:Perl 17.9%Language:Makefile 1.5%