aswani521 / RouteOptimizer

CodePath Project Route Optimizer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • Toussaint Minett
  • Aswani Nerella
  • Route Optimizer helps users in optimizing the time spent by the users when they are on road. Eg: The app helps you in finding the suitable Gas station/Pharmacy which falls on the way from your office to home.
  • There are many real life applications for this, as travellers always want to run some errands on their way.

User Stories


  1. Launch Screen: A simple screen with an icon/gif in the middle is presented to the user while we try to find out the location of the user in the background.

  2. Search Screen: A Screen where the users enters his Start Location, end location & Search Term and Go button at the bottom

2.a) Start Location is defaulted to current location, if unable to find current location we will leave it blank and let the user fill in.

2.b) Both Start & End Location - addresses need to be verified using Google APIs

2.c) Search Term: fill in suggestions with Pharmacy or Gas.

  1. Results Screen & Result Details: After performing a search, present the results with Name of the business with info about how many mins/distance off the route this route will take.

3.a) Results Details: When a user clicks on the Results details link, we should present a business details page with image of the location, phone no. of the business & adress. A button with a callout to add it as a via-point.

  1. Route Screen: Once the we have finalized start, end & intermediate pit-stop point, we can plot the route on the Google Maps interface.

Additional Features

  1. Save Locations as favorites
  2. Settings screen

![Alt text](Landing\ View.png "Landing View") ![Alt text](Additional\ Locations.png "Additional Locations View") ![Alt text](Location\ Details.png "Location Details View") ![Alt text](Route\ View.png "Route View")


Most of the functionality is ready (barring few bugs)


CodePath Project Route Optimizer


Language:Objective-C 81.5%Language:HTML 18.3%Language:Ruby 0.2%