asverty / qs-mainnet

Quicksilver Mainnet Repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Quicksilver Mainnet joining instructions

Genesis Transaction Submissions have closed.

Minimum hardware requirements

  • 4 cores (max. clock speed possible)
  • 16GB RAM
  • 500GB+ of NVMe or SSD disk

Software requirements

Install Quicksilver

Requires Go version v1.19+.

> git clone && cd quicksilver
> git fetch origin --tags
> git checkout v1.0.0
> make install

Verify installation

To verify if the installation was successful, execute the following command:

> quicksilverd version --long

It will display the version of quicksilverd currently installed:

name: quicksilver
server_name: quicksilverd
version: 1.0.0
commit: 6371729e38fe8f55c02c9d550107f4618c130c89
build_tags: netgo,ledger,musl
go: go version go1.19.4 linux/amd64

Create a validator

  1. Init Chain and start your node

    > quicksilverd init <moniker-name> --chain-id=quicksilver-1
  2. Create a local key pair Note: we recommend only using Ledger for mainnet! Key security is important!

    > ## create a new key:
    > quicksilverd keys add <key-name>
    > ## or use a ledger:
    > quicksilverd key add <key-name> --ledger     
    > ## or import an old key:
    > quicksilverd keys show <key-name> -a
  3. Download genesis Fetch genesis.json into quicksilverd's config directory (default: ~/.quicksilverd)

    > curl -s > genesis.json

    Genesis sha256

     jq . -S -c ~/.quicksilverd/config/genesis.json | shasum -a 256 
     8bfc3aa7a81eb8c1a2452bdb8d256b372ecfdd67c634b4f63846f755ef4dd815  /home/<user>/.quicksilverd/config/genesis.json
  4. Define minimum gas prices

    sed -i.bak -e "s/^minimum-gas-prices *=.*/minimum-gas-prices = \"0.0001uqck\"/;" ~/.quicksilverd/config/app.toml
  5. Define seed nodes

    export SEEDS=",,"
    sed -i.bak -e "s/^seeds *=.*/seeds = \"$SEEDS\"/" ~/.quicksilverd/config/config.toml
  6. Start your node and sync to the latest block

  7. Create validator

    $ quicksilverd tx staking create-validator \
    --amount 50000000uqck \
    --commission-max-change-rate "0.1" \
    --commission-max-rate "0.20" \
    --commission-rate "0.1" \
    --min-self-delegation "1" \
    --details "a short description lives here" \
    --pubkey=$(quicksilverd tendermint show-validator) \
    --security-contact "" \
    --moniker <your_moniker> \
    --chain-id quicksilver-1 \
    --from <key-name>


Optional, but highly recommended for upgrade automation.

Cosmovisor is process manager for Cosmos-SDK application binaries that enables node automation. It monitors the application's governance module for upgrade proposals and allows for automation of application binary downloads and replacement, resulting in near zero-downtime chain upgrades.


1. Install cosmovisor

Using go version 1.15 or later:

go install

or, specify the target version, for example:

go install

Confirm installation with:

which cosmovisor

The output should be a path to the cosmovisor binary:


2. Add environment variables to shell

The following environment variables must be set:

  1. export DAEMON_NAME=quicksilverd
  2. export DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.quicksilverd
  3. export DAEMON_DATA_BACKUP_DIR=$HOME/.quicksilverd/data_backup

Ensure your environment setup is correctly configured to persist across sessions. Make use of the appropriate system environment configuration files, such as .profile to accomplish this.

3. Directory structure

Cosmovisor expects the following directory structure in $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor:

├── current -> genesis or upgrades/<name>
├── genesis
│   └── bin
│       └── $DAEMON_NAME
└── upgrades
    └── <name>
        └── bin
            └── $DAEMON_NAME

Create the target directory structure with the following:

mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/upgrades

current is a symlink that will be created by cosmovisor.

Set the genesis binary

Cosmovisor requires the genesis binary to be set. Do this by copying the quicksilverd binary to $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/$DAEMON_NAME.

# find quicksilverd binary
which quicksilverd

# copy binary to cosmovisor genesis using output from above command, e.g.
cp build/quicksilverd $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/$DAEMON_NAME

Configure cosmovisor as a system service

Create the system service file:

sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service

Use an editor like vim, micro or nano and set the contents of the file according to your system configuration, for example:


ExecStart=/home/<your-user>/go/bin/cosmovisor start
# Set buffer size to handle:
# Set to true if disk space is limited:


IMPORTANT: If you have limited disk space please set UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP=true. This will avoid an upgrade failure due to insufficient disk space when the backup is created.

Enable and start the cosmovisor service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable cosmovisor
sudo systemctl restart cosmovisor

Check that the service is running:

sudo systemctl status cosmovisor


Quicksilver Mainnet Repository