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Must-read Papers on Legal Intelligence

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Must-read Papers on Legal Intelligence

Contributed by Chaojun Xiao and Haoxi Zhong

Overview of Legal Intelligence

  1. How Does NLP Benefit Legal System: A Summary of Legal Artificial Intelligence.

    Haoxi Zhong, Chaojun Xiao, Cunchao Tu, Tianyang Zhang, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun. ACL 2020. [pdf]


Dataset Task Language Size
Gamper (2000) Parallel Corpus Italian, German 5m words
Grover et al. (2004) Summarization English 40 documents, 12k sentences
Hoekstra et al. (2007) Ontology English 2378 concepts
Demenko et al. (2008) Speech Polish 2h vocal material
Cvrcek et al. (2012) Dictionary Czech 10k entries, 20k terms
Fawei et al. (2016) Question Answering English 400 questions
Locke et al. (2018) Information Retrieve English 3m decisions, 2572 assessments
Araujo et al. (2018) Name Entity Recognition Portuguese 70 documents
Kano et al. (2018) IR and QA Japanese 285 queries, 651 questions
Xiao et al. (2018) Judgment Prediction Chinese 2.68m documents
Manor et al. (2019) Summarization English 505 sets, 175 documents
Chalkidis et al. (2019a) Judgment Prediction English 11.5k documents
Chalkidis et al. (2019b) Classification English 57k documents, 4.3k labels
Duan et al. (2019) Reading Comprehension Chinese 50k questions, 10k documents
Xiao et al. (2019) Similar Case Matching Chinese 9k triplets of documents
Zhong et al. (2020) Question Answering Chinese 30k questions, 80k articles
  1. A parallel corpus of Italian/German legal texts.

    Johann Gamper. LREC 2000. [pdf]

  2. The HOLJ corpus: supporting summarisation of legal texts.

    Claire Grover, Ben Hachey, Ian Hughson. COLING 2004. [pdf]

  3. The lkif core ontology of basic legal concepts.

    Rinke Hoekstra, Joost Breuker, Marcello Di Bello, Alexander Boer. 2007. [pdf]

  4. JURISDIC: Polish speech database for taking dictation of legal texts.

    Grazyna Demenko, Stefan Grocholewski, Katarzyna Klessa, Jerzy Ogorkiewicz, Agnieszka Wagner, Marek Lange, Daniel Sledzinski, Natalia Cylwik. LREC 2008. [pdf]

  5. Legal electronic dictionary for Czech.

    Frantisek Cvrcek, Karel Pala, Pavel Rychly. LREC 2012. [pdf]

  6. Passing a USA national bar exam: a first corpus for experimentation.

    Biralatei Fawei, Adam Wyner, Jeff Pan. LREC 2016. [pdf]

  7. A Test Collection for Evaluating Legal Case Law Search.

    Daniel Locke, Guido Zuccon. SIGIR 2018. [pdf]

  8. Coliee-2018: Evaluation of the competition on legal information extraction and entailment.

    Yoshinobu Kano, Mi-Young Kim, Masaharu Yoshioka, Yao Lu, Juliano Rabelo, Naoki Kiyota, Randy Goebel, Ken Satoh. JSAI 2018. [pdf]

  9. Lener-br: A dataset for named entity recognition in brazilian legal text.

    Pedro Henrique Luz de Araujo, Te¨®filo E. de Campos, Renato R. R. de Oliveira, Matheus Stauffer, Samuel Couto, Paulo Bermejo. PROPOR 2018. [pdf]

  10. CAIL2018: A Large-Scale Legal Dataset for Judgment Prediction.

Chaojun Xiao, Haoxi Zhong, Zhipeng Guo, Cunchao Tu, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Yansong Feng, Xianpei Han, Zhen Hu, Heng Wang, Jianfeng Xu. [pdf]

  1. Plain English summarization of contracts.

    Laura Manor, Junyi Jessy Li. Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019. [pdf]

  2. Neural Legal Judgment Prediction in English.

    Ilias Chalkidis, Ion Androutsopoulos, Nikolaos Aletras. ACL 2019. [pdf]

  3. Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification on EU Legislation.

    Ilias Chalkidis, Manos Fergadiotis, Prodromos Malakasiotis, Ion Androutsopoulos. ACL 2019. [pdf]

  4. Cjrc: A reliable human-annotated benchmark dataset for chinese judicial reading comprehension.

    Xingyi Duan, Baoxin Wang, Ziyue Wang, Wentao Ma, Yiming Cui, Dayong Wu, Shijin Wang, Ting Liu, Tianxiang Huo, Zhen Hu. CCL 2019. [pdf]

  5. Cail2019-scm: A dataset of similar case matching in legal domain.

    Chaojun Xiao, Haoxi Zhong, Zhipeng Guo, Cunchao Tu, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Tianyang Zhang, Xianpei Han, Heng Wang, Jianfeng Xu. [pdf]

  6. Jec-qa: A legal-domain question answering dataset.

    Haoxi Zhong, Chaojun Xiao, Cunchao Tu, Tianyang Zhang, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun. AAAI 2020. [pdf]

Legal Judgment Prediction

  1. Learning to predict charges for criminal cases with legal basis.

    Bingfeng Luo, Yansong Feng, Jianbo Xu, Xiang Zhang, Dongyan Zhao. EMNLP 2017. [pdf]

  2. Few-shot charge prediction with discriminative legal attributes.

    Zikun Hu, Xiang Li, Cunchao Tu, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun. COLING 2018. [pdf]

  3. Legal Judgment Prediction via Topological Learning.

    Haoxi Zhong, Zhipeng Guo, Cunchao Tu, Chaojun Xiao, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun. EMNLP 2018. [pdf]

  4. Interpretable Rationale Augmented Charge Prediction System.

    Xin Jiang, Hai Ye, Zhunchen Luo, Wenhan Chao, Wenjia Ma. COLING 2018. [pdf]

  5. Legal Article-Aware End-To-End Memory Network for Charge Prediction.

    Yatian Shen, Jun Sun, Xiaopeng Li, Lei Zhang, Yan Li, Xiajiong Shen. CSAE 2018. [pdf]

  6. SECaps: A Sequence Enhanced Capsule Model for Charge Prediction.

    Congqing He, Li Peng, Yuquan Le, Jiawei He, and Xiangyu Zhu. [pdf]

  7. Automatic Judgment Prediction via Legal Reading Comprehension.

    Shangbang Long, Cunchao Tu, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun. [pdf]

  8. A Markov Logic Networks Based Method to Predict Judicial Decisions of Divorce Cases.

    Jiajing Li, Guoying Zhang, Hongfei Yan, Longxue Yu, Tao Meng. IEEE SmartCloud. [pdf]

  9. Legal Judgment Prediction via Multi-Perspective Bi-Feedback Network.

    Wenmian Yang, Weijia Jia, Xiaojie Zhou, Yutao Luo. IJCAI 2019. [pdf]

  10. Law text classification using semi-supervised convolutional neural networks.

    Penghua Li, Fen Zhao, Yuanyuan Li, Ziqin Zhu. CCDC. [pdf]

  11. Exploring the Use of Text Classification in the Legal Domain.

    Octavia-Maria Sulea, Marcos Zampieri, Shervin Malmasi, Mihaela Vela, Liviu P. Dinu, Josef van Genabith. [pdf]

  12. Predicting the Law Area and Decisions of French Supreme Court Cases.

    Octavia-Maria Sulea, Marcos Zampieri, Mihaela Vela, Josef van Genabith. RANLP 2017. [pdf]

  13. JUMPER: Learning When to Make Classification Decisions in Reading.

    Xianggen Liu, Lili Mou, Haotian Cui, Zhengdong Lu, Sen Song. IJCAL 2018. [pdf]

  14. Generalize Symbolic Knowledge With Neural Rule Engine.

    Shen Li, Hengru Xu, Zhengdong Lu. [pdf]

  15. An External Knowledge Enhanced Multi-label Charge Prediction Approach with Label Number Learning.

    Duan Wei, Li Lin. [pdf]

  16. Machine learning for explaining and ranking the most influential matters of law.

    Max R. S. Marques, Tommaso Bianco, Maxime Roodnejad, Thomas Baduel, Claude Berrou. ICAIL 2019. [pdf]

  17. Charge-Based Prison Term Prediction with Deep Gating Network. Huajie Chen, Deng Cai, Wei Dai, Zehui Dai, Yadong Ding. EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019. [pdf]

  18. Iteratively Questioning and Answering for Interpretable Legal Judgment Prediction.

    Haoxi Zhong, Yuzhong Wang, Cunchao Tu, Tianyang Zhang, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun. AAAI 2020. [pdf]

  19. Distinguish Confusing Law Articles for Legal Judgment Prediction.

    Nuo Xu, Pinghui Wang, Long Chen, Li Pan, Xiaoyan Wang, Junzhou Zhao. ACL 2020. [pdf]

Court Views Generation

  1. Interpretable Charge Predictions for Criminal Cases: Learning to Generate Court Views from Fact Descriptions.

    Hai Ye, Xin Jiang, Zhunchen Luo, Wenhan Chao. NAACL-HLT 2018. [pdf]

Information Extraction

Named Entity Recognition

  1. Named entity recognition in the legal domain for ontology population.

    Mirian Bruckschen, Caio Northfleet, Paulo Bridi, Roger Granada, Renata Vieira, Prasad Rao, Tomas Sander. 2010. [pdf]

  2. Legal NERC with ontologies, Wikipedia and curriculum learning.

    Cristian Cardellino, Milagro Teruel, Laura Alonso Alemany, Serena Villata. EACL 2017. [pdf]

  3. A Low-cost, High-coverage Legal Named Entity Recognizer, Classifier and Linker.

    Cristian Cardellino, Milagro Teruel, Laura Alonso Alemany, Serena Villata. 2017. [pdf]

  4. Legal Entity Extraction with NER Systems.

    Ines Badji. 2018. [pdf]

  5. Deep Learning for Named-Entity Linking with Transfer Learning for Legal Documents.

    Ahmed Elnaggar, Robin Otto, Florian Matthes. AICCC 2018. [pdf]

  6. Neural Entity Reasoner for Global Consistency in Named Entity Recognition.

    Xiaoxiao Yin, Daqi Zheng, Zhengdong Lu, Ruifang Liu. 2018. [pdf]

  7. Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition in Legal Documents.

    Elena Leitner, Georg Rehm, Julian Moreno-Schneider. SEMANTiCS 2019. [pdf]

Event Extraction

  1. Event extraction and temporal reasoning in legal documents.

    Frank Schilder. 2005. [pdf]

  2. Event extraction for legal case building and reasoning.

    Nikolaos Lagos, Frederique Segond, Stefania Castellani, Jacki O¡¯Neill. IIP 2010. [pdf]

  3. Event Identification as a Decision Process with Non-linear Representation of Text.

    YukunYan, Daqi Zheng, Zhengdong Lu, Sen Song. [pdf]

  4. Apply event extraction techniques to the judicial field.

    Chuanyi Li, Yu Sheng, Jidong Ge, Bin Luo. 2019. [pdf]


  1. **Semantic mark-up of Italian legal texts through NLPbased techniques. **

    Roberto Bartolini, Alessandro Lenci, Simonetta Montemagni, Vito Pirrelli, Claudia Soria. LREC 2004. [pdf]

  2. Legal aspects of text mining.

    Maarten Truyens and Patrick Van Eecke. LREC 2014. [pdf]

  3. Litigation Analytics: Case Outcomes Extracted from US Federal Court Dockets.

    Thomas Vacek, Ronald Teo, Dezhao Song, Conner Cowling, Frank Schilder, Timothy Nugent. NAACL Workshop 2019. [pdf]

  4. A Sequence Approach to Case Outcome Detection.

    Tom Vacek, Frank Schilder. ICAIL 2017. [pdf]

  5. Extracting the Gist of Chinese Judgments of the Supreme Court.

    Chaolin Liu, Kuanchun Chen. ICAIL 2019. [pdf]

Information Retrieval

  1. Analyzing the extraction of relevant legal judgments using paragraph-level and citation information.

    Raghav K, Reddy P K, Reddy V B. ECAI 2016. [pdf]

  2. On the concept of relevance in legal information retrieval.

    Marc Van Opijnen, Cristiana Santos. ECAI 2016. [pdf]

  3. Building legal case retrieval systems with lexical matching and summarization using a pretrained phrase scoring model.

    Vu Tran, Minh Le Nguyen, Ken Satoh. [pdf]

  4. Legal document retrieval using document vector embeddings and deep learning.

    Keet Sugathadasa, Buddhi Ayesha, Nisansa de Silva, Amal Shehan Perera, Vindula Jayawardana, Dimuthu Lakmal, Madhavi Perera. [pdf]

Legal Text Summarization

  1. Automatic summarisation of legal documents.

    Claire Grover, Ben Hachey, Lan Hugson, Chris Korycinski. ICAIL 2003. [pdf]

  2. Summarising legal texts: Sentential tense and argumentative roles.

    Claire Grover, Ben Hachey, Chris Korycinski. NAACL 2003. [pdf]

  3. A Rhetorical Status Classifier for Legal Text Summarisation.

    Ben Hachey, Claire Grover. ACL Workshop 2004. [pdf]

  4. Sentence extraction for legal text summarisation.

    Ben Hachey, Claire Grover. IJCAI 2005. [pdf]

  5. Legal Document Summarization using Latent Dirichlet Allocation.

    Ravi Kumar V, K. Raghuveer. IJCST 2012. [pdf]

  6. Text summarization from legal documents: a survey.

    Ambedkar Kanapala, Sukomal PalRajendra Pamula. Artificial Intelligence Review 2019. [pdf]

  7. A Comparative Study of Summarization Algorithms Applied to Legal Case Judgments.

    Paheli Bhattacharya, Kaustubh Hiware, Subham Rajgaria, Nilay Pochhi, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Saptarshi Ghosh. ECIR 2019. [pdf]

  8. A Novel Approach of Augmenting Training Data for Legal Text Segmentation by Leveraging Domain Knowledge.

    Rupali Sunil Wagh, Deepa Anand. Technologies and Applications 2020. [pdf]

Legal Question Answering

  1. Lexical-Morphological Modeling for Legal Text Analysis.

    Danilo S. Carvalho, Minh-Tien Nguyen, Chien-Xuan Tran, Minh-Le Nguyen. COLIEE 2017. [pdf]

  2. Legal Question Answering using Ranking SVM and Deep Convolutional Neural Network.

    Phong-Khac Do, Huy-Tien Nguyen, Chien-Xuan Tran, Minh-Tien Nguyen, Minh-Le Nguyen. COLIEE 2017. [pdf]

  3. Multi-Task CNN for Classification of Chinese Legal Questions.

    Guangyi Xiao, Jiqian Mo, Even Chow, Hao Chen, Jingzhi Guo, Zhiguo Gong. ICEBE 2017. [pdf]

  4. Chinese Questions Classification in the Law Domain.

    Guangyi Xiao, Even Chow, Hao Chen, Jiqian Mo, Jingzhi Guo, Zhiguo Gong. ICEBE 2017. [pdf]

Semantical Parsing

  1. Object-oriented Neural Programming (OONP) for Document Understanding.

    Zhengdong Lu, Xianggen Liu, Haotian Cui, Yukun Yan, Daqi Zheng. ACL 2018. [pdf]


Must-read Papers on Legal Intelligence