astro / em-mysql

Async MySQL driver for Ruby/Eventmachine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Async MySQL driver for Ruby/EventMachine
  (c) 2008 Aman Gupta (tmm1)

Requires mysqlplus and the EM.attach patch.

  require 'em/mysql'

  # alias SQL for simpler syntax

  SQL = EventedMysql
  def SQL(query, &blk), &blk) end

  # setup connection details and allow 4 connections to the server

  SQL.settings.update :host => 'localhost',
                      :port => 3306,
                      :database => 'test',
                      :connections => 4

  # use 4 connections to execute queries in parallel

  SQL('select sleep(0.25)'){ p 'done' }
  SQL('select sleep(0.25)'){ p 'done' }
  SQL('select sleep(0.25)'){ p 'done' }
  SQL('select sleep(0.25)'){ p 'done' }


Async MySQL driver for Ruby/Eventmachine


Language:Ruby 100.0%