assqingt / NasuTek-Odyssey

A Hobbyist Operating System based off the ReactOS/NT Kernel experimenting with OS Development.

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*                      Readme for NasuTek Odyssey Operating System                  *
*                            Updated September 05, 2011                             *
*                      For the 5.3 Release of Odyssey Professional                  *
*                                and Odyssey Server                                 *

1. What is Odyssey?
     Odyssey is an open source operating system and kernel based off ReactOS. The idea of
Odyssey is to create a easy to use operating system thats secure, based off of ideas from 
Windows NT, powerful, and has support for Linux based binaries (Debian Compatable).

     The reason this is a fork and not a contributation to ReactOS is the ideas for
Odyssey will be vastly diffrent. One is Odyssey isn't striving for complete Windows
Compatabilty. We want to use the ideas off the NT Kernel but want to change the way API's
are written, to make it easier for developers to make Odyssey applications and not worry
about maintaining a compatability layer. One of the good things about using the NT 
Architecture is we will support Linux binaries to expand Odyssey's Software Library. This
subsystem will be called the Odyssey Debian Subsystem or ODS. ODS will allow most Debian
software to run on Odyssey without modification as ODS provides a Linux Subsystem kernel.
ODS will have its shortcomings like for example it wont support Linux drivers. The ideas
of ODS are in the planning stages.

2. Building Odyssey

2.1. Build environment
To build the system you need either mingw32 installed on Windows or a mingw32 cross 
compiler running on unix. You may obtain MinGW binaries that build Odyssey from

2.2. Building Odyssey

2.2.1 Building the binaries
To build Odyssey run 'make' (without the quotes) if you are building on Linux or 
'mingw32-make' if you are building on Windows (or Odyssey) from the top directory. If you 
are using RosBE, follow on-screen instructions.

2.2.2 Building a bootable CD image
To build a bootable CD image run 'make bootcd' (without the quotes) if you are building on
Linux or 'mingw32-make bootcd' if you are building on Windows (or Odyssey) from the top 
directory. This will create a CD image with a filename, bootcd.iso, in the top directory.

2.3. Installation
Odyssey can only be installed on a machine that has a FAT16 or FAT32 partition as the active
(bootable) partition. The partition on which Odyssey is to be installed (which may or may not
be the bootable partition) must also be formatted as FAT16 or FAT32. Odyssey Setup can format
the partitions if needed.

Odyssey can be installed from the source distribution or from the bootable CD distribution.
The two ways to install Odyssey are explained below.

2.3.1 Installation from sources
If you don't have an existing Odyssey installation you want to upgrade, then build a bootable 
CD as described above. Burn the CD image, boot from it, and follow the instructions to install

If you have an existing Odyssey installation you want to upgrade, then to install Odyssey after
building it, type 'make install' or 'mingw32-make install'. This will create the directory
'odyssey' in the top directory. Copy the contents of this directory over the existing

If you don't want to copy the files manually every time you run a 'make install' or
'mingw32-make install', then you can specify the directory where the files are to be copied to
during installation.

Set the ROS_INSTALL environment variable. If you are on Windows this could be done by:

  set ROS_INSTALL=c:\odyssey

If you are on Linux this could be done by:

  export ROS_INSTALL=/mnt/windows/odyssey

Now run 'make install' or 'mingw32-make install' to install the files to the new location.

2.3.2 Installation from bootable CD distribution
To install Odyssey from the bootable CD distribution, extract the archive contents. Then burn 
the CD image, boot from it, and follow instructions.

3. Help
If you run into problems or have suggestions for making Odyssey better, please visit the address
below. Mailing lists are available for a variety of topics, bugs should be submitted to Mantis.


A Hobbyist Operating System based off the ReactOS/NT Kernel experimenting with OS Development.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0