asoubbotin / monorepo-deploy-actions

Deploy Microservices in Monorepo via GitHub Actions and Argo CD

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a set of GitHub Actions to deploy microservices in a mono-repository (monorepo).




Structure of monorepo

In Quipper, our monorepo contains a set of microservices with Kubernetes manifests, for example,

├── backend
|   ├── sources...
|   └── kubernetes
|       ├── base
|       └── overlays
|           ├── develop
|           |   └── kustomization.yaml
|           └── staging
|               └── kustomization.yaml
├── frontend
|   ├── sources...
|   └── kubernetes
|       └── overlays
|           └── ...
└── ...

We adopt this strcuture for the following advantages:

  • An owner of microservice (i.e. product team) has strong ownership for both application and manifest
  • We can change both application and manifest in a pull request

We deploy a set of services from a branch to a namespace. For example,

  • When develop branch is pushed,
    • Build a Docker image from develop branch
    • Run kustomize build against develop overlay
    • Deploy to develop namespace
  • When a pull request is created,
    • Build a Docker image from head branch
    • Run kustomize build against staging overlay
    • Deploy to an ephemeral namespace like pr-12345

Consequently, a structure of monorepo is like below.

└── ${service}
    └── kubernetes
        └── overlays
            └── ${overlay}
                └── kustomization.yaml

Structure of Argo CD Applications

We adopt App of Apps pattern of Argo CD for deployment hierarchy. To deploy multiple microservices (which are built from an overlay) to a namespace, we creates the following applications into Argo CD:

${source-repository-name}  (Application)
└── ${overlay}  (Application)
    └── ${namespace}  (Application)
        └── ${service}  (Application)

Here are the definitions of words.

Name Description Example
source-repository-name name of source repository monorepo
overlay name of overlay to build with Kustomize staging
namespace namespace to deploy into a cluster pr-12345
service name of microservice backend or frontend

Destination repository

We stores generated manifests into a repository. Argo CD syncs between the repository and cluster.

main branch of the repository contains Application manifests.

destination-repository  (branch: main)
└── ${source-repository-name}
    └── ${overlay}
        └── ${namespace}.yaml  (Application)

A namespace branch contains a set of generated manifest and Application manifest per a service.

destination-repository  (branch: ns/${source-repository}/${overlay}/${namespace})
├── applications
|   └── ${namespace}--${service}.yaml  (Application)
└── services
    └── ${service}
        └── generated.yaml


Name Description Status
resolve-aws-secret-version Resolve AWSSecret versionId placeholders in a manifest resolve-aws-secret-version
substitute Substitute variables in manifests substitute
git-push-service Push an Argo CD Application with generated manifest for service git-push-service
git-push-services-from-prebuilt Push an Argo CD Application with generated manifest from prebuilt manifests git-push-services-from-prebuilt
git-push-namespace Push an Argo CD Application for namespace git-push-namespace
git-delete-namespace-application Delete Argo CD Applications of pull request namespaces git-delete-namespace-application
git-delete-namespace-branch Delete branches of pull request namespaces git-delete-namespace-branch
open-backport-pull-request Open Backport Pull Requests from a specific branch open-backport-pull-request


Release workflow

When a pull request is merged into main branch, a new minor release is created by GitHub Actions. See for details.

Dependency update

You can enable Renovate to update the dependencies. See for details.


Deploy Microservices in Monorepo via GitHub Actions and Argo CD

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 97.4%Language:JavaScript 2.1%Language:Shell 0.5%