asonnellini / Download-Lyrics-And-Translate-Python-AWS

LyricsDotCom is a library in Python to download songs lyrics from the website and translate them using AWS translate service.

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Release notes LyricsDotCom

06 August 2020


The library LyricsDotCom allows you to:

  • download the lyric of a song from the website
  • translate the lyric to a target language using AWS translate service (using an API Gtw and a Lambda functions)
  • create a library of artists and songs

For an example of usage, please refer to the section "Demo".

Before using LyricsDotCom, please read the "Requirements" and "Known Limitations" sections of this Release Notes.

New features

  • Translate a lyric from English to any language via AWS translate service
  • New class LibrarySong to store multiple songs and search them by artist, song or both
  • Automatic download of the Chrome Driver file for Chrome v. 84, see also Requirements section
  • Replace "print" with "logging" commands
  • Re-organize file/folder structure and added a
  • Enhanced management of folders path to ensure compatibility with MacOS and Linux (TO BE TESTED)

Classes and methods

  • class SongLyric

    • Attributes:

      • artist: string
      • song: string
      • lyric: string
      • lang: string - language code to translate the lyrics to
      • translated_lyric: string - translated lyrics
    • Methods:

      • __init__( self, artist:str = None, song:str = None, lyric:str = None, anotherSongLyric:object = None ) : it requires at least one input value among artist and song; if an object of class SongLyric is passed, then it creates a copy of it; please see the Section Demo
      • set_artist(self, new_artist:str = None)
      • set_song(self, new_song:str = None)
      • set_lyric(self, new_lyric:str = None)
      • get_artist(self)
      • get_song(self)
      • get_lyric(self)
      • download(self, chrome:str = None, debug = 'INFO')
      • translate(self, target_lang:str = "it")
  • class LibrarySong

    • Attributes:

      • list_song_lyric: list
    • Methods:

      • __init__(self)
      • add_song(self, instance_song_lyric: SongLyric)
      • __iter__(self)
      • retrieve_by_song(self, song_name:str, returned_values:int = 3)
      • retrieve_by_artist(self, artist_name:str, returned_values:int = 3)
      • retrieve_by_artist_and_song(self, artist_name:str, song_name:str, returned_values:int = 3)
      • retrieve_song_by_index(self, song_position)


Import the package

import lyricsDotCom as ldc

Create an object of the class SongLyric

Either artist or song must be string different than None, lyric is optional

testSong = ldc.SongLyric(artist = "timberlake Justin", song = "cry me a river", lyric = "test lyric")

The constructor automatically set to upper-case the first letter of the words of the attributes artist and song to be compliant with format

print(testSong.get_artist()) # returns Timberlake Justin

print(testSong.get_lyric()) # returns test lyric

print(testSong.get_song()) # returns Cry Me A River

"set"-like and "get"-like methods

You can use the "set" methods to manipulate the values of single attributes, and the "get" methods to get the values, e.g.:

testSong.set_artist("dire Straits")

print(testSong.get_artist()) # returns Dire Straits

Create an instance of SongLyric by copy

Create an instance testSong2 of the class SongLyric copying another instance testSong: each attribute from testSong is copied to the corresponding attribute of testSong2

testSong2.ldc.SongLyric(anotherSongLyric = testSong)

the same will happen even if you omit the parameter anotherSongLyric:


Download a lyric from

To download a lyric from there are 2 possible scenarios: Chrome Driver already available in your system as opposed to Chrome Driver not available in your system.

  1. First Scenario: Chrome Driver already available in your systemcase:

    1.1. Check where your chromedriver.exe is located and store its path in a variable (see also the Requirement session)

    chrome_location = "D:\chrome_driver_selenium\chromedriver.exe"

    1.2. Create an object SongLyric that has the artist and song of your interest: both attributes are strictly necessary

    testSong = ldc.SongLyric(artist = "timberlake Justin", song = "cry me a river")

    1.3. Apply the download method passing the chrome location

    1.4. Once the download is completed, the lyric downloaded from is stored in the attribute "lyric""


  2. Second scenario: Chrome Driver not available in your system:

    2.1. Create an object that has the artist and song of your interest: both attributes are strictly necessary

    testSong = ldc.SongLyric(artist = "timberlake Justin", song = "cry me a river")

    2.2. Apply the download method without passing the chrome location; the program will check if any Chrome driver is available in the PATH or in the working directory. If no Chrome driver is found, the program will ask you confirmation whether it could try to download the Chrome driver for Chrome version 84. If you accept the Chrome Driver will be downloaded and the program will continue as in the First Scenario

Translate a lyric

You can call the method "translate" on an instance of SongLyric that has a lyric and specify the code of the target language for the translation. For a complete list of codes, please visit

Note: if the instance has no lyric, the program will return an error.


Create a library of songs

Consider multiple instances of SongLyric

testSong = ldc.SongLyric(artist = "timberlake Justin", song = "cry me a river")

testSong2 = ldc.SongLyric(artist = "dire straits", song = "sultans of swing", lyric = "test lyric2")

testSong3 = ldc.SongLyric(artist = "50 cent", song = "in da club", lyric = "test lyric3")

Create an instance of LibrarySong

library = ldc.LibrarySong()

Add songs to the LibrarySong instance




You can iterate over the elements of the library

for i in library_song:

	print(i[1]) # it will return artist name
	print(i[2]) # it will return song name
	print(i[3]) # it will return the lyric
	print(i[4]) # it will return the translated lyric
	print(i[5]) # it will return the language of the translated lyric

Search for a song among those stored in the LibrarySong object

You can search among the songs stored in library by song, or artist or both; all these methods will return a list with the matches of the search:

print(library_song.retrieve_by_song("in da club"))

print(library_song.retrieve_by_artist("50 cent"))

print(library_song.retrieve_by_artist_and_song("50 cent", "in da club"))

The above search-methods support an input parameter named argument returned_values. This input parameter is an integer and can take 3 different values: 3 (default), 4 or 5. Specifically: 3 (default) return a list having position, Artist name, Song Name; 4 is same as 3 plus the lyric; 5 same as 4 plus the translated lyric :

print(library_song.retrieve_by_artist("dire straits", 5)) # it returns all songs from Dire Straits, showing for each of them:

  • their position in library_song
  • the artist name
  • the song
  • the lyric
  • the translated lyric


  • To use LyricsDotCom:

    • Place the folder lyricsDotCom in the working directory where your python script runs
    • Import the module lyricsDotCom via:

    import lyricsDotCom as ldc

  • Chrome driver: LyricsDotCom uses Chromedriver via Selenium to navigate This driver requires Chrome to be already installed in your system. The driver:

    • Can be downloaded from this link:
    • Should be stored in a folder that is accessible to the python user who uses LyricsDotCom
    • The path of this folder has to be passed to the method "download" which downloads the lyric, please see the Demo section for an example
      • If no path is passed explicitly to the method:
        • The library will both try to retrieve the path from the PATH environment variable and/or check if it is in your current working directory
        • If driver is still not found, the library will attempt to download it automatically for Chrome v. 84 upon your confirmation.
  • Python libraries:

    • lxml
    • selenium
    • time
    • requests
    • bs4
    • sys
    • logging
    • pathlib
    • platform
    • wget
    • zipfile

Known Limitations

LyricsDotCom may fail to download the lyric within the following scenarios:

  • Slow internet connection
  • Mismatch between the name of the artist/song entered by the user and the one used on

The translation of the lyric will fail if the text to be translated has special characters that cannot be formatted properly in the JSON.

The library is not managing yet certain "critical" scenarios, like for example errors that AWS translate service may return.

22 July 2020


The library LyricsDotCom allows you to download the lyric of a song from the website

For an example of usage, please refer to the section "Demo".

Before using LyricsDotCom, please read the "Requirements" and "Known Limitations" sections of this Release Notes.

Classes and methods

  • class SongLyric
    • Attributes:

      • artist: string
      • song: string
      • lyric: string
    • Methods:

      • __init__() : it requires at least one input value among artist and song; if an object of class SongLyric is passed, then it creates a copy of it; please see the Section Demo
      • set_artist()
      • set_song()
      • set_lyric()
      • get_artist()
      • get_song()
      • get_lyric()
      • download(chrome = )


import lyrics_dot_com as ldc

Create an object of the class SongLyric (either artist or song must be string different than None, lyric is optional)

testSong = ldc.SongLyric(artist = "timberlake Justin", song = "cry me a river", lyric = "test lyric")

The constructor automatically set the first letter of the words of the attributes artist

and song to upper-case to be compliant with format

print(testSong.get_artist()) # returns Timberlake Justin print(testSong.get_lyric()) # returns test lyric print(testSong.get_song()) # returns Cry Me A River

You can use the "set" methods to manipulate the values of single attributes, and the get" methods to get the values, e.g.:

testSong.set_artist("dire Straits") print(testSong.get_artist()) # returns Dire Straits

Create an instance testSong2 of the class SongLyric copying another instance testSong: each attribute from testSong is copied to the corresponding attribute of testSong2

testSong2.ldc.SongLyric(anotherSongLyric = testSong)

the same will happen even if you omit the parameter anotherSongLyric:


To download a lyric from

1 - Check where your chromedriver.exe is located and store its path in a variable (see also the Requirement session)

chrome_location = "D:\chrome_driver_selenium\chromedriver.exe"

2 - Create an object that has the artist and song of your interest: both attributes are strictly necessary

testSong = ldc.SongLyric(artist = "timberlake Justin", song = "cry me a river")

3 - Apply the download method passing the chrome location

4 - Once the download is completed, the attribute lyrics will have the lyric downloaded from



  • To use LyricsDotCom:

    • Both the files and has to be placed in the current python working directory
    • Import the classes from in your script, e.g.

    import lyrics_dot_com as ldc

  • Chrome driver: LyricsDotCom uses Chromedriver via Selenium to navigate The driver:

    • Can be downloaded from this link:
    • Should be stored in a folder that is accessible to the python user who uses LyricsDotCom
    • The path of this folder has to be passed to the method "download" which downloads the lyric, please see the Demo section for an example
      • If no path is passed explicitly to the method, the library will try to retrieve the path from the PATH environment variable.
  • Python libraries:

    • lxml
    • selenium
    • time
    • requests
    • bs4
    • sys

Known Limitations

LyricsDotCom may fail to download the lyric within the following scenarios:

  • Slow internet connection
  • Mismatch between the name of the artist/song entered by the user and the one used on

14 July 2020


The library LyricsDotCom allows you to download the lyric of a song from the website

For an example of usage, please refer to the section "Demo".

Before using LyricsDotCom, please read the "Requirements" and "Known Limitations" sections of this Release Notes.

Classes and methods

  • class SongLyric
    • Attributes:

      • artist: string
      • song: string
      • lyric: string
    • Methods:

      • __init__() : it requires at least one input value among artist and song; if an object of class SongLyric is passed, then it creates a copy of it; please see the Section Demo
      • set_artist(<string>)
      • set_song(<string>)
      • set_lyric(<string>)
      • get_artist()
      • get_song()
      • get_lyric()
      • download(chrome = <path of chromedriver.exe>)


import Class as cls

# Create an object of the class SongLyric (either artist or song must be string different than None, lyric is optional)
testSong = cls.SongLyric(artist = "timberlake Justin", song = "cry me a river", lyric = "test lyric")

# The constructor automatically set the first letter of the words of the attributes artist 
# and song to upper-case to be compliant with format
print(testSong.get_artist()) # returns Timberlake Justin
print(testSong.get_lyric()) # returns test lyric
print(testSong.get_song()) # returns Cry Me A River

# You can use the set methods to manipulate the values of single attributes, 
# and the methods get to get the values, e.g.:
testSong.set_artist("dire Straits")
print(testSong.get_artist()) # returns Dire Straits

# Create an instance testSong2 of the class SongLyric copying another instance testSong:
# each attribute from testSong is copied to the corresponding attribute of testSong2
testSong2.cls.SongLyric(anotherSongLyric = testSong)
# the same will happen even if you omit the parameter anotherSongLyric:

# To download a lyric from
# 1 - Check where your chromedriver.exe is located and store its path in a variable (see also the Requirement session)
chrome_location = "D:\chrome_driver_selenium\chromedriver.exe"
# 2 - Create an object that has the artist and song of your interest: both attributes are strictly necessary
testSong = cls.SongLyric(artist = "timberlake Justin", song = "cry me a river")
# 3 - Apply the download method passing the chrome location
# 4 - Once the download is completed, the attribute lyrics will have the lyric downloaded from


  • To use LyricsDotCom:

    • Both the files and has to be placed in the current python working directory
    • Import the classes from in your script, e.g.
     import Class as cls
  • Chrome driver: LyricsDotCom uses Chromedriver via Selenium to navigate The driver:

    • Can be downloaded from this link:
    • Should be stored in a folder that is accessible to the python user who uses LyricsDotCom
    • The path of this folder has to be passed to the method "download" which downloads the lyric, please see the Demo section for an example
      • If no path is passed explicitly to the method, the library will try to retrieve the path from the PATH environment variable.
  • Python libraries:

    • lxml
    • selenium
    • time
    • requests
    • bs4
    • sys

Known Limitations

LyricsDotCom may fail to download the lyric within the following scenarios:

  • Slow internet connection
  • Mismatch between the name of the artist/song entered by the user and the one used on

12 July 2020


Chromium driver

Python libraries:

  • lxml
  • selenium
  • time
  • requests
  • bs4
  • sys


  • Download a lyric from

Known limitations

  • no exception management
  • no object-oriented design
  • no engineering of the software (i.e. all in one script with no functions)


LyricsDotCom is a library in Python to download songs lyrics from the website and translate them using AWS translate service.


Language:Python 100.0%